OT: Best Avatars... A contest!


Active Member

Originally posted by me-n-my-fish
I just like mine. Some times i DO feal like my brain just got out and left:D :D

So long as it comes back :D


Active Member
Guy, not me! I like heros, I'm a MOM (mother of Marines)
me-n-my-fish - I can identify with your avatar because of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.;)


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I never could figure out bangs. I always just thought it was a wierd looking eyeball. Wrassecal mine is so much better lol:D


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Ty- my desktop theme is Sooners. The recycle icon is upside down longhorns and when it's processing it's a spinning football:D You should try this avatar...


Active Member
Whats an avatar?:D This fish is in my tank! I live within 10 miles of a nuculear power facility. Igot this fish outta a nearby creek:D :D :D



Originally posted by rbmount
Whats an avatar?:D This fish is in my tank! I live within 10 miles of a nuculear power facility. Igot this fish outta a nearby creek:D :D :D

Hey its safe!


being a ex-fellow rider (stolen bike) i am going to have to put a vote in for Daniel411. that avitar is just awesome. the first time i saw his avaitar it brought back good memories.


Active Member
You know during the land runs. A sooner was the person that cheated by hiding and getting to his stake fastest.

nm reef

Active Member
I've been keepin' a eye on this thread and didn't have the avatar I wanted under my name...but since they allowed for larger avatars let me introduce you to the "reef keepin' wizard walkin dude"!!
May not be a winner...but I like him...I've used it to attach to emails for about 5 years now....I'm a wizard fan(got a large ink one on my left shoulder) and this animated avatar just appealed to me.
There are lots of very kewl avatars on this forum and most say a little something about the members that use them....good stuff.:cool: