OT: Best Avatars... A contest!



Gotta love Bang's new one though it is definitely right up there with the best.


Active Member
Ty - I like the flag. I can tell it's from a game when the roughnecks come running out to the goalpost with it.:D


Nope that's the winner!!! Pain is temporary, pride is forever!!! The few, The proud, The Marines.


Active Member

Originally posted by TheRock0861
Pain is temporary, pride is forever!!! The few, The proud, The Marines.

Pain is weakness leaving the body!


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
My new avatar.....I think its a winner!
And, no, its not me! :D

cool, I HOPE its not you :D
Hey are we supposed to have a 10,000 party for you??? ;)


Staff member

Originally posted by lovethesea
Hey are we supposed to have a 10,000 party for you??? ;)

Now that is one heck of an idea! You all should start planning now, as I will be there very soon!


Active Member
LOL Beth, I've seen that pic of Sammy somewhere before.
HEY BANG GUY can you email me a topless pic of yourself so I can make it into my avatar???


Staff member

Originally posted by Wrassecal
HEY BANG GUY can you email me a topless pic of yourself so I can make it into my avatar???

I already tried to get him to do it, he wouldn't! So, he better not for you.
Was hoping to put a HunkMod Avatar with all of them, but so far only sammy is willing :D


Active Member
Darn you Rye:D That is so :cool: Would you please email me a topless pic of yourself so I can make it my avatar.....please, please, please....it would win, I'm sure of it;) Otherwise all us girls are going to have to change to Sammy's then it'll be Sammy everywhere.....New members would click on this site and think we were all nuts with Sammy avatars


Staff member

Originally posted by Wrassecal
Would you please email me a topless pic of yourself so I can make it my avatar.....please, please, please

Quit messin' with my harem.