Ok. Rudest thing a customer has ever said to you.



Alright reefkprz said it was alright that i posted this so lets here those lfs stories. But since im only 11 and dont work i have no stories.


I was a witness to this one its freshwater but still a doozy
customer -I want one of those pretty black and orange colored fish in this tank.
employee - you mean one of the tiger oscars
customer- Yeah I guess thats what they are
employee- what size tank do you have
customer- its one of those tanks with the plant growing out of the top
employee- you mean a betta vase?
customer- No it had goldfish in it but they got to big and couldnt swim
employee- what did you do with them
customer- I dumped them in the toliet I was tired of them and they were way to big almost 1 inch long.
employee- well the oscars get alot larger than that and need a very large tank
customer- no they dont I never see them any bigger than the ones there and I want one so sell it to me.
employee- it wont live in that vase and cant survive the same conditions as the goldfish that you had that get way to big
customer- I want that **** fish so bag the *** thing up so I can go I have better things to do
employee- I am not going to sell it to you becuase you dont have the right setup
customer- we will see about that wheres your **** boss
employee- right over there at the register
a minute or so later the woman started yelling at the top of her lungs
"I will see you in court your discriminating against me and not selling me the customer what the **** I want and I will own the store when this is over!!"
the owner said well go ahead and try but it still wont get you the fish so you need to leave now.
I was so impressed with these guys it was unreal~!!!!!!


I cannot belive she went on and on about getting that fish even when you told her that fish was too big for that bowl!
It would have been like selling to her a tiger shark to put in a goldfish bowl!
I'm sure you had a good story to tell when you went home!


Okay I posted in the other thread here is something I watched go down in front of me...
Customer: Hey do you guys have any like large aggressives (not sure if this was proper grammer but there it is)
Employee1: Do you mean agressive fish?
Customer: Yeah
Employee1: Saltwater or Freshwater?
Customer: Saltwater I think... my nephew has a new tank with a baby shark in it and I wanted to get him some friends so he wouldn't look so lonely.
Employee1: Ah okay... well we do have some sharks. What size tank does your nephew have.
Customer: He said its 55... the shark he's got in there now can touch both sides so its pretty big.
Employee1: Really!? What kind of shark is it exactly?
Customer: I dunno his uncle brought it back for him after one of his fishing trips... It's pretty big but he dosn't think it will get much bigger.
Employee1: One second... (gets manager)
Manager: (takes her over to see some of the sharks they keep in their open shark pool, and then comes back to the register) Well the shark eggs arn't necessarily ready right now, but if you give me your nephew's phone number we can give him a call when they hatch.
Customer: (gives phone number... thanks them and leaves)
Me: (step up with my now frozen hand and frozen food) Wow thats crazy
Manager: Tell me about it... but it looks like either we are gonna sell a big tank this weekend, get a new shark, or call the SPCA.
Me: nice!
Since then I've applied to work part-time with these guys they are pretty nice and pretty considerate when it comes to customers.


society for prevention of cruelty to animals I think... its the same people you can call if you find a pet who has been abandoned or starved. They can also be called on pet stores (at quite an alarming rate if PETA gets on their ass enough)


Active Member
ok here is one
Customer: I want a nemo fish
Me: clownfish are marine fish do you have a marine tank?
Customer: Its an all glass tank.
Me: I mean the type of water it lives in is marine, do you have a saltwater tank?
Customer: I'm not adding salt for a fish. it'll be fine.
Me: It wont survive in fresh water.
Customer: dont talk to me like I am an idiot. I have kept fish since I was ten.
Me: I'm sorry maam, I'm just trying to make sure you have the right stuff to keep the fish healthy.
Customer: Its my money, If it dies, whats it to you? Your job is to sell me the damn fish! Now bag it!
Me: sorry maam, but I cannot sell you the fish knowing it is going into fresh water that would be against the law. have a nice day.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
ok here is one
Customer: I want a nemo fish
Me: clownfish are marine fish do you have a marine tank?
Customer: Its an all glass tank.
Me: I mean the type of water it lives in is marine, do you have a saltwater tank?
Customer: I'm not adding salt for a fish. it'll be fine.
Me: It wont survive in fresh water.
Customer: dont talk to me like I am an idiot. I have kept fish since I was ten.
Me: I'm sorry maam, I'm just trying to make sure you have the right stuff to keep the fish healthy.
Customer: Its my money, If it dies, whats it to you? Your job is to sell me the damn fish! Now bag it!
Me: sorry maam, but I cannot sell you the fish knowing it is going into fresh water that would be against the law. have a nice day.
That is a great one. And didnt you say you had a different story for everyday you worked at the lfs.


It floors me to hear these stories of how ignorant, cruel, and heartless some people can be....especially after you educate them!!


God i have so many from when i worked at *****. But now that im at a really good lfs i dont have as many. When i worked at ***** it seemed like i was asked if a "nemo fish" could go with some sort of fresh water fish almost every day. Now the worst i have is a guy brought in about 46 chiclids from his 46g bow front. And they were big like 6-7 " big...Not that funny but really absurd


Active Member
"I don't care if they die, I don't care if they don't go together, I just need big colorful fish for the Super Bowl party"


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
"I don't care if they die, I don't care if they don't go together, I just need big colorful fish for the Super Bowl party"
Yep, I have heard that one too many times.
Jeez, I have too many stories to add to this thread. I will have to think of some of the crazier ones.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
"I don't care if they die, I don't care if they don't go together, I just need big colorful fish for the Super Bowl party"
omg that is cruel


Some people are just poo heads
And Lion Crazz cool avatar


Active Member
hey surfin you live in probably the most beautiful part of calii love monterey/carmel you my friend are lucky...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
hey surfin you live in probably the most beautiful part of calii love monterey/carmel you my friend are lucky...tobin
absolutely, ive been all over cali and there is no better place than monterey (accept mammoth if you snowboard)... i took some amazing pics up there, i think this summer we are gonna make the pilgramage to the monterey bay aquarium, ive heard its the best aquarium in cali... should be fun


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
ok here is one
Customer: I want a nemo fish
Me: clownfish are marine fish do you have a marine tank?
Customer: Its an all glass tank.
Me: I mean the type of water it lives in is marine, do you have a saltwater tank?
Customer: I'm not adding salt for a fish. it'll be fine.
Me: It wont survive in fresh water.
Customer: dont talk to me like I am an idiot. I have kept fish since I was ten.
Me: I'm sorry maam, I'm just trying to make sure you have the right stuff to keep the fish healthy.
Customer: Its my money, If it dies, whats it to you? Your job is to sell me the damn fish! Now bag it!
Me: sorry maam, but I cannot sell you the fish knowing it is going into fresh water that would be against the law. have a nice day.
i want a nemo fish!!


Originally Posted by seasalt101
hey surfin you live in probably the most beautiful part of calii love monterey/carmel you my friend are lucky...tobin
Thank you its for sure a great place to live.