OK who ate my snails??


Active Member
I've had 3 good size turbo snails show up dead in the past few days. PH 8.3, sg 1.025, amm 0, calcium 430, nitrites 0, nitrates 40. I got rid of all my hermits except for my scarlet and 1 blue leg quite a while back. I was having a problem with high trates (80) but figured that out and they've been at 40 for over a week. I'm doing another water change to bring them down more in next couple days. So what could be up? :confused:


Active Member
Well, were they just dead, or did they look like something was snacking on them?


Active Member
Dead and gone out of the shells, that's why I asked "who ate my snails?" I figure something ate them. Tank inhabitants are listed in my sig line.


Active Member
Me! I ate them, I love escargo.:D :D :D
Are you sure you don't have a mantis? I had a clubber once who was snacking on my snails and hermits. With the nassarius snails, hermits, and bristle worms the corps wouldn't last long even if something else caused their death. Is there plenty of algae for them to eat? I've also known them to starve if there is to little to eat. HTH


Active Member
NaCI-H20 I was wondering if it was you;) Well, there is plenty of algae. I've never heard any cracking or strange noises.....


Active Member
Not all mantis make clicking sounds, the only way to find the quiet ones, is on one of those 3:00AM tank checks. I hope that is not the case thou. Good Luck

bang guy

All three at once? I would suspect water parameters and not a predator. Has your temp fluctuated? Has it dipped below 77F?


Active Member
Guy, I don't think it was all three at one time. I saw the first shell about 5 days ago, then I noticed 2 more yesterday which doesn't necessarily mean same time because I've been very busy lately and haven't had much tank gazing time. One possibly strange thing is they are all three laying in the same area of the tank, near rubble pile.....made me think of "snail graveyard" or something. there's been no temp fluctuations especially not below 77. It stays around 80 on it's own w/o heater or chiller. My scarlet hermit is getting pretty big. Do you think maybe he's after a new shell? I've got a few in there for him but he hasn't changed houses in the last couple months. He used change every couple weeks.

bang guy

Well, they usually stop eating if water parameters are making them ill. I think you would have noticed that though. It could very well be a predator then. Are the shells damaged at all? Hermits are notorious for killing a snail for the shell then deciding it doesn't fit. This one's going to be a tough mystery to solve.


I would be willing to bet that the nitrate buildup killed them, and the cleaners simply ate the carcasses. Especially if all died around the same time, after having been fine for so long. Inverts, especially snails, are sensitive to water conditions, so your nitrate problem is the likely culprit.


New Member
i had the same problem and it turned out to be a combo of nitrate problems and brittle stars. the nitrates killed and the stars scavenged


Active Member
Hmm, I'm going to freak if I get home and there is another shell in there with the three. :eek: I just think it's wierd that the three shells are lying together. Shells don't look damaged. Maybe there is a slick spot on the rock by there and they are sliding off and landing upside down...weeee! Looks like I might be spending some middle of the night time with the tank......:(


Active Member
Ok, I have another dead snail, that makes 4. Found in same area of tank. Only this one the snail was still in the shell, so does this mean it is not a predator? What else could it be and why are they in the same area? Also, my colt (another thread) is all closed up tonight. :confused: :confused: :confused: checked water again and all is same as listed above.


Active Member
I've lost 6 turbos now! Ceriths and nassarius and other inhabitants are fine. I'm having to use my mag cleaner on the glass again so I know there was algae for them.:eek:


you are still ignoring the most likely possibility...water params...trates are still kind of high...another problem might be high phosphates which can kill as well...far as same location syndrom...I've noticed that snails seem to prefer certain areas of the tank over others & may end up in same location for iether grazing or sleeping...


Active Member
I'm not ignoring trates, I've been bringing them down with water changes since finding out the way I was feeding my live brine (with water) was causing the high trates. I've got them under 20 now. I do have a phosphate problem going on though, can't seem to get water w/o it in there, at least I think that's it since I keep getting diatom blooms. Really think that could be it? The last snail was in a different spot btw.

john f

" would be willing to bet that the nitrate buildup killed them"
Based on what?????????????????
Can you show me ANY evidence that high nitrates are toxic to snails?


I'd place my bet on NitrAtes as well. Though my trates have been high and my turbo's all survived. My nasserous (spell?) and stombis snails did not.
It is weird though that they are all in the same spot. hmmmm. Maybe that is simply where they graze and also where they died.
I only say trates b/c it was the only problem in my tank when I lost the snails.


It could be the cleaners. I lost a snail after I added my cleaner and didnt think much about it. I just turned on the lites to see how my new Condy Anemone was doing and caught it in the act. It was vicious. The poor snail was still alive and the shrimp was tearing into it like a pitbull.I broke it up and move the snail . He hasnt come out of his shell yet. My hermits always left the snails alone. Now I gotta baby sit the shrimp.:mad: