Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1 http:///forum/post/2491552
you have not given me undeniable proof... you've only given info that supports your views... if was 100% than why would 50% of people disagree with you... and don't use this site as a representation of the nation... you still didn't answer my question
... are we nation building?
That statement, coming from the Emperor of Dodge City, made me chuckle.
Oh, but wait... I did answer your question. I and many others.
Actually, your question was originally answered on this thread dated June 07 You commented on WMD's and Iraq, Darth posted an in depth explanation, you ignored it and changed subject. (in your defense, others were leading the "war is bad" charge back then, so the post wasn't specifically in answer to you.) Still, you participated in the discussion.
Next was this thread dating in July 07.
Then here in 9-07. I particualry enjoyed this thread, where you stated Democracy will never work in the Middle East, totally ignoring that Democracy is working in the Middle East...
Then https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/301058/republican-candidates
Then https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/306837/please-dont-vote-for-mccain
Then https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/308925/ich-ich-ich
I'm not talking about opinions, Rylan... you have, on numerous occasions, posted things that were factually false. My question t oyou is how many should I list?


Active Member
Obama will be placed under the microscpoe in the general should he make it. THis is when he will be exposed as the Far LEft candidate of Farrakahn and moveon.org...along with his socialists views of the country and the world.
He'll not be able to pass the test with the majority of Amreicans in my opinion once he is looked at closer. I stand by my prediction that he'll get 40% of the vote in the general should he make it...plus or minus 2%.
All of Rylans questions have been answered with fact...just not the same jargon appearing on the moveon.org website and the dailykos.

NY TImes..liberal source
Published: February 14, 2008
BAGHDAD — Iraq’s parliamentary leaders on Wednesday pushed through three far-reaching measures that had been delayed for weeks by bitter political maneuvering that became so acrimonious that some lawmakers threatened to try to dissolve the legislative body.
More than any previous legislation, the new initiatives have the potential to spur reconciliation between Sunnis and Shiites and set the country on the road to a more representative government, starting with new provincial elections.
The voting itself was a significant step forward for the Parliament, where even basic quorums have been rare. In a classic legislative compromise, the three measures, each of which was a burning issue for at least one faction, were packaged together for a single vote to encourage agreement across sectarian lines.
“Today we have a wedding party for the Iraqi Parliament,” said Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, the speaker, who is a Sunni. “We have proved that Iraqis are one bloc and Parliament is able to find solutions that represent all Iraqis.”
More here regarding political reconciliation in Iraq from cnn.com


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I didn't look at your post... but who says journey or whoever is right.. who really knows what is going on over there and what the true agenda is ... we don't have any access to the real story or documents.
If you do not know what is going on in Iraq...how do you know your position is the correct one regarding the war on terror and Iraq ?
By your own admission, your opinion would have to be based on specualtion.
Is this yet another conspiracy theory?

Once again, you answer and include no one knows. Please only speak for yourself. I do not profess to know what folks know....but I can arrive at conclusions based on repsonses and words plus conversations with folks. If you for some reason feel you do not know...leave it at that..and you once again prove my point.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ozmar
Sure, by all means. I don't care if he's muslim (which, for the record, he's not: he belongs to a Christian church of questionable politics). I do care that his policy proscriptions are left to far-left, that he would commit us to a naive foreign policy, and that he would advance an agenda of socialist government controls which would worsen our health care system.
And for the record, I did call him (and do think he is) a fool.
-Ozmar the Critical
One simple correction...he is far left.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Again, so did Hitler in the 1930's...

actually that is ironic. Think about it. The last time a politician was able to muster this much support so fast without out background to go off of was in the 1930's with Hitler.
Ironically Farracan(sp?) (a known racist) has now given his endorsement of Obama as well....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
actually that is ironic. Think about it. The last time a politician was able to muster this much support so fast without out background to go off of was in the 1930's with Hitler.
Ironically Farracan(sp?) (a known racist) has now given his endorsement of Obama as well....
Not ironic, scary.
Hitler rose to power by giving the masses "hope" for a "change". He talked about bringing Germany (insert America) back to greatness. He promised to restore Germany (America) to it's former glory. He talked about how bad the economy was and said he would "fix" it (without offering details). He blamed the Jews (insert the rich of today). People swooned, people followed in awe. And people ignored the fact that he was dismantling the German Government (insert US Constitution) to form the Nazi Regime (insert Socialism).
As a Mod I've been called a "Nazi" a lot. It's very offensive to me. Clearly I'm not calling Obama or any of his supporters any such thing. However, you can draw some distinct parallels to the meteoric rise in popularity and empty messages between the two men.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Not ironic, scary.
Hitler rose to power by giving the masses "hope" for a "change". He talked about bringing Germany (insert America) back to greatness. He promised to restore Germany (America) to it's former glory. He talked about how bad the economy was and said he would "fix" it (without offering details). He blamed the Jews (insert the rich of today). People swooned, people followed in awe. And people ignored the fact that he was dismantling the German Government (insert US Constitution) to form the Nazi Regime (insert Socialism).
As a Mod I've been called a "Nazi" a lot. It's very offensive to me. Clearly I'm not calling Obama or any of his supporters any such thing. However, you can draw some distinct parallels to the meteoric rise in popularity and empty messages between the two men.

Yep..a simple yet smart play on the general public. Many will not look past the mantra. Pretty soon, it is accepted that this individual represents change...yet his actions and inactions indicate otherwise. THe people he supports and his views and record indicate otherwise.
I have adopted the term I heard the other day on TV that many of his supporters are politically illiterate and are guilty of not thinking.
Obama has yet to do a really tough interview venue and has now cutoff acccess for the national media.
As we get closer to the general and if Mr Change is the democratic nominee...I do believe many Americans will see the dog and pony show for what it is.
A good example is one of his political supporters on TV recently..when asked to name one accomplishment of Obama...he could not answer. Political illiterate? You decide.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff

The simularities are amazing.
Yep..you had one suppoter of Mr Change here..claim he/she went to a rally. Mr Change talked on many different topics..and it was summed up in one or two sentences.



Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Yep..a simple yet smart play on the general public. Many will not look past the mantra. Pretty soon, it is accepted that this individual represents change...yet his actions and inactions indicate otherwise.
This is nothing new, Scuba. The 'ole "repeat w/out substance" trick has been a Democrat mainstay tactic at least
since the first election I can remember, Regan/Mondale. Republicans have tryied to use it, but they get tripped up pretty easily. The R's keep forgetting not to appeal with logic and reason, and just drone a party line/phrase until everyone's brainwashed. Oh well.


Active Member
Big ruling today.....
Obama's name likely to come up at Rezko trial
February 26, 2008
The name of Democratic presidential front-runner Barack Obama is likely to brush up against the impending federal corruption trial of Antoin "Tony" Rezko as the result of a judge's ruling Monday.
U.S. District Court Judge Amy St. Eve, who is presiding over Rezko's trial, told prosecutors they could introduce evidence to support allegations that Rezko used straw men to make political contributions on his behalf.
Prosecutors have alleged that the money came from fees Rezko illegally siphoned from a state pension board.
In her ruling, St. Eve said the government contends that Rezko directed business associates Joseph Aramanda and Elie Maloof to make contributions to an unnamed political candidate in late 2003 and 2004 because Rezko had already contributed the maximum legal amount.
The only candidate Maloof and Aramanda contributed to during that time frame was Obama, then running for the U.S. Senate in Illinois. Maloof and Aramanda each gave $10,000 to Obama's campaign.
Maloof of Vernon Hills had supported Obama in an earlier political campaign, and disclosure reports from that effort listed her as a vice president of operations for a Rezko pizzeria management firm. Aramanda is a Glenview businessman whose son received a coveted summer internship in Obama's Capitol Hill office in 2005.
Until his recent legal troubles, Rezko had been a longtime friend and financial supporter of Obama's political career.


Active Member

Originally Posted by bdhutier
This is nothing new, Scuba. The 'ole "repeat w/out substance" trick has been a Democrat mainstay tactic at least
since the first election I can remember, Regan/Mondale. Republicans have tryied to use it, but they get tripped up pretty easily. The R's keep forgetting not to appeal with logic and reason, and just drone a party line/phrase until everyone's brainwashed. Oh well.

I've got faith thet when the Tap Dance SHow has to answer tough questions should he make the general...he'll fold like an 8 high poker hand.
I still have confidence that Amreica will reject this individual...who is not worthy to even be a candidate becuase of his support of racism. My opinion only.
I'll keep saying racism/racist supporter..and who knows...maybe the mantra will become accepted by the masses


Active Member
I heard a greeaaatt call in for a radio show tonight. A caller from Dallas said he calls Obama "O-bomb-us"; cause when he retreats our troops from Iraq that's what the terrorists are going to do to us here at home.


Active Member
Been watching the debate. If this idiot was white and named Barry Oberman he would still be in the Illinois legislature. I ain't a Hillarbeast fan but she has out performed him big time tonight.


Active Member
QUOTE=1journeyman;2492273]I heard a greeaaatt call in for a radio show tonight. A caller from Dallas said he calls Obama "O-bomb-us"; cause when he retreats our troops from Iraq that's what the terrorists are going to do to us here at home.
Then you think about it and realize...it probably will happen


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Been watching the debate. If this idiot was white and named Barry Oberman he would still be in the Illinois legislature. I ain't a Hillarbeast fan but she has out performed him big time tonight.
DOes not matter for his "followers"...he's all about change and hope and hope and change. What change? They don't know but he's all about it. Let's all faint so we can drink some juice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I heard an interesting thought today. Rylan compained about us calling Barak Hussein Obama. Hussein. His family were muslims. One generation removed. If that is off limits. I wonder why "slavery" committed by our ansestors many generations removed is still an issue?

Obama is a racist and racism supporter through his "church" memebrship. He may not be a Muslim...but his church honored Farrakahn...so what does that tell you? Barry is still a member of that church. General statment to all......DOn't accept the words as "gospel"...look at the actions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
He has to pull us out of Iraq before he can send troops to Darfur/
He's pulling out of Iraq and the middle east. He will cut and run from the region I predict...then he wants to chat with them.
He showed his hand by not suppoting the terrorist eavesdropping bill. How's that for national security?