Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
...In the debate lastnight he answered all your criticisms about alleged connection with Farrakahn ....
No he didn't. He didn't explain my chief concern, which is that he is the member of a "christian" church, whose pastor says Farrakhan "epitomizes greatness."
Farrakhan is a blatant racist, a supporter of militant islam, a hater of Israel and America, and apparently a space traveler (if you believe him when he says he was beamed into a space ship to meet the dead founder of the NOI)
Rylan, you posted a list of people McCain was tried too. Want to compare any of the people on your list with Farrakhan?


Originally Posted by reefraff
This was a classic exchange. Obama says he will pull the troops out of Iraq. When pressed he said he would reserve the right to reinvade if Al Qaeda established a base there.
Once pointed out that Iraq already has Al Qaeda there Obamas respose was "Well they weren't there before Bush and McCain invaded" and the Obamidites cheer with glee.
These people are not smart enough to figure it out. Obama looks to the left and says he's ending the war in Iraq and bringing the troops home and then he loooks to the right and says "but I will invade again if Al Qeada comes back.
So what is it Barry, you bringing the troops home or are you going to wipe out Al Qeada first?

And that is why Obama is a fool.

"AQ is in Iraq? Oh, well, its Bush's fault."
Yeah, no kidding! But that's not a bad thing: its great! We invaded Iraq and attracted AQ to come there and fight us! Win-win! Now we know where they are, and can kill them.

-Ozmar the Supportive


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
"So now you all are equating Obama with Hitler"
They are both socialists.
Oscar took the wind out of my sails...
I never equated Obombus with Hitler.
My point, Rylan, was to throw out an absurdity to get you to acknowledge it. As a Mod I'm called a Nazi about once a week for locking or deleting threads, enforcing rules, etc. It's incredibly offensive. The Nazi party was a blight on humanity.
However... Obama is a Socialist, and many of the groups that support him are borderline fascists.. He is trying to convince people that America is the problem, that the Government is the answer, and that the Feds can provide for all of your needs... Compare that to the message broadcast to the Germans in the late 20's and early 30's.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
I think they both will get independent votes.
1. He has backed off his gun stance, he realizes this is something that won't change and that legal gun users have the right to have them.. I understand his initial view and agree with it in theory... most gun violence.. accident or criminal are done by handguns... and not weapons a hunter would typically use. He has said he will uphold your 2nd Amend rights
2. So if a sister, a brother, a uncle, grandparent...best friend.. etc took this person across statelines who was 16 ... it would be a crime? I would like to know more specific info on the bill... instead of the vague summary of it.
3. Illegal immigration is a difficult issue.. I think by alllowing them to drive gets them in the system.. I think his view is a humanitarian view... I'm trying to remember his exact words on the issue... I'd have to look them up. One thing I'll point out is look at what McCain's proposal was... he wanted to grant ammnesty w/o securing the borders.He's backed off because it would be political suicide.
1. Interesting. You bashed McCain for changing his views on taxes, but let Obombus pass on changing a major political position. Fair enough. I'm all for letting politicians change their mind once they educate themselves.
2. The parents of a minor should absolutely know, without exception, if another adult is transporting them across State lines to have an abortion... That's a parental issue

3. Giving them driver licenses is more than McCain's plan was doing. Aside from that, Obombus's plan is virtually identical to McCains. (almost as though he plagarised it...)


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
3. Giving them driver licenses is more than McCain's plan was doing. Aside from that, Obombus's plan is virtually identical to McCains. (almost as though he plagarised it...)
Probably joint authors if anything. (pure speculation)


Can I jump in without actually reading the last few pages of this thread? The question about OBL is easy: It's a non issue now.Our CIA is looking for him, the next POTUS will get credit for his death. We ( as a collective group) need to evaluate the cause of our issues, not the symptoms.
Having said that, didn't Obama Kick A on McCain today? Go O!


Active Member
Wow! Has any other thread received so many responses? I am a Republican but Barak just might be our next president. My .02


Originally Posted by Suzy
Having said that, didn't Obama Kick A on McCain today? Go O!
Nice try with the small yellow font, Suzy! Don't be afraid to express your opinions... to paraphrase an old dead guy, "I may not like your opinion, but I'm willing to die to ensure you can express it freely."


Active Member
Obama exposed his complete lack of a real plan for Iraq today.
From Obama's website
"Bringing Our Troops Home
Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq'
Now today he admits Al Qeada is in Iraq but last night he said he would re invade Iraq if Al Qeada attempted to make that its base of opperations.
HELLO, Al Qeada is already there. How could any sane person think we could leave Iraq and not have Al Qeada increase their power base there. The reason Al Qeada has been on the run in Iraq is the troop surge. Under the Boba's plan we will remove one or two brigades per month until we are out. All Al Qeada has to do is lay low for a year and wait for the number to be in their favor again. STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!
Saying "I gave a speech against the war" isn't going to solve the situation on the ground.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Obama exposed his complete lack of a real plan for Iraq today.
From Obama's website
"Bringing Our Troops Home
Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq'
Now today he admits Al Qeada is in Iraq but last night he said he would re invade Iraq if Al Qeada attempted to make that its base of opperations.
HELLO, Al Qeada is already there. How could any sane person think we could leave Iraq and not have Al Qeada increase their power base there. The reason Al Qeada has been on the run in Iraq is the troop surge. Under the Boba's plan we will remove one or two brigades per month until we are out. All Al Qeada has to do is lay low for a year and wait for the number to be in their favor again. STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!
Saying "I gave a speech against the war" isn't going to solve the situation on the ground.
That's Change You Can Beleive IN...
The guy is lost on national security and fighting terrorists. If you see one of my earlier posts, he wants to give them health care, etc...basically he believes the countries where the terrorists are suppoerted need social programs..that's his answer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
That's Change You Can Beleive IN...
The guy is lost on national security and fighting terrorists. If you see one of my earlier posts, he wants to give them health care, etc...basically he believes the countries where the terrorists are suppoerted need social programs..that's his answer.

lol, maybe it is daily change, of his stance based on who he is talking too?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
1st issue how about you answer academically the problem issues issues I've already proposed...
  • Wage and Price controls
  • Church preaches United States of White America (this is not a personal attack, if racism is on the table, then this church affiliation is on the table)
    Government Mandated Healthcare plan
    Not an emissary of change.
    You have said he is willing to be a democratic team player. His foundational platform contains all the same items that have been in the democratic agenda in recent history.
    1. Abortion
    2. Expansion of entitlement programs
    3. Redistribution of wealth.
    4. Raising taxes
    5. Iraq position
    What is different than what has been preached by the left for recent history?
On a side note don't adress abortion that is another thread entirely.
But address the economic and foreign policy positions. Also what needs to be addressed is why his plans with work even through history has proven liberal, keynesian policies as failures.
I still haven't heard anything, you wanted issues. I recapped issues that I have previously raised. Have yet to get a response


Active Member
I see some new polls out have McCain now ahead of Barry Obama. As the word gets out and Barry is placed under a microscpoe, his FAR LEFT views will be rejected by main stream america.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Obama exposed his complete lack of a real plan for Iraq today.
From Obama's website
"Bringing Our Troops Home
Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq'
Now today he admits Al Qeada is in Iraq but last night he said he would re invade Iraq if Al Qeada attempted to make that its base of opperations.
HELLO, Al Qeada is already there. How could any sane person think we could leave Iraq and not have Al Qeada increase their power base there. The reason Al Qeada has been on the run in Iraq is the troop surge. Under the Boba's plan we will remove one or two brigades per month until we are out. All Al Qeada has to do is lay low for a year and wait for the number to be in their favor again. STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!
Saying "I gave a speech against the war" isn't going to solve the situation on the ground.
He'll cut and run from the middle east...he'll surrender. maybe he'll invade Illinois and take out his domestic terorrist supporter Ayers.



Active Member
LOL for you talk radio recap...
Historically we have refered to our prez by their initials. JFK, FDR, LBJ, W, HW Bush. Obama's would be BHO, since we can't say his middle name, maybe we should just call him BO...


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Saying "I gave a speech against the war" isn't going to solve the situation on the ground.
You are misunderstanding barry Obama...that is his strategy ...with the exception of surrendering to the terrorists and universal healthcare...he says little regarding any substance. The solution to all other problems is HOPE and chatting about HOPE. No real substance. Barry has no solutions..but if you faint...he'll be right on that like a cat on a cheeto.


Active Member
On a more serious note,
If Obama has said "if al-Qaida is forming a base in Iraq." he would invade Iraq.
And he has said. "There was no such thing as al-Qaida in Iraq until George Bush and John McCain decided to invade Iraq."
Then he doesn't really plan on getting us out...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I still haven't heard anything, you wanted issues. I recapped issues that I have previously raised. Have yet to get a response
Issues are unimportant...it'a all about hope. To answer your questions and issues...simple hope covers them all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
On a more serious note,
If Obama has said "if al-Qaida is forming a base in Iraq." he would invade Iraq.
And he has said. "There was no such thing as al-Qaida in Iraq until George Bush and John McCain decided to invade Iraq."
Then he doesn't really plan on getting us out...

I never knew only two poeple supported the war.
Interesting, numerous terrorists groups were in Iraq and were supported by Iraq prior to the war...so he now with his words supports an Iraq war if terrorists are present in Iraq?