OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

nm reef

Active Member
Just wanted ya'all to know that I have looked in on this lil thread now and then....a few things I'd like to point out....
There are some very nice looking ladies here.....and some male members that seem to fall all over themselves chasing after them. :D
We've got a large diversified assortment of members that keeps our humble lil board lively and interesting....not to mention off the wall at times. Thanks to all of you this is a great site to learn and share.
Above I saw mention of old folks at late 20's...well thats the pits huh? Here is my ugly mug at 46 1/2(47 in July)...still young at heart and still able to hang with the young un's(wife is 11 years younger...and strugles to keep pace with the old man)....I warn you I don't often post pics of myself...fear of that Americas Most Wanted deal.....


NMReef, If you are still saying 46 and a half, then you must still be young at heart. Besides, how else could you have scored a wife eleven years younger? Alas, nobody is immune....
DDT!!! DDT!!!

Also, a newbie question. What are the two square things in your tank?
Those 2 square things would be a pair of LifeReef slimline 700 GPH overflows...they feed the sump behind the wall.
Itchy, Well.... you're married.... and you keep gettin' stung by the stingray.... so..... all I was saying is you can still dip your hands in my tank if you want to......;) :D
Then again it is in hell.
I would like to say you are wrong, but I've been to Marquette.... yep, you're right....
Also Buy a home flip it and buy a better one
Are you talking about a house, or a trailer in Oklahoma? I don't consider it a house if it has wheels....:D


Active Member
Sorry For my New York slang, What I meant is buy a house wait till the value goes up, sell it for a profit , then put that profit towards a better home, then retire like me in Fla in a half millon dollar home, No trailor parks for me:D


Active Member
Yes I do, Maybe Ill host the first SWF.com party at my house,
Ill be a judge at the swim suit competition at pool side, any other volunteers?


Active Member
So plum70rt do you have any pictures of your house? And what did you do for a living? Sorry if these questions are to personal. I love nice houses. I bought my house 4 yrs ago and already have about $40,000 equity in it. YEAH


Active Member
Its a little dark here now after 11pm ,or I go take a pic,
Ill take one tommorrow, Hey Slick good for you, thats the way to go, build up that equity, thats what I did , Im not rich,Made an honest living I worked as a Policeman in NYC,made 100grand off first house, 130 off 2nd, homes were cheaper in Fl than NY, I like the warm weather so off I went, Now I live off my pension, Im in my present home 2 years, thinking of moving up again or adding on to this house, ;)


i finnaly found the pic i originaly wanted to post, but first a short story:
this is me last fall the day i got back from working in a salmon processing plant in alaska for 3 months. and lemme tell you it does weird things to you. ;)


It's like some evil hybrid or something.....
I dunno watcha call it....

Party at Plums? Hmmmm, I've never trashed a half million dollar house before...... I'M IN!!
Sammy, Relax. You have that tounge thing and that has to be worth way more that a half million dollar house.... Besides, I love pigs... I mean cops.....:D (just kidding)


ClarkiiBoi thats cool. Nice to know there are other photographers here. If I can ever get a decent scanner Ill try to post a few pics.:D


Active Member
i personally love cops ever since i joined the fire department. they are so much nicer. they will carry on conversations. i have gotten out of countless tickets. they all hang out at the firehouse when they are on duty(waste of taxpayer money), but it's fun. sammy, why do you hate cops?


Active Member
Ouch that hurt,nah Im used to it,:p ,I was not trying to impress anyone, believe me I worked very hard for what I have, Nobody gave it to me, There is no maid service here, and your right Sammy, A Home is what you make of it,not the size or dollar amount , just stated that because useally a 1/2 millon dollar house is nice, and Benj No trashing here, I still have a Nightstick here somewhere;) but your all welcome to visit
sammy, you are correct on the joys of good families/sorrows of sad families in any size house. daaaaang! when you're in the fd or pd, you some times get daily reminders of how people can live. and how mean,mean, evil that they can be. the toughest thing is to raise your kids to NOT be that way.
as for owning and renting, i've done both. i currently rent because i needed a larger place for my "instant rice/purchased @ costco" family. prior to being married w/ many kids, i owned and finally sold what had become a rental prop. for us. (no more HAVING to work the O/T. to make it happen
:cool: :D ) and now we have outgrown this location. but the cool thing is that all of our utilities except for phone and satellite are all inclusive in the rent and it is a super slow neighborhood. i see maybe 4-6 cars a day pass by our house and it is because they live on our street!!:) :) so now we will begin our search for a new location soon. and one of the requirements is daddy gets his own office and fish tank/hobby room.:)


About cops - I used to HATE working with cops when I was a firefighter in California (Sacramento) - didn't matter on duty or off, I never met one I could talk to- but here in Anchorage, their attitude is (for the most part) much more human. I also appreciate the pofessionalism toward the public that I didn't see in CA (EVERYONE is a scumbag until proven otherwise - and even then, they must be lying). The abuse of power is still very evident, but not near as rampant as it was in CA. I know this is a generalization and not true of every police officer, but HNF2K is right, when they hang out at the fire station (here it's usually just for legitimate breaks, like lunch) and get to know us, they are easier to like. They do often let us off for speeding, but we've had a few guys get into legitimate trouble and I for one am glad there are no breaks to be had then! To be fair - I have seen and been a recipient of the abuse of power thing in the fire dept also, both in the ranks and towards the public. Unfortunately for everyone (incl. cops and firefighters) it makes us all look bad. I'm curious, too sammy - what's your story? Why do you hate cops?


The primary problem with cops (imho) is they are glorified tax collectors. 90% of their time is spent handing out speeding tickets - raising revenue for the city. Don't think so? Look into Clinton's program for hiring new cops where fed gov't covered 50% of their salaries. In every area the examined - all major crimes remained the same "or" increased - yet speeding tickets went up 400% (to pay for their salaries). In addition, throw in the VERY COMMON power struggle attitudes they have - and it doesn't make them any friendlier to deal with. Most tend to see everyone as guilty and having to control the situation. Most don't see the public like they would their own neighbors and family. In addition, many just can't WAIT to finally use force they have been trained to wield. How many times you seen something late at night - and had 20 cop cars there - every one on duty just wanting to get in on the action. Don't think so? Next time you see one - look him in the eyes - then take off running. It's like throwing a ball to a dog - he just can't resist chasing - even tho they don't know why they are.
Fireman on the other hand, are true public servants. There is no confrontation with them. When they are called out - it is to actually protect and serve. To assist in life support, fire control, vehicle assistance, etc. d
This creates a constant admiration for firemen, and a confrontational relationship with policemen. I passed one cop in the mall with a standard issue frown on. Told him it isn't against the law to smile - i barely got away without being taken downtown.
95% of the time - policeman are glorified tax collectors. Serve and protect?? yea, the cities treasury - not it's citizens.
Sorry you asked.. LOL


Well, they say woman are naturally 10yrs more mature then men of equal age. Guess it is proven again here! lol
Very smart - it is indeed VERY smart to buy instead of rent. A short story...
local businessman sends his 3 kids to college. Instead of paying for the huge dorm fees - he goes and buys an off campus house (2 stories - 4 rooms). 1 of his kids acts as the manager - takes in 3 others that pay RENT - which is sufficient to pay for the entire mortage. Thus his kid stays there rent free. They keep it long enough for all 3 kids to finally go thru college. When the last one is done - they sell the house and pocket about $25,000 - which was split and given to each of the kids (who had by then graduated). Not only got free housing - but money back in the end.
Most places you can find a house where the

is equal to or sometimes LESS than you would pay for rent. The major obstacle is getting a downpayment and having the credit to qualify. If only more people listened early on - and didn't ruin their credit, and learned to save a bit.

RE: Hotties on the board
I'm working so much right now i'm only checking in every few days - and it seems several PAGES later! lol
Gotta say, some incredible looking women here. Many of ur hub's are lucky guyz.
Is anyone gunna make a page - for submitted pics and even likenesses for review? Would be nice instead of going back over pages and pages of test to see who is who.
I still say tho - Melrose place???? lol Guess ya never see what other ppl see when they look at ya. I didn't see much of the resemblence (pg 7). Thanks tho Benj... i realize you musta been in a kind mood. LOL