Ok, I have had enough, LET NUKE 'EM!



Its just all a shame

As much as the world should know whats happened. When the video's are released that NBC supposedly has, it will probally get wrose.


Right, wrong, or indifferent this is getting crazy. I am not sure that we can win this thing. Every time we kill one of the " bad guys" 10 of the good Iraqies turn in to "bad guys". I just dont see it. I read about some of the stuff that is being done to us over there and it is really starting to make me mad. Is it worth it? Is it worth all of the American deaths? I support our troops, I want them ALL to come home safe.
Thanks, I need to talk about this



Originally posted by 125inTX
Right, wrong, or indifferent this is getting crazy. I am not sure that we can win this thing. Every time we kill one of the " bad guys" 10 of the good Iraqies turn in to "bad guys". I just dont see it. I read about some of the stuff that is being done to us over there and it is really starting to make me mad. Is it worth it? Is it worth all of the American deaths? I support our troops, I want them ALL to come home safe.
Thanks, I need to talk about this

Thats what's really so scary. As if we do hand over govenmental control, and they have a FREE election... those are the people who are going to come to power!!!! Saddam kept them inline with ultra-violence and forcing the leadership into exile. Its going to take some incredibly skilled diplomacy to come out of this one.
The international papers are going nuts on this. Now that theres "supposedly" according to the drudge report and bbc video's of innocent civilians being gunned down by soldiers, soldiers raping children, as well as the Red Cross "supposedly" telling Rumsfield, Bremer, Powell, and Rice about this every few months.... its going to take time to find out what's really going on but its just a mess :(


Y'know..... if nuking them would actually solve the problem.... but who exactly should we nuke? Iraq? Iran? Pakistan? Syria? India? N. Korea? Bangladesh? Most of N. Africa?
I'm sickened by the barbarism we've learned of today...infuriated, actually.
I wish it were as easy as dropping a bomb or two somewhere...


Well nuking them is not the answer, thats for sure. I am angry and nuking them just sounds like a "get even" soultion. I am really not sure why everyone hates America to much. Is it because we stick our noses in everything? I understand why we do it most of the time, because its in the best intrest of the USA.
They have been fighting and killing each other of a 100+ years. And they will continue to do so.


Active Member
The other thing that is bothering me is this moronic stunt with the prisioners. Yes it was wrong.........but what they are doing to each other and what they did to our innocent civilians when they were burned and dragged through town and then strung up for all to see is worse. Now this beheading thing is going to open up a whole new can of worms, and this man's family dosen't need to see it every 5 minutes on the news as we are the MP prisioner thing.


Active Member

Originally posted by 125inTX
am really not sure why everyone hates America to much. Is it because we stick our noses in everything? .

Yes, sometimes we do, but when trouble starts up, it seems everyone is standing around staring at us (the US) to solve it. :nope:



Originally posted by lovethesea
The other thing that is bothering me is this moronic stunt with the prisioners. Yes it was wrong.........but what they are doing to each other and what they did to our innocent civilians when they were burned and dragged through town and then strung up for all to see is worse. Now this beheading thing is going to open up a whole new can of worms, and this man's family dosen't need to see it every 5 minutes on the news as we are the MP prisioner thing.

I totaly agree. I am ashamed of what some of our sholders are doing over there. And to be dumb enough to take pictures of it :notsure:
My heart goes out to his family.



Originally posted by 125inTX
O yea, Welcome to swf.com Kgrimes!
There are a bunch of great perople on here.

Thanks.... nice to be here. I've actually been around for a couple years, but I lurk in the shadows and pride myself in my low post count. :rolleyes:



Originally posted by kgrimes
Thanks.... nice to be here. I've actually been around for a couple years, but I lurk in the shadows and pride myself in my low post count. :rolleyes:

I see, your one of the bottom dwelers. :D


Active Member
Y'know..... if nuking them would actually solve the problem.... but who exactly should we nuke? Iraq? Iran? Pakistan? Syria? India? N. Korea? Bangladesh? Most of N. Africa?
the middle east as a whole



Originally posted by lovethesea
Yes it was wrong.........but what they are doing to each other and what they did to our innocent civilians when they were burned and dragged through town and then strung up for all to see is worse.

Those "civilians" who were so harshly killed, while I do feel sadened over their deaths, and for their families. They chose that! The media keeps useing the term civilian... but they were ARMED MERCENARIES!!!! A sickening amount of money is being spent on mercenaries in this war. With numerous cases of them opening fire on civilians coming to close to positions that they were guarding, arresting people and imprisoning them without justification, etc. One of the video's that is being debated on if it "should" be released is reported to be "civilian contractors" or mercenaries... whichever people choose to call them, gunning down civillians (supposedly, without reason).
Originally posted by kgrimes

Y'know..... if nuking them would actually solve the problem....
I'm sickened by the barbarism we've learned of today...infuriated, actually.

Thats part of the problem. We're afraid of bombing the "fight" out of people, although I'm personally against nukes. In ww2, both the Axis and Allies bombed each others civilians targets. Air raids on berlin, london, rotterdam, etc. were nightly occurences. Even afterwards, there are numerous accounts of nazi's assisnating, terrorizing, etc. the allies who won. Thats apart of nearly every war. Its just now we have to have white gloves on, over everything "ONLY" we do. No one condemn's the UN when they assist (because they're afraid to fight) in genocide, as has been the case twice in the past decade!
Barbarism, "IS" being bred all over the world, "even" in the US. Sadly its even being supported by many heads of state!
Heck, the UN condemned the Israeli assination of a man because he was crippled. Even though he smiled with glee over questions about "is it wrong to send MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN" as suicide bombers that he sent out against crowds of school children in Tel Aviv(?).
I just weep for the world right now. Did anyone catch Senator Biden's speach over the weekend!!!
My goodness, that was scary!!!!



Originally posted by aarone
the middle east as a whole

Well one thing for sure is, it would sure help gas prices. The sad thing is China would get all over us if we vaporized that hole area. But thats ok I am tired of seeing Made In China on every thing any way, so lets just nuke them too.


Just 2 days ago quite a bit of America was furious about Rumsfeld and the Iraqi abuse. Is it coincidense that the controlled Media would release something like this right after pictures of tortured Iraqi's were leaked? Now maybe we will support the administration's goals again? I agree, it's sick; it's also sick that our Military are making Iraqi's do Homosexual Acts. It's not okay for Sadam to torture his people, but they are saying it is okay if our Country does it (they arn't punishing Rumsfeld, are they?). Beyond all the lies, somewhere is the truth. It's so sad to see all this happening. Daniel, it looks like you have your eyes open and see what's coming.


Active Member
It will be interesting to see what comes out of this mess. They keep saying that "civilains" were controling the prision (i.e. CIA). The CIA was telling those few to do that.
Did I just read that the female soldier is now 5 months pregnant, and that she and her boyfriend were also doing some "strange" things in the prison too? It sounds like no one was minding the store there and the few that were there took over and ran it the way they saw fit.
We will only have to pay attention the what actually comes out the the Court Marshall, because the media won't give us the full story.