Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
You guys all seem to be from the same party and consevative...however you will loose this election... I've thought about it and you say I am misinformed.. but I am not... the question I posted above is a valid question... What was are inital purpose and plan for Iraq and what is it now? Has it changed...You all have suggested it was to find and eliminate WMD's... then to fight terror... and now it seems to be nation building, which the Bush Admin said it would not do during his tenor. Its obvious there have been many mistakes in the planning and implementation of this war and that you all and this admin are not willing to fess up to. What benchmarks have been meet? Marginal success isn't enough when it falls way short of the initial goals that have been set.
To comment on the comments above... what does it matter what his family was or is? We live in the United States of America and his religion should be a none issue..if you believe in what this nation was founded on, if you do not belief in this and our rights ... than you are clearly bigoted and biased.
His name was given to him... he has no say in it, and to deny it .. he denies who he is and his history. A person is more than just the name he carries. IMO if he were to change it ..it would make him less of a man, because the only reasoning would be to please those who would only have a selffullfilling interest in him. This is the United States were names shouldn't matter and limit you from being what you have worked to be.
To comment on the name and to use it in the manner its been used is.... lets call it for what it is ..... fear mongering... in an attempt to link him with muslim extremist or Saddam Hussein. And even though it doesn't matter... he was not raised by his father's family...his father had no impact on his life...because he left when he was 2... You all are misrepresenting the facts... You claim my positions are wrong... but when you all have the position you do about a name... it decreases your credibility. This name is a very common name and to use it to slander someone is wrong... as your candidate McCain has said.
The whole slavery thing is another issue... and if you look at it in the frame of time 400 years of slavery... 100 years of oppression... 40 years of federally issued equal rights...not to mention all the other issues blacks have faced in those 40 years...

His church honored a known hater and racist in Farrakahn. he remains a member of the church and now the racist hater has endorsed him. SUre, Obama releases words about his displeasure regarding Farrakahn..yet he remains a member of the church? THe church also has propaganda that is polarizing and not main stream.
If Obama is sincere...he'll denounce his church publicly and it's leader and leave the "flock". Since he has yet to do it..I can only conclude he is in 100% support of his chosen "church" and a supporter of a racist and racism.
Your issues regarding the war have already been answered in numerous threads..as have your why are we not in africa..which is most likely coming again soon.
By the way...according to Obama's spiritual leader and church we do not live in the United States of America......we live in the United States of WHite AMerica. That's right, you claim you don;t know really what the church is all about.


Active Member

The issue of Sen. Barack Obama's Muslim past has surfaced again as his campaign steps back from its flat denial that he ever belonged to the Islamic faith.
Earlier this year several media outlets reported that Obama had attended a radical madrasa, or Islamic school, when he lived in Indonesia. At the time, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs declared: "To be clear, Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago."
The report about the radical madrasa turned out to be false.
Now, in a statement to the Los Angeles Times on Wednesday, Gibbs amended that declaration, saying: "Obama has never been a practicing Muslim," the key word being "practicing."
Story Continues Below
But a boyhood friend of Obama in Indonesia, Zulfin Adi, told the Times: "His mother often went to the church, but Barry [Barack's name at the time] was Muslim. He went to the mosque."
The Times sent a reporter to Jakarta, capital of the Muslim nation, to delve into an issue that could have a serious impact on the Democratic presidential candidate's White House aspiration, as voters "react to a candidate with an early exposure to Islam, a religion that remains foreign to many Americans," the Times noted.
Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama Sr., a Kenyan, and Kansas-born Ann Dunham. The couple separated when Barack was 2. They later divorced, and Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, a Muslim. In 1967, the family moved to Jakarta, where Obama was known as Barry Soetoro, and he remained there from age 6 to 10.
Obama attended first grade at a Catholic elementary school near his home, St. Francis of Assisi Foundation School, which accepted students of any religion.
His first-grade teacher Israella Dharmawan told the Times: "At that time, Barry was also praying in a Catholic way, but Barry was Muslim. He was registered as a Muslim because his father was Muslim."
In the third grade, Obama transferred to a public school, where he was also registered as a Muslim.
Muslim students at the school attended weekly religion lessons about Islam, taught by a Muslim.
In his autobiography, "Dreams From My Father," Obama mentions studying the Quran and describes the public school as "a Muslim school."
Boyhood friend Adi said Obama occasionally went to Friday prayers at a local mosque.
"We prayed but not really seriously, just following actions done by older people in the mosque," he told the Times.
Sometimes, when the call to prayer sounded, Barry and Lolo would walk to the mosque together, Adi added.
Obama's half-sister Maya Soetoro, in a statement issued Wednesday by the Obama campaign, said the family attended the mosque only for "big communal events."
New revelations about Obama's Muslim past could provide ammunition for his critics — and political opponents.
One such critic is Chicago-based Internet journalist and broadcaster Andy Martin, a lawyer and consumer advocate who wrote earlier about Obama's connection to Islam.
Reacting to the claim from Obama's sister that the family went to the mosque only for "big communal events," Martin wrote on Thursday: "Tens of millions of 'Christians' flock to churches for Easter and Christmas. And they would slap you down if you told them they were not Christians merely because they only appear twice a year for 'big communal events.'"
He also wrote: "Obama no longer denies he was a Muslim. Now he says he wasn't a 'practicing' Muslim.
"People in general will accept most anything from public officials as long as they don't lie about it."


Active Member
After an illegal alien killed 4 children when she hit a school bus recently, I wonder how Obama feels about drivers' liscenses for illegals?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo

The issue of Sen. Barack Obama's Muslim past has surfaced again as his campaign steps back from its flat denial that he ever belonged to the Islamic faith.
Earlier this year several media outlets reported that Obama had attended a radical madrasa, or Islamic school, when he lived in Indonesia. At the time, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs declared: "To be clear, Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago."
The report about the radical madrasa turned out to be false.
Now, in a statement to the Los Angeles Times on Wednesday, Gibbs amended that declaration, saying: "Obama has never been a practicing Muslim," the key word being "practicing."
Story Continues Below
But a boyhood friend of Obama in Indonesia, Zulfin Adi, told the Times: "His mother often went to the church, but Barry [Barack's name at the time] was Muslim. He went to the mosque."
The Times sent a reporter to Jakarta, capital of the Muslim nation, to delve into an issue that could have a serious impact on the Democratic presidential candidate's White House aspiration, as voters "react to a candidate with an early exposure to Islam, a religion that remains foreign to many Americans," the Times noted.
Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama Sr., a Kenyan, and Kansas-born Ann Dunham. The couple separated when Barack was 2. They later divorced, and Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, a Muslim. In 1967, the family moved to Jakarta, where Obama was known as Barry Soetoro, and he remained there from age 6 to 10.
Obama attended first grade at a Catholic elementary school near his home, St. Francis of Assisi Foundation School, which accepted students of any religion.
His first-grade teacher Israella Dharmawan told the Times: "At that time, Barry was also praying in a Catholic way, but Barry was Muslim. He was registered as a Muslim because his father was Muslim."
In the third grade, Obama transferred to a public school, where he was also registered as a Muslim.
Muslim students at the school attended weekly religion lessons about Islam, taught by a Muslim.
In his autobiography, "Dreams From My Father," Obama mentions studying the Quran and describes the public school as "a Muslim school."
Boyhood friend Adi said Obama occasionally went to Friday prayers at a local mosque.
"We prayed but not really seriously, just following actions done by older people in the mosque," he told the Times.
Sometimes, when the call to prayer sounded, Barry and Lolo would walk to the mosque together, Adi added.
Obama's half-sister Maya Soetoro, in a statement issued Wednesday by the Obama campaign, said the family attended the mosque only for "big communal events."
New revelations about Obama's Muslim past could provide ammunition for his critics — and political opponents.
One such critic is Chicago-based Internet journalist and broadcaster Andy Martin, a lawyer and consumer advocate who wrote earlier about Obama's connection to Islam.
Reacting to the claim from Obama's sister that the family went to the mosque only for "big communal events," Martin wrote on Thursday: "Tens of millions of 'Christians' flock to churches for Easter and Christmas. And they would slap you down if you told them they were not Christians merely because they only appear twice a year for 'big communal events.'"
He also wrote: "Obama no longer denies he was a Muslim. Now he says he wasn't a 'practicing' Muslim.
"People in general will accept most anything from public officials as long as they don't lie about it."
I've read a few articles regarding this and in makes me ponder...
Why would Obama/Barry claim to have never been a muslim..then change it to I never was a practicing Muslim?
Why would the half sister of Obama/Barry claim he attended a Mosque?
Why does his childhood friend also make the same claim?
Why did Obama/Barry mislead or lie about his Muslim exposure/past? He mentions it in his book?
Is this change we can beleive in?
Evidently Obama/Barry has a problem with it? Why the lies?


Active Member
Rylan. to document my earlier point and as a reminder regarding your statment we live in the United States of America...I offer the following quote from Obama/Barry's church leader. close friend and adviser.......
From Newsmax
Wright laced into America's establishment, blaming the "white arrogance" of America's Caucasian majority for the woes of the world, especially the oppression suffered by blacks. To underscore the point he refers to the country as the "United States of White America." Many in the congregation, including Obama, nodded in apparent agreement as these statements were made.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
After an illegal alien killed 4 children when she hit a school bus recently, I wonder how Obama feels about drivers' liscenses for illegals?
And I can go find where a white man went and killed 4 people while driving drunk. It isn't a problem with illegals but with stupid drivers. Heck a couple weeks ago outside my house I watched a bus driver pull out infront of a Excursion and get tboned. That was a legally licensed driver. Licensed or not that isn't going to address the problem of people dying in car wrecks. How would not licensing the driver have prevented that tragic loss of life?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Thats fine and fair... but what I don't like is the clear misrepresentations of him... I don't believe you've done it... I think we should stick to the policies and what the candidate brings to the table. These things people are bringing up are either non-issues or incorrect.
Obama/Barry is a supporter of a racist and racism in general. Unfit to be president as there is no room in this country for racism.
Join me in my crusade in denouncing ALL racsim and those that support same...and/or are members of institutions that support racism and racist haters.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
And I can go find where a white man went and killed 4 people while driving drunk. It isn't a problem with illegals but with stupid drivers. Heck a couple weeks ago outside my house I watched a bus driver pull out infront of a Excursion and get tboned. That was a legally licensed driver. Licensed or not that isn't going to address the problem of people dying in car wrecks.
Why should an illegal even have a license? That person should not be here......we have a legal process to become a citizen and we have LEGAL immigration. You do have a pont..but you exclude this little fact regarding the city this individual lived in...any question as to why she was there? here's why......and gee..she is a repeat offender and was not kicked out of the county..shame on that city!!!!
Sanctuary City Enables Criminal Illegal Immigrant
Fri, 02/22/2008 - 12:10 — Judicial Watch Blog
In yet another tragedy resulting from the protection sanctuary cities offer illegal immigrants, a woman who had previously pleaded guilty to driving without a valid license slammed her van into a Minnesota school bus this week, killing four children and injuring 14 others.
The illegal alien (Alainiss Morales) ran a stop sign and struck the school bus in Cottonwood, causing it to roll over onto a truck and tragically kill the innocent kids, ages 9 to 13. In 2006 Morales pleaded guilty in nearby Chippewa County to driving without a valid license.
The reckless illegal immigrant continued living, working and driving in Minnesota because the state has three known sanctuary cities—Minneapolis, St. Paul and Worthington—that protect illegal aliens. They officially do it through local resolutions, executive orders or city ordinances. Police in those municipalities also have policies that forbid officers from asking about immigration status.
Minneapolis, where this particular illegal alien evidently lived, made its sanctuary policy official in 2003 by passing an ordinance that bars police from asking about immigration status or enforcing immigration laws. Measures like these allow the state’s estimated 60,000 illegal immigrants to roam freely without fear of being deported.
Dozens of cities around the nation offer illegal immigrants official sanctuary even though the policies defy guidelines created by the 9/11 Commission Report, which specifically calls on state and local authorities to help federal agencies crack down on illegal immigration. Incredibly, the federal government has taken no action to ensure compliance.
Major cities offering illegal immigrants sanctuary include Los Angeles, San Francisco, Detroit, Anchorage, Houston, Baltimore, New York, Seattle, Albuquerque and Portland. Many smaller municipalities (Aztec New Mexico, Ashland Oregon and Orleans Massachusetts to name a few) also offer the protection.
These local governments’ don’t-ask-don’t-tell policies have enabled illegal immigrants with existing criminal records to remain in the country and commit atrocious crimes against Americans. Examples include the murder of an Arizona police officer, the New Jersey schoolyard murders of three students and a previously deported drunken Mexican who killed an entire family on a Houston highway.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
you have not given me undeniable proof... you've only given info that supports your views... if was 100% than why would 50% of people disagree with you... and don't use this site as a representation of the nation... you still didn't answer my question... are we nation building?
Rylan, just on this thread alone I corrected with facts numerous statements you made.
Originally Posted by rylan1
(page 2. post #95).... Some one listed some of his votes in Senate in an ealier post, which are not as liberal as you might think...
This has been proven to be completely wrong. http://www.npr.org/blogs/news/2008/0...al_sena_1.html and here http://nj.nationaljournal.com/votera...terstitialskip He has the most liberal voting record in the Senate in 2007
Originally Posted by rylan1
(page 4. post #167) McCain and Obama vote patterns are relatively the same. Its a difference of 10 votes...
I posted a link showing Obama voted with the Democrats 96% of the time, while McCain voted 88% of the time with the Republicans. You were clearly wrong here.
Originally Posted by rylan1

(page 4. post #167) Senate of Illinois has a different structure than US Senate.. a vote for present is a vote for yes, except there needs to be some slight changes for a full vote of yes
Again I posted links and info clearly and plainly showing your understanding of this is totally wrong.
Originally Posted by rylan1

(page 4. post #181)...Darfur genocide is by the muslims in that area killling the other people.
The current civil unrest in Darfur has nothing to do with religion. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn...042101752.html "But it's totally different in Darfur," said Mathina Mydin, a Malaysian nurse who worked in a clinic on the outskirts of Nyala, the capital of South Darfur. "As a Muslim myself, I wanted to bring the sides together under Islam. But I quickly realized this war had nothing to do with religion."
Originally Posted by rylan
(page 5. post #205) In the US Senate you can vote either yes or no....
Wrong. In the US Senate you can vote "Yes" "No" or Abstain. Just like voting "Present" in the Il. Senate.
Originally Posted by Rylan1
(page 5. post #237) Keating 7
It was the Keating 5
Originally Posted by Rylan1
(page 5. post #243) ... These are investigations by federal authorities and not personal attacks.
(This was in regards to the Keating 5 scandal and the NY Times article.)
You said the NYTimes article was a Federal investigation. It is not.
Originally Posted by Rylan1

(page 6. post 251)... but a posted occurances of the 136 votes ,where 75% of them were democratic strategies.
Your numbers are wrong. I showed that.
Originally Posted by rylan1

(page 7 post 330)al Qaeda is stronger now than they were at 911
This is simply left-wing wishful thinking. Here is the truth:
"Al-Qaeda in Iraq faces an “extraordinary crisis”. Last year's mass defection of ordinary Sunnis from al-Qaeda to the US military “created panic, fear and the unwillingness to fight”. The terrorist group's security structure suffered “total collapse
”. These are the words not of al-Qaeda's enemies but of one of its own leaders in Anbar province
Civilian deaths are way down, our casualties are way down, the Iraqi Parliament has passed a budget and voted to change the National Flag to represent all three ehtnic groups in the past few weeks.
"Commenting on the improved security, Gates said al Qaeda had been routed in Iraq but the situation remained fragile." p://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080211/ts_nm/iraq_dc" target="_blank">http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080211/ts_nm/iraq_dc
Many other links were provided disproving this point as well, to which you replied "That's all fine"...
Originally Posted by rylan
you have not given me undeniable proof...
How's that for undeniable proof?


Active Member
Why are idiots promoting giving people with no legal or moral right to be in our country the right to drive in it? That woman should have been bounced back to her homeland after her first episode of driving without a license.


Active Member
I found McCain, Obama and Clinton (all three) voted "Abstain" rather than Aye or Nay...
S.2633 A bill to provide for the safe redeployment of United States troops from Iraq.
Other Bill Titles
Official: A bill to provide for the safe redeployment of United States troops from Iraq. as introduced.
Directs the President to transition the mission of U.S. forces in Iraq to the following purposes: (1) conducting limited scope and duration operations against al Qaeda and other international terrorist organizations; (2) providing security for U.S. infrastructure more... and personnel; (3) training and equipping Iraqi security services and U.S. forces; and (4) redeploying U.S. forces from Iraq. Exempts such activities from the funding and redeployment provisions of this Act. Directs the President to begin the phased redeployment of U.S. forces from Iraq. Prohibits funds from being obligated or expended to continue the U.S. Armed Forces deployment in Iraq as of 120 days after the enactment of this Act.


Active Member
Commitee Memberships
Senate Armed Services
Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Consumer Affairs, Insurance, and Automotive Safety
Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety and Security
Senate Indian Affairs
Senate Foreign Relations
Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security
State, Local, and Private Sector Preparedness and Integration (Ad Hoc)
Senate Veterans' Affairs
Senate Aging (Special)
Senate Armed Services
Senate Environment and Public Works
Clean Air, Climate Change, and Nuclear Safety
Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Why should an illegal even have a license? That person should not be here......we have a legal process to become a citizen and we have LEGAL immigration. You do have a pont..but you exclude this little fact regarding the city this individual lived in...any question as to why she was there? here's why......and gee..she is a repeat offender and was not kicked out of the county..shame on that city!!!!
Sanctuary City Enables Criminal Illegal Immigrant
Fri, 02/22/2008 - 12:10 — Judicial Watch Blog
In yet another tragedy resulting from the protection sanctuary cities offer illegal immigrants, a woman who had previously pleaded guilty to driving without a valid license slammed her van into a Minnesota school bus this week, killing four children and injuring 14 others.
The illegal alien (Alainiss Morales) ran a stop sign and struck the school bus in Cottonwood, causing it to roll over onto a truck and tragically kill the innocent kids, ages 9 to 13. In 2006 Morales pleaded guilty in nearby Chippewa County to driving without a valid license.
The reckless illegal immigrant continued living, working and driving in Minnesota because the state has three known sanctuary cities—Minneapolis, St. Paul and Worthington—that protect illegal aliens. They officially do it through local resolutions, executive orders or city ordinances. Police in those municipalities also have policies that forbid officers from asking about immigration status.
Minneapolis, where this particular illegal alien evidently lived, made its sanctuary policy official in 2003 by passing an ordinance that bars police from asking about immigration status or enforcing immigration laws. Measures like these allow the state’s estimated 60,000 illegal immigrants to roam freely without fear of being deported.
Dozens of cities around the nation offer illegal immigrants official sanctuary even though the policies defy guidelines created by the 9/11 Commission Report, which specifically calls on state and local authorities to help federal agencies crack down on illegal immigration. Incredibly, the federal government has taken no action to ensure compliance.
Major cities offering illegal immigrants sanctuary include Los Angeles, San Francisco, Detroit, Anchorage, Houston, Baltimore, New York, Seattle, Albuquerque and Portland. Many smaller municipalities (Aztec New Mexico, Ashland Oregon and Orleans Massachusetts to name a few) also offer the protection.
These local governments’ don’t-ask-don’t-tell policies have enabled illegal immigrants with existing criminal records to remain in the country and commit atrocious crimes against Americans. Examples include the murder of an Arizona police officer, the New Jersey schoolyard murders of three students and a previously deported drunken Mexican who killed an entire family on a Houston highway.
My only point is, drivers license or not, it would not have stopped this tragic wreck.
And I don't like the argument well this wouldn't have happened if they weren't here. Because Americans are committing the same crimes as these illegals. There are plenty of other good arguments against illegal immagration that you don't have to use a bad one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I found McCain, Obama and Clinton (all three) voted "Abstain" rather than Aye or Nay...
S.2633 A bill to provide for the safe redeployment of United States troops from Iraq.
Other Bill Titles
Official: A bill to provide for the safe redeployment of United States troops from Iraq. as introduced.
Directs the President to transition the mission of U.S. forces in Iraq to the following purposes: (1) conducting limited scope and duration operations against al Qaeda and other international terrorist organizations; (2) providing security for U.S. infrastructure more... and personnel; (3) training and equipping Iraqi security services and U.S. forces; and (4) redeploying U.S. forces from Iraq. Exempts such activities from the funding and redeployment provisions of this Act. Directs the President to begin the phased redeployment of U.S. forces from Iraq. Prohibits funds from being obligated or expended to continue the U.S. Armed Forces deployment in Iraq as of 120 days after the enactment of this Act.
I'm not a big fan of the "abstain" vote which isn't quite a present vote but simular. Because you are removing the influence of your constituency from the political process. That being said, I can understand an occasional abstain vote, you can't be in the halls of congress every minute of every day. And if it is going to go your way anyway, and you need to be in two places at once. Well you get the picture.
My only problem with Obama's "present" vote is that as stated by Rylan it was a strategic democratic vote. So he was a team player for the democrat party. And I fail to see how he can be the emissary of change and be a democrat team player.
In my mind the goals of the democrat party are the same ol hack. Pit the poor agianst the rich, race against the other, the government can solve your problems, and more government control of the economy. And his platform fits these same ideals.
  • Wage controls for CEO's
  • Church preaches United States of White America
  • Honors extreem black activists like harrykon
    Government Mandated Healthcare plan
    Echoing the democrat playbook about Iraq
So his whole premise of Change is in my mind disingenuous.


Active Member
I don't let the whole church thing bother me.
Otherwise, I would classify all watchers, revival attendees, members as
700 club - Pat Robinson -Bigots
Jimmy Swaggart - Supporters and purchasers of prostitution
PTL - Jim and Tammy Fae Baker -Supporters of greed and infidelity
Catholic Church - hiding of child molesters
I certainly don't believe anyone that attended or went to any of those are any of that. As I find it just as insulting to see subtle and vague comparisons to HITLER....


Active Member
I don't recall any of the fore mentioned transgressing orginizations advertising their faults in their public mission statements like Obama's church does. Nor did their leaders make the outragious statements the leader of Obama's church has.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I don't let the whole church thing bother me.
Otherwise, I would classify all watchers, revival attendees, members as
700 club - Pat Robinson -Bigots
Jimmy Swaggart - Supporters and purchasers of prostitution
PTL - Jim and Tammy Fae Baker -Supporters of greed and infidelity
Catholic Church - hiding of child molesters
I certainly don't believe anyone that attended or went to any of those are any of that. As I find it just as insulting to see subtle and vague comparisons to HITLER....
Not sure on Pat Robinson where you are getting that.
Jimmy Swaggart never had a prostitution on stage with him
PTL again never practiced infidelity on stage
And the Catholic church never sanctioned child abuse during a mass
Obama's preacher has delivered numerous racially heated sermons. There is a distinct difference. The sins of an individual are bad, but it's a whole different level when it's being preached.
I made it very clear that I'm comparing Obama's meteoric rise in power and ability to awe crowds with no message to Hitler's ability to do the same. I'm comparing their abilities, not the men. I posted that very clearly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Commitee Memberships
Senate Armed Services
Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Consumer Affairs, Insurance, and Automotive Safety
Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety and Security
Senate Indian Affairs
Senate Foreign Relations
Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security
State, Local, and Private Sector Preparedness and Integration (Ad Hoc)
Senate Veterans' Affairs
Senate Aging (Special)
Senate Armed Services
Senate Environment and Public Works
Clean Air, Climate Change, and Nuclear Safety
Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
You're leaving off how many years (or in Obama's case months) each has served on these committees. I'd also like to see how many meetings Obama has missed as a junior Senator.


Active Member
I just saw and listened to another Obombus commerical:
"We want an end to this war. And we want diplomacy and peace."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that sounds a lot like offering to surrender to me.
Diplomacy and peace; with the monsters that attacked us? Does anyone here want diplomacy with Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc.?