Originally posted by lovethesea
Yes it was wrong.........but what they are doing to each other and what they did to our innocent civilians when they were burned and dragged through town and then strung up for all to see is worse.
Those "civilians" who were so harshly killed, while I do feel sadened over their deaths, and for their families. They chose that! The media keeps useing the term civilian... but they were ARMED MERCENARIES!!!! A sickening amount of money is being spent on mercenaries in this war. With numerous cases of them opening fire on civilians coming to close to positions that they were guarding, arresting people and imprisoning them without justification, etc. One of the video's that is being debated on if it "should" be released is reported to be "civilian contractors" or mercenaries... whichever people choose to call them, gunning down civillians (supposedly, without reason).
Originally posted by kgrimes
Y'know..... if nuking them would actually solve the problem....
I'm sickened by the barbarism we've learned of today...infuriated, actually.
Thats part of the problem. We're afraid of bombing the "fight" out of people, although I'm personally against nukes. In ww2, both the Axis and Allies bombed each others civilians targets. Air raids on berlin, london, rotterdam, etc. were nightly occurences. Even afterwards, there are numerous accounts of nazi's assisnating, terrorizing, etc. the allies who won. Thats apart of nearly every war. Its just now we have to have white gloves on, over everything "ONLY" we do. No one condemn's the UN when they assist (because they're afraid to fight) in genocide, as has been the case twice in the past decade!
Barbarism, "IS" being bred all over the world, "even" in the US. Sadly its even being supported by many heads of state!
Heck, the UN condemned the Israeli assination of a man because he was crippled. Even though he smiled with glee over questions about "is it wrong to send MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN" as suicide bombers that he sent out against crowds of school children in Tel Aviv(?).
I just weep for the world right now. Did anyone catch Senator Biden's speach over the weekend!!!
My goodness, that was scary!!!!