OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


Active Member
LOL Benj420
I made you a nice burgandy - like a fine wine.
I made Ryebread purple - cause ......... heck I dunno :p
I left some bread in the bag for a very long time, and when I opened it up a few weeks later - it was sorta purple :eek:


Active Member
Sorry for the Heavy subject, I just want to make one more comment before we lay this part of this to rest,
In general everyone has had different run ins with cops
yes there is good and bad, as with anyone, in any occupation
I never watch the TV shows because I know its crap,
just wanted to assure everyone I was one of the good guys out there, and if you would get to know me , you would agree, To hate anyone for what they do as a living is wrong, if you had a bad experience , sorry to hear that, but dont hate them all, most are good, anyway ,here is my house anyone is welcome to come visit me have and beer ,talk saltwater, or whatever, if you want to email me further on the subject plum70rt@aol.com,also Sammy I sent you an email you can reply to me at this address if you want:)


Okay boys...first we are complaining about cops now you are complaining about colors ....geeez does it stop.
now Benj...whats this with the nightstick? I HAVE NEVER SEEN YOUR NIGHTSTICK:eek: or so I was told......
Now guys I get to respond here on the POLICE. real quick....I used to say that I didn't like them either but that is when I was a teenager raising hell.....yes I raised lots of hell...Then I became an emergency room nurse and dealt with them nightly. I have to say I still didn't like some of them, as we each had jobs to do and sometimes they clashed with each other. Now my neighbor is a detective and I love him and his wife. So yeah there are good and bad in everyone and every type of occupation. I hate doctors too but thats because they are an arrigant as* in other ways....so go figure. Everyone has bad days I am sure I wasn't the nicest nurse at times but my patient survived when he may have had a chance not to. So I think our decisions should be based on individuals not generalizations.. Okay, Okay I'll get down off my soap box.
oh bye the way....It has been so much fun reading all these post. Thanks to Blondenaso there may have been some nice friendships developed here.
one more thing.....I don't like my husband some days but I forgive him!!!!


Well I was going to get into the cop discussion, but don't want to bring it back up. Living in a college city you have to deal with a lot of police, but there is something else that is even worse then police harassing you at a party......TOWING. After you are harrassed by the cops at the party you leave to go to your car and POOF it's not there. Stolen....? No way! You call the # you pretty much have memorized and sure enough it is sitting in there lot. That urks me the worst. I have come to hate Towing companies and in Gainesvill its rediculous. I have been town from in front of my own house for parking in the street! $70-90 CASH later you get your car back :(
Anyway, you said you wanted something esle to talk about. Plum, where in south florida do you live?? I love owning my own place. It really makes you appreciate things a lot more. Also, I thought property value in Florida would be way less then NY.
In an effort to get more pics I am going to post a couple from halloween and maybe one of my car so you can see why I ge pulled over so much.


That us me in the army fatigues and my buddy in the swat gear. He had a huge maglight and they ectually though he was a cop. It was great. Here is another...


okay guys here is a new pic for ya. It is me and my daughter about a month ago. I hope it will attach


I'm glad everyone is enjoying this post. I had no idea it would ever get THIS big! WHat happens when we roll 1000 posts? That's crazy. Anyways, I hope enjoy the pics i through up. Just figured we needed some more.
Here is a pic of the trunk of my Mustang. As you can see it is bright yellow and needless to say that the stuff sitting in my trunk as got me in my fare share with the cops on the weekends. For those of you who have no clue what it is, it is nitrous oxide, yes.....like in the Fast in the Furious LOL, but I had it way before it became COOL to have. Ok I am done with pics for now.


damn can we downsize the unused area.....lol as you can see I am still learning with this new scanner. It is a copier, printer,fax, scanner all in one. I use it for mhy work at home and damn it has way to many gadgets......I'm tryin so give me some slack.:D
Wheres my Sammy at:confused: ? Hes been so quiet since the police discussion......Ok ok ok I promise to put my cuffs away lol


okay now how did you do that PA.....tell me tell me I gotta know...lol I have used my paint pad and hell I even have this sony photo image or whateve and I cnat' fiugre it out lmao. I can resize it but then cant save it. There has got to be an easier format to do these pics with.... Any ideas.


okay now you just had to go and rub it in didn't ya broomer. I cant get my damn pics to resize much more add stuff to them:mad: If anyone has the time or patients to email me the instructions on how to resize pics and add things to them I would be more than greatful....I promise!!! So jut incase here is my email address.....Robynlex@msn.com;)
I know I know I am not the sharpest tool in the drawer when it comes to computer but I know all I need to know and am still learning as I use this damn thing more and more everyday. Just remember I was a nurse for years and didnt need to know all the techincal stuff on puters . My husband and I teach each other new things everyday......so gimme something good :D


Im baaack. Dang, you really cant leave this board for more than a few hours! Well Im here, yep dreaming of Slick.


<is perking up and smiling> :D godd morning Sammy;)
I'm off to pay a visit to restaurants... see you guys in a while.
Please O please don't have to much fun without me .