Ok. Rudest thing a customer has ever said to you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
Me: can i help you?
customer:yes, my anemones testicles are shribbled, why?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
I used to work at a time share in San Diego when I was in college, after 5 years I ended up with a few stories...here is the worst.
It was about 9pm, we had overbooked the hotel (most hotels do) I already had walked 2 other people to hotels across the street. Two women come to check-in. I give them my little song and dance, they are not happy. I explain to them that there are NO more rooms and I wish I could build a room for them but there is not enough time and there is nothing else I can do. The woman proceeds to tell me that she wants me to REMOVE ANOTHER GUEST so she can stay there. I explain that this is not an option and that the hotel accross the street is a very nice place and has lots of history blah blah blah. The woman is now pissed (think 50 and hispanic), she starts to insult me telling me I am stupid and that I can't do my job. She wants to talk to a manager, I am the only one there its a small place. I explain that I will call my manager on the phone and she can talk to her. Manager tells the woman exact same damn thing. The woman is so enraged at this point she tells the woman to wait and she is going to come down to the resort.
In the mean time the woman is telling me how horrible my mother is for raising such an incompetent child and goes on and on about my mother and how horrible of a parent she is. At this point I am competely ignoring the woman which is only making her more mad. So she starts yelling, I then tell her that if she does not calm down I will have to call the police. She then proceeds to try and climb over the counter to I assume attack me. Just then my manager walks in the door shocking the woman, my manager tells her very calmly "You have reservations next door, I highly recommend you go check-in. Nobody talks to my staff that way, now get the F*** out and don't ever come back".
My boss hugged my since I was near hysteria and told me to lock all the doors, I never saw the woman again.
I work in surveying, I have heard it all.....
One day, I had an older lady tell my to get off of her property...(keep in mind I am standing next to the road in a ditch). I tried to explain to her how Right-Of-Way worked and that she didnt own the ditch...Being the nice guy that I'm not, I even found her front prop. corners..Well she didnt believe me on that, She said I was trying to "steal" that much property from her.
I informed her that was insane, and asked her what I was going to do with a strip of ditch that was 25'x150'. Then she informed me that she owned all the way to the center-line of the road...I told her if I was her, I would set up a nice little toll booth in "her" lane, and charge $1 to every car that came buy..
Some People


These are crazy stories how could people be nutbags like that.


Active Member
those were good stories jon . "my anemone's testicles are shrivled?"
"can you paint the fish?"
some people are just de de de



Active Member
I don't work at a pet store but I spend a lot of time there and the owners keep me undated on the funny questions they hear. I can't believe how many people just want a tank to last for a week or two to impress family, some guy wanted to set one up for his son coming that day, they told him the fish would likely die and he just said it didn't matter, he just wanted his som to see it. I set up the saltwter tank for them and everyone that comes in has a goofy question about it or instantly says "Saltwaters too (a) expensive, (b) hard or (c) too much work. I love people who give advice on things they've never done. I don't try to give freshwater advice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
Customer: do you sale sea turtles?
Me:no they are illegal.
customer:do you know who sells them?
Customer: Do these parrot fish talk?
Me: can i help you?
customer:yes, my anemones testicles are shribbled, why?
customer:do you all have a nemo fish for freshwater?
Me:no, unfortunately there isnt a fish that is like that for FW?
customer: can you order me one or is there a way you can paint it?
customer:I bought this fish from *bussiness name* and it is dead, why?
me:why dont you call them and find out?
customer: do you sale *blah blah blah*?
me: no try *bussiness name*.
customer:do you know their number and how much it is?
me:I dont work there nor shop there so no i dont call them so i dont know what it costs.
me:excuse me....please dont tap on the glass. It scares the fish and stresses them out.
customer: ugh, my daughter isnt hurting your stupid fish....
me:that would be like me sticking " a " child in a closet and kicking the crap out of the door for a few seconds till i hear her scream and cry....get the point?
me:yeah i just tested your water and the nitrates are pretty bad.
customer:thats bull****, i have been doing this for years and my water is clear.
me:yeah we so is your toilet water, but you would not drink it. Just cause its clear doesnt mean it clean....


i heard this while i was @ the pet store the empolyee was on the phone so i did not hear the caller
lfs guy:yes we do have big saltwater fish
caller ...
lfs guy:WHAT THE
lfs guy:they aren't good for F&@^$^g sushi
then he hung up