OT: Finish this... I knew I had found the worst LFS ever when...


I knew I had found the worst LFS ever when I asked if they had any Pom Pom Xenia's and the guy went over to the freshwater tank and looked for about 10 minutes before I figured out where he went...
Ok, now i wanna hear your LFS horror stories........i know you guys have some :p


Active Member
When it took the girl 30 minutes to catch a yellow tail damsel with the net. I started out with a particular one in mind, then as time went on, I said, "pick any one about the same size as the one I had in mind," then "any one that doesn't look sick" then "any one whatsoever." It was a 15 gallon tank with probably 20 yellow tail damsels in it, and it still took her over 30 minutes to catch ANY ONE of them. I wanted to rip the net from her hands, or just reach in and grab one with my bare hands, I'm sure that would have been quicker too! :mad:


Active Member
:D :D :D :D :D LOL
I've been down that road before.
When I was in one store, I over heard one of the guys telling a customer he couldn't buy the fish he wanted today that he would have to go home and set it up and let it run 3 or 4 days
before he could add the fish. :confused: :eek:


...when I bought a 4-stripe damsel for my son's nano-reef, and a pleco for my wife's fresh water tank, and she asked if I wanted them in the same bag. No, really.


Funny stuff guys/gals. Well lets see where should I start. When I walked into one of my LFS ant they had three yellow tangs (full size) in a tank about 3 gallons worth, each. Poor thing! When I asked a guy at another LFS and he told me he had a trigger, and I was like which trigger. He replied a Huma Huma. So I was like a Picasso? No a huma huma. So I asked to see a pic, he showed me a Picasso. Duh!


Active Member
...when I went into the store and it took the girl 10 minutes to get me an EMERALD CRAB. After 10 minutes she still didn't have one because she was trying to net it and they wouldn't let go of the rocks....
I eventually said "I could just reach in to the tank and get one with my hands if you wanted..." so I did, after her giving me a warning about the anemone in the corner which could sting me if i got too close....meanwhile...the anemone was turned completely inside out so that it was just a small little ball in the corner of the tank....


Active Member
.............When I saw a store "acclimating" fish before they put them into the tank. There process was as follows:
1. Grab bag o' fish
2. Cut open bag o' fish with a rusty pocket knife
3. Grab fish with bare hands and plop them into the tank
The next terrible act was when they started taking bets on when the wrasses would die...........they said they almost always die when they are "placed" into the new tank...........gee, I wonder why.:(


Active Member
Totally serious........I can't believe some of the stuff I have seen when I peek behind the wall of tanks at some stores.
The same store had a very aggresive trigger (imagine that) that was messing with all kinds of fish. The sales person took the trigger and plopped it into a tank filled with large Lions and said "That will teach you".:mad:


I would go to this one lfs and there were always rude there but they had some unusal species of fw fish so I stuck through it..... But when I saw a 92 gallon corner tank with stand hood, cheap lights. reef ready for $800 I saved up my $$$$$$$$ for 3 months go in there to buy it and he said no...... $800 was for the tank only (even though there was a big sign listing everything for $800 needless to say I went home and never went back.. they were @$$ anyway when ever you wanted them to get a fish or plant they would huff and puff like I was intrupting there reading time:mad:

reef fool

Active Member
When I went in and the fish looked like a National Geographic special on Ethiopians and the cheapest fish in there was $45.


Active Member
One LFS had a full grown Qween Trigger in a 10g tank. I don't think the thing could turn around. And in that same store kept shrimp and small fish in in little 2.5"x2.5"x2.5" cubes on a wall that trikled from one to another. Talk about cramped.


Active Member
when i looked at a coral tank at a lfs and the sandbed was colored red not cause of red slime but because of flatworms. i asked him if he knew about the flatworm problem and he said no , that he always assumed they were algae! i said to the guy watch this one as it is crawiling around, and the guy (also the owner) asked me what i reccommended to get rid of them!

tru conch

Active Member
i have had a few lfs horror stories. but i tell you what, after i have started working at a lfs, you would no believe some of the customers that come in there. granted many are willing to take advise and listen, but the majority of the customers are lost in the sauce. prime example today:
a gentleman (whom i have dealt with and told me that he had an 180 gal sw set up) comes in complaining that 3 of his fish have died today. his water parameters were off the chart (nh3 1.0, no3 50 ppm). come to find out he had 7 fish crammed into a 20 gal long. one of the dead fish was a sweet looking regal tang. due to his stupidity he killed three fish. again, i do not expect the customers to be master marine biologists, but they should heed good advice and read up on the subject matter before making purchases. i always recommend this board to the newbie.
just remember that there are two sides to every coin.
I'm pretty sure most of us have heard my worst LFS story about the LFS owner who told me that it was alright to put a tang in a 12 gallon, but two might just MIGHT be A LITTLE cramped, she said. :mad: The other one is for the two LFS that are in my city and right down the street from me. One sells only fw fish, and the man who owns it (when he's there) seems pretty nice, but his wife.... Boy, she gave me a chewing out about being from Houston and then coming down to Galveston and expecting to buy fish. Told me that all us stuck-up city people don't know how to take care of fish anyway and that if I really wanted a fish from her place, I would have to do all these special things because "Galveston fish are special" and "city folk don't know nothing about keeping fish". :rolleyes: I don't think I'll be going back THERE anymore. The second LFS is literally two streets away, and a little better, but still bad. They sell sw fish and fw fish there, but the owner had absoulutely no idea where they come from, or how they are caught. When asked, he shrugged his shoulders and said "I don't know" Then I asked if he at least knew wether they were wild-caught or captive-bred and he told me they were all captive-bred. Then, literally, the next sentence, he launched into a speech on how there really aren';t more than 2 or 3 species of captive-bred sw fish anywhere and that HE had no idea where they could be found. WELL, didn't he just say he had ALL captive-bred fish? I say, a 2 hour to drive to Aquarium World in Houston is looking pretty good right now.


When they tell me they are having new arrivals,I try to get there and check them out.They dump about 100 perc clowns into a 40 gal.tank,and about 20 huge carpet anemones into a 40 gal tank.Needless to say they don't all survive too long.The reasoning behind this practice,is they put a sale price on the tank and hope to sell everything really fast before they start to die.Same store had an awesome price on some pulsing xenia pieces.Mine came with a 5lb.rock with a hairy crab,some little anemones,sponges,and a few snails.The salesman even remarked that I was getting some free hitch hikers,just when I thought he was going to pick them off.They usually are pretty tight with that stuff.Well,he proceded to try three different bags tearing holes in each one.He finally went into the back and got this giant bag,added about 3 gallons of water from a dirty looking tank and put the rock in upside down damaging the corals!And,to boot there was a dead fw fish floating in the bag.I had him change water and remove the dead fish.I was going to leave without the coral,but I knew if I did'nt take it it would have no chance of making it.Plus the price was only $14.99!When I got it into my tank it looked pretty bad,but came back after a week or so.It's pretty scarry what you see and hear from the employees in some stores.


New Member
Well, mine is not nearly as bad as some posts, but it just happened today so I am still mad about it. My LFS has a very unhappy Mandarin. No LS or LR in the tank and his fins were all chewed up and he was stressing badly.
I asked them to let me take him home, he was going to die in there.
They rudely said he would probably pull out of it. We have a tank full of pods and no fish. Params are perfect and I think (or would have tried really hard) I could have saved him. I am going back tomorrow to see if he is still alive.
Was I off base asking them to "give" him to me? Am I wrong to be upset that they don't mind killing this animal?


no, you were not wrong in feeling sorry for the fish and they were in the wrong for keeping the fish in such poor conditions but they also run a bussiness (sp) I know the LFS I work at would not give a fish away if he looked like he was going to die, maybe at half price but not free......sorry to hear that, hope he pulls through


Active Member
OK I don't have a tank yet but I do have some comon sense:
A LFS that just moved is over by where I work -I just started over in this part of town-. I stop by on my lunch sometime. Anyhow the guy tells me to come back in a few days he is getting this huge shipment in. Well he had like 5 Seahorses (very nice sized) in a bare tank ... they were all drifting around trying to use their tail to grab on to a piece of airline tubing stuck into the tank. He had a larger tank with Lions, Triggers, Tangs -All different species - 4 had ick at least - and clowns....
Well I figure it might be because he does not have enough tanks ... so I visit a week or so later ... amazingly when I went back ALL of his tanks were empty - only his FW stuff had made it ... there were a few damsels left and is rock/coral only tank had several nice looking specimens but his other tanks were empty. I asked one employee who was walking by and she said they had water quality issues ..... I just left- poor fish!!