OT: Best Avatars... A contest!


Active Member
Originally posted by Beth
Quit messin' with my harem.
Ok Beth, don't want a shark after me:p but, it does seem like there should be a more aquatic name for for em than harem....maybe chum;) :rolleyes: ;)
edit: does 2 for's equal ate?


Staff member
Well, at least you didn't say chumps....! Actually, they are a great bunch of guys that are fun to work with and fun to hang with in the TANK. :D


Active Member
Why did you change your avatar? I wonder what it says about us that we don't have anything better to do on a Friday night than goof around like this.


Staff member
I got mugged by a hord of sammy-loving women and they threatened to hack my computer for my avatar! GEEZ
I got so many emails from women begging me to send them a copy of that pic that I just couldn't take it anymore.....I do have to get back to the Diesese Forum and take care of serious business!
Thus, its off to private viewing only on my desktop and next to my nitestand.....:D
BTW: That pic doesn't do BANG any justice....:)


Staff member
Ok, Ladies...one last glimpse and that's it! Notice the new tat! WowWeeeee!


Active Member
I like his new BETH tattoo:D Strange that's not on the the copy he sent me, there is one that says DEBI on the copy he sent me. :rolleyes: You're right about my avatar it doesn't do Bang justice at all, doesn't look a thing like him.