Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ozmar
See? I told ya! Godwin's Law!

Anyway, I just want to make it clear that I disagree with Obama fundamentally on all of his policy proscriptions. If you want to talk policies, then I'm your man. His ideas are bad for America. Ergo, he should not be our president.
-Ozmar the Ideological
I'd be more interested in comparing the two presumptive nominees than going back and forth with the silly chatter that so many others have posted. I was just looking on McCain's site, and it did lack substance on many issues..
Oh, and after your initial comment... you were the 1st one to mention Hitler... so you loose... Goodwin's Law


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
We equated his speeches to Hitler and the ability to whip a crowd into a frenzy...that is all. In a sense it is a compliment...Obama can speak, I will give him that...
But his dirty laundry is starting to come out...don't think it will be the cake walk you believe it to be. The dems would have been better off with Hilary to be honest.
I think if you watched the debate lastnight... you would have a different opinion. And no one thinks it will be a cake walk... but if the election were tomorrow... he would win. I think there is much more work to do... he's going to need another unbelievable speech or 2... to get more specific on a couple of issues, and talk about his urban agenda because this really hasn't been covered yet.


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
If it were experience based by your and other's remarks... Then Ron Paul would be the Republican nominee over McCain. Based on start year
in politics though there were a break or two in years served US publicaly and private sector....
Rep. Ronald Paul -will be 20 for 08
2007 2008 Representative TX Republican
2005 2006 Representative TX Republican
2003 2004 Representative TX Republican
2001 2002 Representative TX Republican
1999 2000 Representative TX Republican
1997 1998 Representative TX Republican
1983 1984 Representative TX Republican
1981 1982 Representative TX Republican
1979 1980 Representative TX Republican
1975 1976 Representative TX Republican
Sen. John McCain - will be 26 - for 08
2005 2010 Senator AZ Republican
1999 2004 Senator AZ Republican
1993 1998 Senator AZ
1987 1992 Senator AZ
1985 1986 Representative AZ Republican
1983 1984 Representative AZ Republican
Thats all you got? The issue is lack of experience by Obama, not who has the most. Hell, I like Ron Paul, I wish he could win but some of his views are too far out of the mainstream, Not nearly as far as Obama's but far enough that he can't win.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Thats all you got? The issue is lack of experience by Obama, not who has the most. Hell, I like Ron Paul, I wish he could win but some of his views are too far out of the mainstream, Not nearly as far as Obama's but far enough that he can't win.
these guys are almost 80 aren't they?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
This is true.. he would destroy McCain.... however, Obama fund raising has been a difference from the past...essentially he is running a public funded campaign because he is not taking donations from lobbiest or PAC's... 90% of his donations are from donors contributing $20, $50, $100... His average is $109 per donation. I just believe you see an opportunity here because you know this is a clear disadvantage for your party.... Its not win at all costs... because he has already held himself to a higher standard than other candidates. Now if they can iron out a deal than fine, but as he stated in the debate last night... there are many loopholes that have to be addressed.
Loopholes? There are no loopholes, you take public financing and your campaign is capped at that level. All that is left is excuses for braking your word which is politics as usual. I personally am not worried about McCain's ability to raise funds for the general. As soon as Obama's past record and dealings become part of the national discussion he will lose most of his moderate support to McCain,


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Loopholes? There are no loopholes, you take public financing and your campaign is capped at that level. All that is left is excuses for braking your word which is politics as usual. I personally am not worried about McCain's ability to raise funds for the general. As soon as Obama's past record and dealings become part of the national discussion he will lose most of his moderate support to McCain,
I don't know what their problems are,
the left and McCain wrote the legislation, I take evil plesure in their squirming to get out of their own box.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
So now you all are equating Obama with Hitler...
... now he is a racist...

keep it up

What I've come to realize is that all l of you who are slandering Obama believe that this is the only way McCain has a chance at winning...In the debate lastnight he answered all your criticisms about alleged connection with Farrakahn, substance, and so on. He showed his intelligence and he was strong on his positions on Iraq and Foreign Policy.
I'm looking forward to him putting on a butt whipin on McCain in their debates to come.
So you are holding up his performance in a debate he lost (at least that is what most of the "experts" said) as a indication of things to come.

How is comparing Obama's campaign to Hitler's or even Obama to Hitler racist? Funny how the left wingers have no issue comparing bush to Hitler but when the tables are turned and their boy is the one taking the fire it's suddenly unfair.
As far as Obama and Louie goes Obama still belongs to the organization that honored Farrakahn and promotes a "Black Values system". Face it thats racist. You don't really believe you have a different set or morals and values based on your skin color do you? That crap is right out of the Klan handbook.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Loopholes? There are no loopholes, you take public financing and your campaign is capped at that level. All that is left is excuses for braking your word which is politics as usual. I personally am not worried about McCain's ability to raise funds for the general. As soon as Obama's past record and dealings become part of the national discussion he will lose most of his moderate support to McCain,
Lets look at McCain vs Obama
$42 million receipts w/ $2.9 million on hand
$103 million w/ $18.6 on hand.
Once Hillary is out... his contributions will increase


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Lets look at McCain vs Obama
$42 million receipts w/ $2.9 million on hand
$103 million w/ $18.6 on hand.
Once Hillary is out... his contributions will increase
And what do you suppose will happen to McCains contributions after the conventions? I am not worried.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
So you are holding up his performance in a debate he lost (at least that is what most of the "experts" said) as a indication of things to come.

How is comparing Obama's campaign to Hitler's or even Obama to Hitler racist? Funny how the left wingers have no issue comparing bush to Hitler but when the tables are turned and their boy is the one taking the fire it's suddenly unfair.
As far as Obama and Louie goes Obama still belongs to the organization that honored Farrakahn and promotes a "Black Values system". Face it thats racist. You don't really believe you have a different set or morals and values based on your skin color do you? That crap is right out of the Klan handbook.
I think you are wrong with what the experts are saying about the debate. You could post links or quotes if you'd like.
In your second point you are combining 2 separate statements... The comparison to Hitler is wrong.. as well as saying that he is racist is wrong....We can end the talks about Farrakhan... he "denounced... and rejected" it. A Black Value system is not racist... Its holding your group or congregation to be accountable for things or attitudes in the black community. Its about uplifting your community...Nothing in it is racist. Because of your feelings that it exludes you...doesn't make it racist..its not prejudice or discriminatory. Their values as a congregation do not have to be the same as yours...
When contributing the things you mention to your skin color... is interesting.. I think that if you look at the plight of african americans in this country.. who were treated different because of only, their skin color. It gives them the right to say there is nothing wrong with it... that I am "unapologetic".That as a black person I will uplift my community which is down in many areas, I will support businesses in my community to raise our economic standards, I will give back to my native land where people there starving, and so on... It doesn't in anyway promote a racist attitude.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
And what do you suppose will happen to McCains contributions after the conventions? I am not worried.
I don't know... They should increase, however do to turn out and the overall contributions to the Republican party... I don't expect a huge increase.. Maybe 25% or so... which is not enough to match Obama... who will also see an increase.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I don't know... They should increase, however do to turn out and the overall contributions to the Republican party... I don't expect a huge increase.. Maybe 25% or so... which is not enough to match Obama... who will also see an increase.
Once Obama's record becomes better known it will bring out people from the right in droves. Obama has gotten a free pass up till now in the press, it's starting to end.
Let me put it this way, I am not even a "Right Winger" in fact if you dig around you will find a post I made here a few months ago saying if it came down to Rudy and Obama I would vote for the Unity 08 candidate because I didn't THINK there would be much difference between the two. Once I started looking I found 3 immediate deal breakers for me.
1 Obama has in writing supported an all out hand gun ban and banning all semi automatic riffles.
2 Obama voted against a bill making it a crime for a non parent or guardian to take a minor child across state lines to avoid parental notification laws concering underage abortions.
3 Obama favors giving drivers licenses to people in the country illegally
Any one of the three is a deal breaker for me. Just for the record, I am NOT pro-life, I am not against reasonable laws regarding gun ownership and while I think the policy needs some tweaking I am not against allowing "law abiding" Illegal alliens to gain legal status in this country.
McCain aint my guy. I wasn't excited about any of the Republican choices this year. However I will be giving him the maximum contribution which isn't exactly an easy check for me to write. I know several others who feel the same way.
Money wont be an issue and turn out shouldn't be either. McCain is going to get some of those independent Obama votes. If he runs a good campaign he's going to get a whole lot of them.


Active Member
Did I happen to mention Obama/Barry is a member of a church that supported a known racist and hatter named Farrakahn? Did I mention the racist hater is in full support of Obama?
Does anybody beleive the Obama/barry spirtual leader and church message is polarizing and is not unifying?
Ryaln, make ALL the claims you want but until such time Barry denounces his church and memebrship to same...he is demonstarting support for the honoring of the racist hater. barry can say what he wants...but his actions are contrary to his words. Nice try though in trying to make a claim barry is not a racist and/or supports racism.
Lets all do out part to stamp out racism in the USA and call out those that support it with their memberships to institutions that praise known racists and haters.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
So do you want to go as far as saying Democrats are Nazi's too?
Not me.....but some support racism and known racists haters...like Barry.
Oh yeah...he is a socialist and supports their views too.
Change you can beleive in


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I think you are wrong with what the experts are saying about the debate. You could post links or quotes if you'd like.
Why..so you can ignore it and change the subject? And again, the views of that church are FAR LEFT and polarizing.....It's understandable though that Barry would embrace the church as FAR LEFT is where he stands on all issues.
Change you can beleive in


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
As far as Obama and Louie goes Obama still belongs to the organization that honored Farrakahn and promotes a "Black Values system". Face it thats racist. You don't really believe you have a different set or morals and values based on your skin color do you? That crap is right out of the Klan handbook.
Let's all do our part in denouncing racism and institutions that seek to promote haters...and call out those that remain members displaying SILENT support of the polarizing racist agenda.

Change you can believe in


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Its about uplifting your community...Nothing in it is racist. Because of your feelings that it exludes you...doesn't make it racist..its not prejudice or discriminatory. Their values as a congregation do not have to be the same as yours...
When contributing the things you mention to your skin color... is interesting.. I think that if you look at the plight of african americans in this country.. who were treated different because of only, their skin color. It gives them the right to say there is nothing wrong with it... that I am "unapologetic".That as a black person I will uplift my community which is down in many areas, I will support businesses in my community to raise our economic standards, I will give back to my native land where people there starving, and so on... It doesn't in anyway promote a racist attitude.

The sermons of Wright contain racism...period. Oh yeah..also profanity. No wonder he embraces Farrakahn....haters share something in common.
Let's all denounce haters of all colors and their vocal and silent supporters.....let's send a message of unity against racism.

Change you can believe in