OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


Hey, I asked before but didnt get an answer. Does anyone know the numbers at which your "id fish" changes? Im a mandarin now.


wow.. i go out of town a few days..and page 7 turns to page 11.. LOL
hmm.. only once resemblence eh? of Melrose place - and yet the bids only up to $2.00?? ROFL
hmmm.. lol
Yeah right. I sure was laghing my a$$ off when they restricted me from looking at my fish for TWO MONTHS!!!!
:mad: ;) :eek:
They took care of my babies while I screamed and cried! j/k just the sceaming:D


All the guys here are hot! And to whoever asked I was a devil for halloween. Cool tat. btw Oh and if anyone was wondering i have 1 tattoo its on my lower back and its a tribal kinda thing. i also have my tongue and belly pierced.


Clown and Betta: Cool screen name for one. Two: I dont beleive for a second you are twelve, but if you are that is cool. Anywho, nice tats all. I really need to get mine recolored, badddddddddddddd. Ok that is all for now, lets get a thousand.
Cory, Leiv, actually I go by slue