OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

chef jaysen

Its not doctored its just a pain in the butt to get a 4 meg picture to less than 100kb......and thank you.............my 20th post...........tear is running from my eye......:D


Active Member
Hey Snowbear! Nice shot! I guess you must be used to doing stuff like that, but from down here where it isn't always quite that cold...(ok I'm in CA so it is never that cold), horse drawn sleigh rides sound like a great time!


I cannot believe this post is still alive...it was such a nice, innocent post in the beginning and look what you have done to her...this is like seeing a relative go into physical or mental decline, hard to watch but you glad they are still around.


Hey Buzz - This sleigh has wheels for low snow situations, so it might just work in CA. A similar experience, only a lot warmer, is a hay ride using a wagon instead of a sleigh. No snow required!!
Ok, I'm back and guess what I got for Christmas!
Ok, give up?....
A digital camera.
So, I shall now proceed to bombard you'll with pics of everything in my apartment (well, almost)
Including my new fish tank!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
SO, here goes
Snow Dust:


i'll help, here a shot of me with a lobster i caught on opening day. kinda small only 8.2 # trying to find a pic of me without something dead in it. . . . .


3 dives to 110 feet. here the rest of the bunch for that day. :D
notice the coors can for a size ref. man i love to catch lobster. my buddy bagged a 16 # one 2 weeks ago. now THAT is a bug
I little late to jump on the thread, had a bit of a computer meltdown lately and haven't been online much but here's me and my partner (me, left, sweetie, right)


Active Member
funny of you to post a picture of the giants now. you aren't gonna turn into a jets fan after your team blows a game like that are you?