One Political Mega Thread!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
I don't think it has been put into the equation yet. You're right, if it does work, then incomes will increase=taxes increase.
well, for those that don't know the loopholes at least lol
btw, i'm completely against big government, but it's too big to do anything with for a couple years...
i liked the tv show Jericho... too bad it wasn't reality


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon is only one day...
but but but... friday is still a day, saturday is still a day... today was still a day... hehe.
he's a politician... lies are expected...


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
5 days, not business days... hmm, friday, saturday, sunday, monday, and he's set up to sign today... that's 5 days..
If he waits ten days... Then he doesn't even have to sign it. That would be the ultimate riding of the fence. Can you imagine if he didn't sign it, in four years he could say, I didn't vote for the bill that destroyed our economy... That would be awesome.
Originally Posted by renogaw
nah, our children are dealing with year's ago debt. this is our grandchildrens debt.
i'm just wondering something.... the govt is paying out all this money, and then will be taxing people on their income that comes from all this money. where does this tax money get put into the equation?
This is the problem with government "stimulus" by increasing spending. The government doesn't actually produce ANYTHING. All the $$ they have is taken from producers, wasted on bureaucracy, then a percentage of that is output spent on various government programs. So this idea that oh it will increase revenues is ok, but it will increase them by less than would have otherwise been increased if the government had never taken the money to begin with. Also, it takes money from good producers, and "distributes" them to non-producers (see the bank bailout). So the money is used less efficiently.
Originally Posted by sickboy

I don't think it has been put into the equation yet. You're right, if it does work, then incomes will increase=taxes increase.
In my head I see it like the guy who wonders why he can't levitate himself. If you grab your boots and pull you're not going to get off the ground. And that is what I think Obama's plan is trying to do...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Then why the rush to pass this poorly thought out Trillion dollar Bill?
I think it's really just all for show...The whole rush and controversy of it. All I can say is that it's over now and I hope the SOB does something to help out...Hey you off 380? I am in Little Elm at the moment. Any good LFS around worth checking out???


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Again, just to stir the pot a little, not trying to defend Ayers in any shape or form:
So, if there are no "degrees" of terrorism, we could define the Confederacy as terrorists like Osama that would have been subject to getting thrown in Gitmo?
And before someone says there was no Gitmo during the civil war....I know, its just a hypothetical situation.
You need to read up on the history of the Civil War... How would you compare States fighting over States' rights, as terrorists?
And, btw, look at the Constitutional Rights President Lincoln took away during the Civil War.... Freedom of Press, Freedom of speech, Habeus Corpus...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
I think it's really just all for show...The whole rush and controversy of it. All I can say is that it's over now and I hope the SOB does something to help out...Hey you off 380? I am in Little Elm at the moment. Any good LFS around worth checking out???
I'm quite a bit off 380, atm. Over in Baghdad as a Contractor.
The last time I checked, and it was over a year ago, No. Nothing good in Denton.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You need to read up on the history of the Civil War... How would you compare States fighting over States' rights, as terrorists?
And, btw, look at the Constitutional Rights President Lincoln took away during the Civil War.... Freedom of Press, Freedom of speech, Habeus Corpus...
I was shooting more for anything against Washington being "terrorist" but stdreb quickly reminded me of exactly what you are saying....
Attempt at stirring the pot = FAIL


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
I was shooting more for anything against Washington being "terrorist" but stdreb quickly reminded me of exactly what you are saying....
Attempt at stirring the pot = FAIL

There are good devils advocate arguments for many things. That wasn't one of them.

bang guy

Originally Posted by renogaw
but but but... friday is still a day, saturday is still a day... today was still a day... hehe.
he's a politician... lies are expected...
I guess. I mean he did sign it during the 5th day, close enough I suppose.
As long as he keeps the important promises like not appointing any lobbiests.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
As long as he keeps the important promises like not appointing any lobbiests.
Lobbyists? Well, ok... just don't appoint any tax cheats... After all, Vice President Biden pointed out paying higher taxes is the patriotic thing for wealthy Americans to do.


Active Member
Whatever happens Obama and the Democrats own this turdburger now.
Perhaps when they come back for Stimulzilla II in may or June people will wake up to the fact this was a sham used to pass through a bunch of liberal spending programs having nothing to do with economic growth.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Whatever happens Obama and the Democrats own this turdburger now.
Perhaps when they come back for Stimulzilla II in may or June people will wake up to the fact this was a sham used to pass through a bunch of liberal spending programs having nothing to do with economic growth.
I wonder how much that will be...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
They just announced a second "stimulus" package is needed...
What I really love is the moving target they throw out there to define success. We will create or save X million jobs? It was as bad as Clintons 100,000 new cops on the streets BS.
Hell at this point with the car companies what the government should do is give every low income American a car. It wouldn't cost any more than what they are giving the unions...... I mean car manufacturers now and would certainly turn around the industry. Also gets a lot of older global warming units off the streets.
Of course you will have people complaining cause the man is trying to keep them down by only giving them a Chevy or Buick instead of a Cadillac.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
yeah, I think we should pump more CO2 into the air, we need to feed the trees!
Trees are bad. Birds live in trees. Birds eat tiny insects and berries and then poop. said bird poop produces a large quantity of methane which is a potent greenhouse gas.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Trees are bad. Birds live in trees. Birds eat tiny insects and berries and then poop. said bird poop produces a large quantity of methane which is a potent greenhouse gas.
But trees make the paper that Bureaucrats push, and those are democrats. So it is ok.

darthtang aw

Active Member
And of course, said democrats release methane gas into the air quite regularly, whether it be when they speak or from the other end. Everyone else knows republicans do not produce methane gas.