Ot: I just had to know


Active Member
did people actually try this and it worked?
try putting the car on park and put the parking brakes on, lets see those little buggers move the car now:D
hey jillian,
why dont you try another camera ? if it appears on more than one camera, on more than one roll of film, in different areas.. that would be more convincing.
thats why ghost hunting groups usually have more than one camera.. and usually use digitals, since theres no film to get developed,.. poorly developed film can have weird objects on it.
Hmmmm, that is a good idea. Right now these pictures are coming off the digital camera my parents gave me for Christmas. I'd take more tonight but I have a class at 9 am tomorrow morning and am still up! :eek: Night all!

madd catt

You know it could particals in the air,dryed rain drops on the lens,dust bunnies floating in the air or better yet playboy bunnies moving around but that does not exclude that these orbs no matter in graveyards or other places are fake.There are ways to superimpose objects on pictures and some people can of course fake things but those bolts like streak objects which are not shown here may not be dust bunnies onless the dust got electromagnecticly atracted to each other and formed a long streak of lite somewhat like an ionizer will due by making dust collect in the corner of the wall, these are not orbs but the due look like bolts of lite.I dont know if orbs or those bolts are related or not.
Hmmm, I must think about that now *Little hamster begins to move* :D Also, I have only had this camera 2 months and it has never been exposed to rain. Once again, it cannot be inside the camera because only one out of every few pictures has these things in them and they are never in the same place. :p


Active Member
Melody - no fear involved. It is a fact that pictures like that are VERY easily doctored. And those look fake as anything...never said you were the one who doctored them...but...come on...
For all you non-believers about the deal in San Antonio....go try it. You WILL wet your pants. I am NOT making it up. It is the REAL DEAL !!!


Active Member
Try this ...
Have someone shake a dusty rag in front of and just above the lens of the digital camera.
About a foot infront of the camera, and several inches above the lens.
Do this several times, taking a picture each time with the flash on.
See what happens :)


with a digital camra it more likely that its the camra making the lights. but when its a reagular camra then i start to freak out these are some pics i took with my camra. it was around 2 o-clock and there where no light in the bulding. the buliding is a old court house where they used to give people the death sentance