the GOP is scared as heck of Barrack, i listen to conservative talk radio all day long at work. They call him a socialist, say everyone who influenced him is a horrible person, say he's a radical leftist, weak on foriegn policy, that his speeches have no substance, and has no platform. some idiots believe he's a muslim or that he doesn't believe in God, and that he's a terrorist.
This guy isn't extreme, isn't anti God, isn't a terrorist, and although not clean isnt dirty, and definately isn't funded by lobbists like McCain. he does lack expierence but i think this is a good thing. he isn't locked into the old ways of doing things where nothing gets done, and only the corp's and elite get thier way. he is a constitutional lawyer, and will be of the people, by the people, and for the people like he's SUPPOSED TO. his platform and ideas are simple and make sense, make the rich and the corp's pay there fair share of taxes, make college affordable to everyone, provide affordable healthcare to all those who want it, rebuild the infrastructure of america, create permanent green jobs, get us out of Iraq and focus on Bin Laden (remember him ) in Pakistan and Afghanistan. what is so "extreme" about that? what is so left about that?
they go on about how he's willing to talk to our percieved enemy's unconditionally. they say this is reckless and naive. RECKLESS is bombing and killing 1.5 million Iraqi's for weapon's that weren't there, after we were told by UN inspector's that they weren't there. Reckless is creating hatred globally when we had the sympathy of the world, reckless is watching thousands of jobs shipped off oversea's, and giving tax breaks to the wealthiest 1%, reckless is how Katrina was handled, reckless is thinking stem cell research is bad cause god told you so, crazy too! reckless is overextending our military to the point where our boys are commiting suicide at the highest rate the military has ever seen, reckless is watching oil, food and energy prices skyrocket and the dollar fall at never before seen levels, reckless is thinking its a privilege for leaders of other countries to talk to our leader, reckless is putting this country and its people in trillions of dollars in debt, reckless is outing a cia secret agent for political gain, reckless is shooting an old man in the face on a hunting trip, shall i go on?
Mccain voted for Bush's policies 95% of the time, he's old, super rich, and totally out of touch with average american's. he doesn't even drive his own car! if you think the country is in good shape and the war is a just one then he's your guy, if like me, you believe its in the worst shape ever than Barrack's your guy. one thing about this election it's black and white, no pun intended. they are polar opposites on nearly every issue.
McCain is more of the same, he will continue the agenda in Iraq regardless of the cost in both dollars and blood. he will make the Bush tax cuts permanent, and probably end up in a war with Iran. that means we'll be fighting 3 wars while normal people struggle, kids cant afford college, social security goes bankrupt, healthcare, and education are ignored. his friends at the energy, oil, and miltary industrial complex will make record profits while we pay 5 bucks a gallon at the pump and for milk at the grocery store.
i think he is wiser than his years and has a common sense approach to real everyday problems,as well as terrorism and other foriegn affairs. he knows history and its mistakes, and most importantly understands the importance of the constitution and to adhere to its law. ther is no denying Bush's bending and outright breaking of the constitution, and we all fell for it because of fear. yet homeland security and the invasion of Iraq hasn't made us safer, has costed trillions,and lives of americans and innocent Iraqi civilians, and created more "terrorists" or those who wish to do harm to us.
TALKING can NEVER HURT! we all were taught as kids that if we have a problem with someone to try and talk it out. this is not showing weakness or legitimising anyone. going downstairs to ask your nieghbor to turn down there music or your going to call the police isnt weak and doesn't legitimise them in any way. in other words, Barrack meeting with the Iranian president and explaining to him our concerns with his nuclear program and his rants about Israel isn't weak. it's showing him that we mean business and unless you are willing to cooperate you and your people could be introuble. but its a logical step before you just bomb them. Mccain when asked how he would handle Iran joked, you ever hear the beach boys song... he then sang bomb, bomb, bomb... bomb bomb Iran. to the tune of Barbara Ann. i NEVER want i guy who would even joke about bombing people, Tehran like any major city has sick, elderly, and children who have nothing to do with anything and they will die if we bomb them, thats not funny..