Odyssea 2006 Model MH Lights



Originally Posted by JacknJill
Mine came in two boxes, one box for the ballast, one box for the actual fixture itself. The fixture was in one pice with the bulbs in it, but we had to take one side apart to get the cardboard packing out from between the PC bulbs. Also one of the MH glass covers had come out of the track on one side so we had to pop it back in, but other than that it was fine. Oh of course we had to attach the legs, but thats it.
Lately ive had a HUGEEEEEEEE algae bloom! Looks like you could pet my tank! Brown stringy bubbly! Everywhere! rocks, walls, powerheads. BUt i dont know what its from, like a delayed reaction from the lights or what, because it happened like last week! Im ordering a HUGE cleanup crewe from here ASAP! And if that doesnt help im ordering new bulbs.
i experienced a huge algea bloom too just the same as yours it cleared up in a few weeks.


I will have to post some pictures of the tank right when i put the lights on and now that they have been on for just a little over a month and a half. My coraline has started to go crazy lately. My pearl bubble has become huge. My little frag of 10 zoos have spread to 20+. My flower pot is absolutely massive. Also my GBTA is very very healthy. I think these lights have been doing awesome in my tank, and these are the bulbs that came with the unit. Fans are still running very quiet. The ballast is still running cool. From my personal experience for almost 2 months with the lights has been great so far. I really do recommend these to someone who is looking for a MH/PC combo setup at a reasonable price. These are the only MH fixture i have owned so i cant compare to any of the higer priced brands but they prob work just a well.


New Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
I actually got the 2007 model...And I was wondering, because it doest way on my auction - Are the ballasts magnetic or electric?
The ballasts are magnetic for the HQI bulbs and there is an electronic ballast for the PC bulbs. I believe electronic ballasts for any type of halide bulb is hard to come by. I have been running these lights for a week now and I can't be happier! I am very very impressed at these lights for the price I got them! If anyone has had any trouble with their lights, I would like to know, I would also like to know where you bought them from!

dr reef

My unit caught fire. It ended burning my bar that my tank was on. I called the company and they said they can only give me a refund on the item and you would have to contact the manufacture to pay for the damage. I call the manufacture in China; they speek very little english, they said there not liable for over seas damage. So i got stuck with the damage. $4000.00 in damage. So lesson learned, when you by cheep crap you get expensive damage. What you pay for is what you get. Oh by the way the newer models are not any better, new box same parts. Also the bulbs are hard to find because they are restamped bulbs. All your 175 watts are really 150s they were just restamped. The hole unit is cheap. If i sold a 2006 z06 corvette for $15000.00 brand new no miles would you buy it. For who all that said yes, i'm sorry for you.
:mad: :mad:


Wow, I heard that from someone else also, thought it might have been a fluke.....
Guess not, damn...
Wisconsin has very good consumer laws, you may have a recourse…


in all my readings about the odyssea lights i have only seen very few storied about their lights getting caught on fire. I have seen alot more about people who have never had any problems what so ever. Where did you happen to buy yours? That auction site?


I'd like to know where you got them from also, the big auction site _ _ _ _ or the other site a _ _ _trader. Both are the same price ($299.95) for the 48" MHI 542W light ver.4. I'm not to sure about getting them from a guy on the auction site, I perfer dealing with a company. But I would like to know how long you had then before the fire and whom you got them from, thanks. :thinking:


i hung mine from the cealing and i think it looks great.
i didnt think a 175 was real, im going with a 150 when i have to replace.
i have mine in the cabinet, but after the heat and hearing about the fire i think im going to put mine next to the cabinet but raise it off my hardwood floors somehow.
the person with the fire, did you have origional bulbs in or did you replace them with 150s? also how long did you have yours before it caught fire? and lastly did it trip the breaker before flames? tell us what happend, so we may be able to advert burning our houses down.


New Member
Originally Posted by JBAIR
I'd like to know where you got them from also, the big auction site _ _ _ _ or the other site a _ _ _trader. Both are the same price ($299.95) for the 48" MHI 542W light ver.4. I'm not to sure about getting them from a guy on the auction site, I perfer dealing with a company. But I would like to know how long you had then before the fire and whom you got them from, thanks. :thinking:
DO NOT BUY THEM FROM A Q U A T R A D E R S they sell refurbs and have had many complaints with their lights!!! Anyone who has bought them from hombby on E B A Y has had no difficulties!!!


New Member
Originally Posted by Dr Reef
My unit caught fire. It ended burning my bar that my tank was on. I called the company and they said they can only give me a refund on the item and you would have to contact the manufacture to pay for the damage. I call the manufacture in China; they speek very little english, they said there not liable for over seas damage. So i got stuck with the damage. $4000.00 in damage. So lesson learned, when you by cheep crap you get expensive damage. What you pay for is what you get. Oh by the way the newer models are not any better, new box same parts. Also the bulbs are hard to find because they are restamped bulbs. All your 175 watts are really 150s they were just restamped. The hole unit is cheap. If i sold a 2006 z06 corvette for $15000.00 brand new no miles would you buy it. For who all that said yes, i'm sorry for you.
:mad: :mad:
where did you buy it from?


New Member
hi Everyone, Im a newbie in town, I have seen and done a LOT of reasearch about these lights..
Now, I have a question.. I like these light fixtures but have seen and heard bad things about the BALLASTS, mainly the capacitors burning up and catching fire. (the white things in the ballast box) Its all over the net, I have PLENTY of links to post about that.... I have read MANY nightmares about the ballasts with these lights catching fire.. So BEWARE if you use them.
I dont know if the capacitor problem has been addressed in the new 07 versions or not, but I suspect NOT.. So, My question to everyone is...
If the main fire problem has been with the ballasts (capacitors) and not the fixtures (has anyones in here burned up on the fixture?)
What about running a name brand UL listed ballast like a BLUE Wave VII ballast to power the HQI, and mod your OWN UL listed T5/PC ballasts to power the unit?

I already own a BWVII that I have been itching to use. I planned on modding a PC light to add MH to that.. But seeing this fixture Im thinking maybe just get it throw away the ballast and use UL listed ballasts to power it? I know this unit is NOT UL listed.. My only concern now is with the fixture itself and if IT has caught fire?
My question to the guy above Dr. Reef..
Was it the BALLAST or the FIXTURE that caught fire? I figure Im safe getting a fixture and using my own UL listed ballasts.. I havent heard of any fixtures catching fire.. This is why I am asking about the FIXTURE itself before purchasing. Im even thinking its worth having it upgraded (wiring etc) by an electrician if need be to make sure everything in the FIXTURE is up to snuff so to speak.
I found this unit on ---- which has 2-150x4-T5 at 340.00 Shippped.. Do a search for 384W HQI... on ----.
It doenst have the moons but I can add those myself (plenty of kits out there) dont know the seller.. Its not hombly but seems to have good backfeed? It does have the NON HO t5s which is OK as I will upgrade the t5s myself to HO using the ballasts in my own modd. Besides Im thinking I will go with 10k and 420nm for the t5s The 10k will suppliment the hqi, (power bills) and the 03 t5s will be used in the evenings and run along with everything else. I like like the fact this unit uses 2x 150w HQI since I hear weird things about the 175s? and pluse my BWVII is setup for dual 150s already.
T5 ballasts are pretty small, i wonder if I can fit UL listed ballasts and starters in my BWVII? mmm.. If I can do it, that will be great, I will post if it works out. Anyways..
If anyone has any info onANY fixture fires, and or feedback about my ideas above..please post. Esp Dr. Reef.


Originally Posted by Marine693
DO NOT BUY THEM FROM A Q U A T R A D E R S they sell refurbs and have had many complaints with their lights!!! Anyone who has bought them from hombby on E B A Y has had no difficulties!!!
Just wondering how you know they sell refurbs?
I have heard that before, but never knew for sure....
Anyone else know of anyone on the net or ---- that sells the refurbs?


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
i ordered the same lights this week! 2006 model 2 x 175 watt MH and 2 x 96 watt PC and 6 LED moonlights. I should get mine either the end of this week or early next week. OMG i had no idea how big that ballast was! But oh well, i can put it under my stand. Im so excited!
i just got the same exact thing on saturday they are hanging from the cieling. the legs were too wide for my tank...........


Active Member
I just got my 72" 785 watt . I opened it and it doesn't appear refurb at all. Packed great and everything works like a champ. It has three 175 watt mh's and two 130 pc actinics in it along with ten mooonlights. All I need now is for my new 150 gal to come in and I am good to go.....


SiNaLOa213 and joncat24 where did you get them from? The other site or the acution site? How do you like them and do they look like refurbish, repackage ones or are they brand new.


New Member
I don't know for sure, that's just what somebody told me when they bought it from a q u a t r a d e r s I have had mine up for over a month now with absolutely no problems and the lights and ballast are working GREAT!!!! I am very very impressed with this equipment for the price! I'm telling ya' buy from HOMBBY ON E B A Y !!!!
Originally Posted by Saltwater8
Just wondering how you know they sell refurbs?
I have heard that before, but never knew for sure....
Anyone else know of anyone on the net or ---- that sells the refurbs?


Active Member
they are brand new they came in a box. dont look used or anything. no problems yet and hope to keep it that way.