OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


hmm... maybe time to start having runoffs... pick 2 males and 2 females.. with 24hrs to vote for one or the other - and advance them in a double elimination bracket playoffs.. ok, someone get a website ready to track all these hotties! :) lol
*begins making rating cards* from what i've seen..we'll only need 9.9's and 10's...
Im almost thirteen now but I was twelve and a half when I got it. Still paying for it w/ my social life:rolleyes: ;)
Man, Soon I can really be registered as myself.
BTW Seventh grade yeh right! I'm in the grade of hell!!!:eek: :mad: Also, If I don't seem twelve it's because I am sooo obsessed with fish I prolly know more than a Thirty three year old who kept fish for ten years! If you don't believe me ask my dad!!;)


Man I can't believe this board is up and goind still.
Looks like everyone was having fun without me last night:(
A few comments here on some post......
1.Ky. gets the Bluegrass name because our grass is so dark that when in the air it appears to have a blue tint...hence the name bluegrass.
2. I wouldn't trade being married for nothing in the world. I got ALL my partying out in my teens and 20's so when it came time to get married I was ready.
3.Rye, get ready for the time of your life. If you are truly best friends you will do nothing without the other and if you do decide to take time for yourself you will miss her every minute. Congrats on the house as there is nothing like buying your first house or your dream house. WE bought our first house together 3 yrs ago and working towards my dreamhouse. Something about owning a own keeps you grounded and a feeling of security. Maybe because you know that

is due soon...lmao
4. Yea all the men on this board are all HOT in their own ways;)


Wow, I feel like I missed a lot. Had to do a lot of reading to catch up but it was all worth it. So now I have a few things to say.....
1. DVS why in the world would you want to go see snow when you can come to beautiful sunny Florida and enjoy the beaches, ocean, and sunshine? I bet I could show you a better time then the rest of these clowns ;)
2. Slothy, how can you dis Ducati? I agree that they are overpriced and not really much to them, but they are fine Italian crafted and fast as heck
3.You guys are all crazy!
The funny thing is is that I am 20 too. Must be a popular age. I own my own condo in Gainesville beacuse I realized long ago that I could pay the same ammount that would go to rent and have a roommate paying me rent that all goes to the

. Renting just seemed like a big waste of money in the long run. Oh and Sammy, sorry about posting in the other forums. Someone had mentioned it and I thought it was a good idea, I guess not :)
Oh and I hope everyone is going to watch the Gator beat the crap out of South Carolina in the Swamp today for our Homecoming game!


You are all making me feel old! I turned 26 last month.
Rye it sounds like you've got it together. CONGRATS!!!
Hubby and I had it the same way 5 years ago. Good stable job, bought a house, ect, ect. My advice even though you don't want it- if you don't have a financial cushion start working on one now! You never know what the years ahead can bring you and it's always great to have money put back in case you need it.


Active Member
DVS has a little Sportscaster Bonnie Bernstein thing going on there also! (Who is a Univ of Maryland grad which is a bonus!)


Aren't you thoughtful!!!!!;)
but you didnt wake me that damn PH did lmao Could you, would you stop playing with those toys!!!!
And yes I am Dr.Seus


Active Member
Thank you all on the kind words of encouragement. I hope that everything goes well and I am confident that I am heading in the right direction.
Hey Nolo-
yoooooooooooooo rye: same age here, but i cant imagine buying a house in my area, the prices in NE are ridiculous. i pay 600 dollars rent for a one bedroom apartment, but it is in a college town, and its pretty nice.... but still! its robbery i tell ya.
I am paying $550 a month for a one bedroom apartment right now and my morgage is only going going to be a couple hundred more.........problem is.......all of the other bills! Good luck to ya.


"Rye" Great decision on the house man! I bought three years ago. It was the second best purchase I ever made (My big screen TV and home theater doesn't require as much cleaning!)LOL!
Man I am only 29 and I feel pretty old here!



Originally posted by RyeBread
Hmm.......that stinks. I worked at Ritz for a year and a half and hated just about every second of it. Hope your experience was better than mine.

Yes Rye I agree. It stunk. Thats why I left. It was even worst when RITZ sold to WOLF.


Rye, Here are a couple of things to keep in mind.
1) Rent will always increase, your house payment never will (unless you move or refinance or something)
2) In 5 - 7 years the rent at the place you are at will probably be the same as your house payment.
3) After 30 years (of hopefully less) you own your house that will be probably 2-3 times what you paid for it, but at an apartment you don't own squat.
4) You can do whatever you want to do for improvements and not only is it ok, it raises the value of your investiment.
I have owned since February and have decided two things. I will never again have a roommate (a wife & kids would be fine), and I will never again rent.
Congratulations and good luck. You are definitely headed in the right direction. You will grow into your payment, so don't sweat it.
Now for the rest of ya. Did you not see??? I have claimed DVS as mine..... :D
DINHOUSE, you are I are 29, so I guess we are the grandpappy's of the group. We are just old enough to be dirty old men in training.;)
Ritz Camera. Isn't that like the 7-11 of cameras? Gimmie a ZX-50, a 28-80mm lens, a cherry Slurpee, and a chili dog......
Itchy, I still have a place in my tank for you..... :p


Active Member
:eek: Oh NO, Im 39 am I a Great Grandparent?
Also Buy a home flip it and buy a better one when the value goes up,cant miss, but remember Location Location Location,;)


Now Benj I am not sure how to take that last comment ! You still have room for me.............ummmm
Well since I am married I guess I will have to live ya up to DVS....member I did say I would share lol
And what since I am 30 I guess I am an old woman in training? NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I look at at like this...I am 25 with 5 yrs experience:D


Active Member
Thought I'd check back in tonight, see everyone is still going strong, but we need more pictures. Where is Beth and NMReef? I think all the sharks should show themselves.
My rent must be cheap compared to everyone else's then, because it is $435 for a 2-3 bedroom house. Then again it is in hell. I would buy, but my wife doesn't especially like it here and wants to move.
I must be one of the older ones on here also at 29.