OT- How old is everyone here


I don't know how all you teens afford this!
As for getting older, I am the happiest I've ever been since I had my baby girl two years ago.


Active Member
31 here also! And I have to say finally finishing up with college I am much happier than during all the schooling!! I am also impressed that so many young ppl are into this hobby.


About 103 if I counted correctly....
:D just playing.. 28, over ten years in freshwater.. just started saltwater a couple of years ago.. always liked saltwater, but no money.. and i'm living on my own now so my parents can't say nuttin about where i spend my money.. hehe unfortunately, with the amount of money i've spent on my reef tank, i've had to sell my car and opt for my bike. I now ride one hour each way to work....


Active Member

Originally posted by Asbury030
Hey msd i see ur occ. is medical what do you want to be?

Nope, thats what I am ;)


Active Member

Originally posted by Asbury030
Hey msd i see ur occ. is medical what do you want to be?

Oops read too quickly (thats what I get for reading this board so early). Dermatology, mostly clinical trials ;)


Active Member

Originally posted by Asbury030
Oh did you go to medical school?

Yes, you interested in medicine?