Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
So now you all are equating Obama with Hitler...
... now he is a racist...

I don't equate Obama with Hitler....of course he is a racist based on the views of his church, spiritual leader and the honoring of a racist hater legend...that one you got right for a change. You're coming around.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Can I jump in without actually reading the last few pages of this thread? The question about OBL is easy: It's a non issue now.Our CIA is looking for him, the next POTUS will get credit for his death. We ( as a collective group) need to evaluate the cause of our issues, not the symptoms.
Having said that, didn't Obama Kick A on McCain today? Go O!
SHame on you Suzy



Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Im not really poilitically savy, I dont keep up with politics as much as I should. I do know I like McCain more than Clinton or Bomba, for reasons possibly less important to others than to me. However I still cannot get passed the fact that we as a country maybe electing a president that wont pledge allegence to our flag...Based on that alone I find his candidacy sicking. jmo.
Cut Barry some slack..maybe he forgot the words. After all he had difficulty with those yes/no buttons as an Illinois senator.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
HELLO, Al Qeada is already there. How could any sane person think we could leave Iraq and not have Al Qeada increase their power base there.
THey are?...Not according to Barry cuz he's got the movin vans gased up and pointed east to pick the troops up. He's gonna start the movin vans within 60 days should he be elected. Stop spreading rumors about AQ in Iraq.


Active Member

Originally Posted by metweezer
Wow! Has any other thread received so many responses? I am a Republican but Barak just might be our next president. My .02

And there might be a Richard Simmons Jr one day. Obama is not likely to win the general as he is just too far left for most Americans. I'm pretty confident once he is placed under the microsope he will be rejected as too liberal on ALL issues.


Active Member
More Good News from Iraq.....
The TimesFebruary 11, 2008
Al-Qaeda leaders admit: 'We are in crisis. There is panic and fear'
Martin Fletcher in Baghdad
Al-Qaeda in Iraq faces an “extraordinary crisis”. Last year's mass defection of ordinary Sunnis from al-Qaeda to the US military “created panic, fear and the unwillingness to fight”. The terrorist group's security structure suffered “total collapse”.
These are the words not of al-Qaeda's enemies but of one of its own leaders in Anbar province — once the group's stronghold. They were set down last summer in a 39-page letter seized during a US raid on an al-Qaeda base near Samarra in November.
The US military released extracts from that letter yesterday along with a second seized in another November raid that is almost as startling.
“We were mistreated, cheated and betrayed by some of our brothers,” he says. “Those people were nothing but hypocrites, liars and traitors and were waiting for the right moment to switch sides with whoever pays them most.”
Assuming the two documents are authentic — and the US military insists that they are — they provide a rare insight into an organisation thrown into turmoil by the rise of the Awakening movement. More than 80,000 Sunnis have joined the tribal groups of “concerned local citizens” [CLCs] that have helped to eject al-Qaeda from swaths of western and northern Iraq, including much of Baghdad.
The Anbar letter conceded that the “crusaders” — Americans — had gained the upper hand by persuading ordinary Sunnis that al-Qaeda was responsible for their suffering and by exploiting their poverty to entice them into the security forces. Al-Qaeda's “Islamic State of Iraq is faced with an extraordinary crisis, especially in al-Anbar”, the unnamed emir admitted.
In an apparent reference to al-Qaeda's brutal tactics, he said of the Americans and their Sunni allies: “We helped them to unite against us . . . The Americans and the apostates launched their campaigns against us and we found ourselves in a circle not being able to move, organise or conduct our operations.”
He said of the loss of Anbar province: “This created weakness and psychological defeat. This also created panic, fear and the unwillingness to fight. The morale of the fighters went down . . . There was a total collapse in the security structure of the organisation.” The emir complained that the supply of foreign fighters had dwindled and that they found it increasingly hard to operate inside Iraq because they could not blend in. Foreign suicide bombers determined to kill “not less than 20 or 30 infidels” grew disillusioned because they were kept hanging about and only given small operations. Some gave up and went home.
Rear-Admiral Gregory Smith, the US military spokesman in Baghdad, called Abu-Tariq's testament a “woe-is-me kind of document”. It calls the Sunnis who switched sides a “cancer in the body of al-Jihad movement”, and declares: “We should have no mercy on them.”
The author lists those who have made off with al-Qaeda weapons or money, describes the group's arsenal, including C5 rockets, which are used against helicopters, and records the fate of the battalions under his command.
Most of the first battalion's fighters “betrayed us and joined al-Sahwah [the Awakening]”, he says. The leader of the second ran away and all but two of its 300 fighters joined the Awakening. The activities of the third were “frozen due to their present conditions”. Of the fourth he writes: “Most of its members are scoundrels, sectarians, non-believers”.
He lists 38 people still working for him but beside five names he has written comments like “We have not seen him for twenty days” or “left us a week ago”. He concludes, wistfully: “And that is the number of fighters left in my sector.”
Extracts from letters
Abu-Tariq, al-Qaeda leader
“There were almost 600 fighters in our sector before the tribes changed course 360 degrees . . . Many of our fighters quit and some of them joined the deserters . . . As a result of that the number of fighters dropped down to 20 or less.”
“We were mistreated, cheated and betrayed by some of our brothers who used to be part of the Jihadi movement, therefore we must not have mercy on those traitors until they come back to the right side or get eliminated completely.”
Unnamed emir, Anbar province
“The Islamic State of Iraq [al-Qaeda] is faced with an extraordinary crisis, especially in al-Anbar province. Al-Qaeda’s expulsion from Anbar created weakness and psychological defeat. This also created panic, fear and the unwillingness to fight.
“The morale of the fighters went down and they wanted to be transferred to administrative positions rather than be fighters. There was a total collapse in the security structure of the organisation.”


Active Member
A couple interesting recent Gallup polls... I just hope supporters of each candidate can remain positive about their candidate without stooping to traditional nasty attacks of what could be their opponents in a general election.
Public Views Obama, McCain as Unifying Candidates

Democrats, Republicans: Obama Likely to Win Nomination

McCain Competitive With Democrats in Latest Trial Heats



Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Cut Barry some slack..maybe he forgot the words. After all he had difficulty with those yes/no buttons as an Illinois senator.
I'm pretty certain I don't want anyone who has that many issues pressing a simple "yes" "no" or "present" vote to have the red button nearby.
I can't wait for the first Republican commercial making fun of the numerous "oops, I didn't mean to vote like that" comments by Obombus.
In a related story, I love how Texas does the Primaries. We don't register Republican or Democrat. We can vote during the day, then go vote again in the Caucuses in the evening, in whatever party we want. So a couple of us are going to go to a Democratic Caucus and have some fun Tuesday evening.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Having said that, didn't Obama Kick A on McCain today? Go O!
No, actually he did what Rylan does. He deflected the point.
Obama said in the debate last night that he would send troops back in "if Al Qaeda is forming a base in Iraq."
McCain, rightly so, (and frankly what I've been saying ever since Obombus made the goofy "bomb Pakistan" remark") pointed out Al Qaeda is already in Iraq. The only reason they don't have a base there is due to our military and the Iraqi troops and police we are training.
Obombus painted himself into a corner; unless he plans on withdrawing and immedietely re-invading.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
In a related story, I love how Texas does the Primaries. We don't register Republican or Democrat. We can vote during the day, then go vote again in the Caucuses in the evening, in whatever party we want. So a couple of us are going to go to a Democratic Caucus and have some fun Tuesday evening.

Do you really feel politics are just fun and games for your amusement? I had to look at your profile for age... "ABSTAIN".


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm pretty certain I don't want anyone who has that many issues pressing a simple "yes" "no" or "present" vote to have the red button nearby.
I can't wait for the first Republican commercial making fun of the numerous "oops, I didn't mean to vote like that" comments by Obombus.
In a related story, I love how Texas does the Primaries. We don't register Republican or Democrat. We can vote during the day, then go vote again in the Caucuses in the evening, in whatever party we want. So a couple of us are going to go to a Democratic Caucus and have some fun Tuesday evening.

DOn't forget he admitted he made an error in judgement by dealing with a known individual that was under federal investigation Rezko. Does that make you confident? Barry seems to make PLENTY key mistakes. He wants another chance every time he makes a boo boo. Let me see...Yes/NO....gee it's confusing..oops..did I do that...The Urkel Candidate


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Do you really feel politics are just fun and games for your amusement? I had to look at your profile for age... "ABSTAIN".
Not me...I may joke but I am SERIOUS. I love my country and REFUSE to let it go down the toliet by a FAR LEFT candidate. It's bad for america.
I also have ZERO respect for somone that is a member of a racist church that honored a racist hater legend in America....and the pastor delivers hate messages and uses profanity in his sermons. Many white amreicans and those of the Jewish faith are offended by this.....we have a right to reject it and expose it for what it is.
JOurney is quite serious..and I'm sure was just having a laugh as we all do. ..that's why it ended in a smiley face


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Do you really feel politics are just fun and games for your amusement? I had to look at your profile for age... "ABSTAIN".
Just the opposite, actually. I take politics very seriously and think people need to educate themselves a lot more than I'm currently seeing in our country. I refuse to allow people to stick their heads in the clouds Tuesday and vote for a candidate they know nothing about without being challenged.
Unlike Obombus, I take my votes seriously and refuse to abstain...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Obama said in the debate last night that he would send troops back in "if Al Qaeda is forming a base in Iraq."
Obombus painted himself into a corner; unless he plans on withdrawing and immedietely re-invading.

No he didn't remember define "is".......he will simply say define "base".



Active Member
Good point... He may just redefine "terrorists" or "Al Qaeda"... Or, even better, he can send the troops to Okinawa and then later say he meant to send them to Iraq


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Good point... He may just redefine "terrorists" or "Al Qaeda"... Or, even better, he can send the troops to Okinawa and then later say he meant to send them to Iraq

I'm convinced it's virtually impossible for barry to paint himself into a corner...he'll simply state that's not what he meant and/or meant to do. and/or say. He'll quickly change the topic to Obama CAre or some hope message.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
In a related story, I love how Texas does the Primaries. We don't register Republican or Democrat. We can vote during the day, then go vote again in the Caucuses in the evening, in whatever party we want. So a couple of us are going to go to a Democratic Caucus and have some fun Tuesday evening.

Do you really feel politics are just fun and games for your amusement? I had to look at your profile for age... "ABSTAIN".
Originally Posted by 1journeyman

Just the opposite, actually. I take politics very seriously and think people need to educate themselves a lot more than I'm currently seeing in our country. I refuse to allow people to stick their heads in the clouds Tuesday and vote for a candidate they know nothing about without being challenged.
Unlike Obombus, I take my votes seriously and refuse to abstain...

Glad you tried to clear up my question because "We can vote during the day, then go vote again in the Caucuses in the evening, in whatever party we want. So a couple of us are going to go to a Democratic Caucus and have some fun Tuesday evening.
To me you and your friends were going to have fun at the Democratic Causcaus. I took it as you thought is was going to be fun to play games about the FUTURE of the USA. I thought that was a very unpatriotic comment. I think you cleared it up and responded directly to the quote, just not positive...


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Do you really feel politics are just fun and games for your amusement? I had to look at your profile for age... "ABSTAIN".
Why not go mess with the democratic primaries, the liberal press basically chose our candidate, and sadly republicans were so scared of hillary they took the bait.


I was kinda torn on who I would be voting for this coming election.
Then Nader threw himself into the mix.
Now I know exactly who I'm wasting my vote on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Well if you want to debate the policies than lets compare them... what I'm sick of is the slanderous personal attacks. .
1st issue.. he said he will discontinue corporate tax breaks for companies who take jobs overseas.. and give tax breaks to those that invest in America.
As for this concept.
What really needs to be asked is,
1.Why companies are moving over seas?
2.Is outsourcing really bad for the country as a whole?
3.What are the current employment numbers?
4.Is outsourcing really a problem?