Nicky, yeah that video is available for download on alot of sites right now. I may be desensitized to alot of violence from the media, but I really don't want to see that. Was bad enough seeing a few still pics of them holding the head up on foreign news sites.
Originally posted by tony detroit
Do you think 100% of the prisoners belong there, no they do not. So chances are you are making a innocent guy pose in
pictures to make yourself feel better because you got beat up in highschool. That is total BS. There is no reason for the soldiers to be treating prisoners like that. Prison is bad enough in the first place. I heard on the radio that it is believed as many as 80% of the prisoners DO NOT BELONG THERE.
Supposedly that figures from the Red Cross, and it being upwards of 90%. Regardless, in war or life/death situations, people don't have time to have a full trial over stuff. If you're highly likely to be an enemy, they're locked up and sorted out later. Still, I find those kinds of figures highly suspect. How in the heck could anyone know?
Originally posted by rbmount
I don't agree with the prisoner abuse, But I think it's time to come home turn off ALL the foreign aid and shut down our borders. We armed Saddam, and what happened? VietNam was a joke. It seems to me when the chips are down everyone comes crying to the U.S., then after we've spent all the money saving them, then they turn on us. I think it's time to take care of #1- US! Do away with NAFTA, stop sending our jobs over seas, stop taking in anyone who crosses the borders, wether legally or illegally, especially the illegals that have more rights to our social services and education at taxpayer expense. And yes, I would have made a parking lot out of Fallujah 5 minutes after those pictures of the dead were shown hanging on that bridge. Sorry for the rant, but i had to put my 2 cents worth in.
rbmount, In alot of ways I agree with you. But we created this mess, shouldn't we fix it? Even if it is likely very costly to fix? I'm asking myself that. Sadly, our governments since atleast 1913 IMO, (Brownie points to anyone who knows what signifiacantly happened that year!) our governments been on the process of selling us out and handing over our soverignty. I'll end it at that, before I get flamed or change the direction of this thread.