Ok, I have had enough, LET NUKE 'EM!

tony detroit

Active Member
Vietnam was one or is the greatest mililtary blunders launched by the United States. There is no good thing that came from it. NOTHING. Ask anyone who was there what they think.
In a few years time Iraq will probably be the biggest U.S. military blunder if things keep going like they are.


Active Member

Originally posted by tony detroit
Vietnam was one or is the greatest mililtary blunders launched by the United States.

Vietnam was terrible. But it did serve a purpose in that it kept Communism from spreading beyond the region.
Japan and Germany where not instant Disneylands after WW2. It takes years to rebuild a nation into a stable productive country and Iraq will take the same. Our generation is new to this nation rebuilding because we have not expierienced it. I bett that if this was the 1950's that people would not be so nagative about Iraq because people would understand what it takes and the sacrifices it takes to rebuild a nation and that it will make the world a better place eventually.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by jlem
Vietnam was terrible. But it did serve a purpose in that it kept Communism from spreading beyond the region.

Communism wasn't going to ruin anything. It is not much worse than what we have goin on in this country anyway. Most people think America is all happy happy joy joy. It is not. There is another side to this country that the middle class does not see.


Active Member

Originally posted by tony detroit
There is another side to this country that the middle class does not see.

What would that be?

tony detroit

Active Member
That would be all the underprivelidged kids that will grow up a hard life. When you ride the bus to work, and barely have enough money on friday to buy your own meal you will realize the importance of this. Lucky for me I have never had these problems, but I do realize that they exist.
Or how about how your government employees can easily turn a good situation to a bad one to make you look worse than them. Mumia al Butamal
The list keeps on going.
Explaining these things is unnecessary. Open your eyes and they need no explaining.


Active Member

Originally posted by tony detroit
Explaining these things is unnecessary. Open your eyes and they need no explaining.

Open my eyes Tony. I am extremely interested. This is what this forum is for. We have time to read. Please explain these things. :confused:
Explain to me how with the military and other Govt programs that someone cannot make it in this country. It is ashame about the underpriveledged kids, but it is the parents who will not get off their buts and do what it takes. they would rather complain and live of welfare then get a less than desirable job to take care of their kids. Anybody can make it in America if they take the time to try.
But please enlighten me of these things that you are talking about. I really want to know.



Originally posted by jlem
Explain to me how with the military and other Govt programs that someone cannot make it in this country. It is ashame about the underpriveledged kids, but it is the parents who will not get off their buts and do what it takes. they would rather complain and live of welfare then get a less than desirable job to take care of their kids. Anybody can make it in America if they take the time to try.
But please enlighten me of these things that you are talking about. I really want to know.

Jlem, email me if you would. neversummer411NOSPAMPLEASE@yahoo.com
Not an argument, just a short speach on an mp3 that I would like your opinion on, and think you may find interesting whether you agree or disagree.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by jlem
Anybody can make it in America if they take the time to try.

You have to be brought up right. Good parenting raises good people.
Possible Scenario #1.
Ok, you're a kid. Your mom was a crack***** and you live in the projects in Detroit with your 5 brothers all from different men who have all deserted your mother. All your neighbors are this way. All of your classmates have the same problems as you do. There is no father figure in your life. You go to Detroit Public Schools. They suck. They encourage you for failure. Now you're 15, have dropped out of school, and are trying to find work. You grow up to realize that life on welfare/SSI is better than riding the bus to Burger king every morning at 5 a.m. for 65 bucks for the day. So now you're a drug addict too because for some odd reason you cannot find comfort in the world, I wonder why. There is no hope in sight for you. One day you get high and have unprotected --- and have some kids of your own as well as your other 5 siblings. The cycle continues. It increases almost exponentially.
But let's not fix that problem or the other hundred I can think of off the top of my head, no let's go drop ridiculous amounts of my taxmoney overseas. Let's flex our military muscles.
WAIT a minute. Let's go drop hundreds of billions in Iraq. Screw the issues at home. Screw better public education. Good thinking ace. Let's not worry about the fact that I cannot pay property taxes alone on social security. Let's not worry about the 48 plus million Americans without healthcare. Let's not worry about the 2 plus million Americans that are now out of work. Nah, let's go spend a few hundred billion in Iraq. Let's not tax foreign imports to bring their prices on par with the same American made products. Let's not worry about our total sham, total screwing you over banking system. INGENIOUS PLAN.


Active Member
Tony I think the middle class is the MOST aware to this problem. Its dis heartening to be taxed as much as we are and to see it all wasted on people who refuse to get a job and suck the system dry. The people you are speaking of generally are the ones trying to make it but can't because they do have some sort of employment. A neighbor of ours who lost his job of 15 years is working 3 jobs to make his ends meet. The middle class generally know what it takes to pay the bills wether its a second job or over time. People that are sucking the system have a sence of entitlement and feel that they are owed their entire existance. They all have cell phones, pagers, cigarettes, telephones in their homes BUT can't pay for food, rent, or utiilites.
and IMO, this beheading video should be banned! The thought of people watching this makes me sick. We all know it happened, why are earth do we all need to see it too. Sound or no sound.


Active Member
i think every one should watch the video...just to see the sheer barbaric nature of these sand people

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by lovethesea
suck the system dry.

The truth is the system is fine. The government is pissing our money away. There is so much money in the system it is ridiculous. The truth is that with the amount of tax you pay you should only be working 30hrs a week to pay your bills. Welfare cuts people off now. After cutting billions in welfare spending my taxes did not go down at all. Strange indeed. The welfare budget actually went up from so called "administrative costs" and hundreds of thousand were actually taken off of it.
You are right, the system has tons of dead weight, but there is a reason for that.


Just an observation here. Though I knew it would make me mad, I watched the video of the beheading. Did anybody notice that things didn't look right in the video? I'm a bio major and know about cutting arteries. Shouldn't there have been blood shooting out? He didn't even try to squirm or anyting to resist this. It looks like he was dead before they beheaded him. Also, why do the killers look like overweight westerners? Like said earlier in this thread, the FBI story and the Parent story are complete contraditions. I definately question this and the timing of this being released after the Iraqi torture photo's.


Active Member
so you are saying it is a hoax?....most of those videos have been edited to take out his screams....i have one with his screams if you want to see it.



Originally posted by tony detroit
For those interested, do not watch the beheading video, especially with sound.

Simply sad. Especially when he starts to scream.


Active Member

Originally posted by tony detroit
You have to be brought up right. Good parenting raises good people.
Ok, you're a kid. Your mom was a crack***** and you live in the projects in Detroit with your 5 brothers all from different men who have all deserted your mother. All your neighbors are this way. All of your classmates have the same problems as you do. There is no father figure in your life. You go to Detroit Public Schools. They suck. They encourage you for failure. Now you're 15, have dropped out of school, and are trying to find work. You grow up to realize that life on welfare/SSI is better than riding the bus to Burger king every morning at 5 a.m. for 65 bucks for the day. So now you're a drug addict too because for some odd reason you cannot find comfort in the world, I wonder why. There is no hope in sight for you. One day you get high and have unprotected --- and have some kids of your own as well as your other 5 siblings. The cycle continues. It increases almost exponentially.
But let's not fix that problem INGENIOUS PLAN.

It is societies fault for the senerio you explained. I love it if the Govt made the 10 comandments law ( not for religion, but because they make sense ). I would love it if family values where taught on television and not ---, drugs and rock and roll. I wish that drug dealers where shot on site without a trial. But then we would not live in a free society where you unfortunqtely have a bunch of boneheads making it harder for decent people.. Society has failed itself, not the goverment. Suadi Arabia gives billions of dollars to its citizens because of oil revenues. These young men don't work and usually go to a religious studies progrm for extreme religious theories and in turn hate what america stands for. If America kept all of it's money to itsself and refused to help other nations then we would have 20 times more problems that arise from laziness then we do now. Countries hate us because they will never accomplish anywhere near what the average american can under our present goverment system.
I would rather my money help free Iraq and help third world countries then it help that 15 year old single mom who watched and listened to much Snoop gangster movies than listen to her teachers. It is not the Govt glorifing the life that causes these problems It is society
I really hope that this thread stays civil because I really have enjoyed so far.


so you are saying it is a hoax?....most of those videos have been edited to take out his screams....i have one with his screams if you want to see it.
This is completely my opinion but it could be, I do question what I see. I think the guy was killed, but if it was a true beheading, what we see should be different such as blood pouring out as long as the heart is beating. I think right now the government does have an agenda and right now that is US support on the war. When the anti-war torture pics were released they throw this at us to forget about the iraqi torture. I see Americans losing liberties right now due to the Patriot act and now Bush wants to sign the Patriot II when the Patriot expires in 2005 The patriot act 2 takes away more liberties than the first and it doesn't expire, ever. That therefore changes our constitutional rights. Currently with the Patriot act I the Feds can search your home, monitor your phonecalls, emails without a warrent and you can go to prison without a trial. As Benjamin Franklin quoted: "Those who give up their essential liberties for security, don't deserve their liberties".
I'm not saying it's a hoax, I just watch closely because I care about the one thing our brothers died for and that's our US Constitution and Rights.



Originally posted by jlem
I would rather my money help free Iraq and help third world countries then it help that 15 year old single mom who watched and listened to much Snoop gangster movies than listen to her teachers. It is not the Govt glorifing the life that causes these problems It is society

I agree with you some what. But I used to be on the upper end of middle class. $80K a year with my income alone. Now I make less than half that and have to work two jobs just to keep from going bankrupt.
I am not sure where this thread is going but I started it to vent my anger over the crap that is hapening over in the middle east. I truly try not to keep up with whats going on over there because it is so upseting to me. But some times you have no choice to hear or read about it when it is plastered every where. I hope all of the people over there that are doing bad things get what they deserve in the end. Weather it be from the end of an armed forces rifle of whatever "god" the belive in.
Either way I hope the suffer!


Active Member

Originally posted by 125inTX
I hope all of the people over there that are doing bad things get what they deserve in the end. Weather it be from the end of an armed forces rifle of whatever "god" the belive in.
Either way I hope the suffer!

I think we can all agree on that:D


I do not have the video, and I do not want to see it. I have the grusim images burned into my mind already. If you think it is a hoax and want to see it for your self but have no means to see it let me know. If some one will get it to me I will host it.