OT Recent debates over SUVs


This is just another way for certian far left wackos to keep
trying to get us to stop driving suv's because they feel
we have an unfair advantage over people driving smaller
I say too bad!!!!!
let's get off our butts and harvest our own oil reserves,
we have plenty, however the same people who complain
about those of us who drive suv,s are the same ones who
refuse to allow us to harvest our own oil.
HOLLYWOOD go figure if it fell into the sea I woun'nt
miss it.


Active Member

Originally posted by KENNYNJ
This is just another way for certian far left wackos to keep
trying to get us to stop driving suv's ...
let's get off our butts and harvest our own oil reserves,
we have plenty, however the same people who complain
about those of us who drive suv,s are the same ones who
refuse to allow us to harvest our own oil.
HOLLYWOOD go figure if it fell into the sea I woun'nt
miss it.

Kenny - read my earlier posts - I am all for harvesting our own oil.
Plus I hate being thought of as a far left whacko or anything remotely "HOLLYWOOD" - please ask people who truly know me ... I am about as non-hollywood as they come -
Hey Broncofish - please tell them I am not Hollywood nor a far left whacko .....


Active Member

Originally posted by overanalyzer
Hey Broncofish - please tell them I am not Hollywood nor a far left whacko .....

Dude don't let him fool you he is a left wing whacko....just kidding, I've known J my entire life and he has always been more conservative thanme (I was a young republican for christs sake) even in my older years when I find myslef being drawn to the left(not democrats they have to many issues) he stays true to the right(probably more the middle)

mr hanky

i work at a mitsubishi dealership. formarlly of a gm,cadillac,olds,pontiac,mazda,mercedes dealer. to all those people who think bad gas milage is the last key to using oil and helping terrorists. what about all those driveways/streets/parkinglots that have been resealed with oil from your leaky import cars. to all those people out there that want to buy their little hybrid good gas milage cars, when i get to the end of the off ramp and you cant get above 40mph look out because my 5000lbs hunk of gas guzziling steel is gonna crush your cheaply made half plastic half aluminum car to peices. besides that i dragrace and the gas i have to buy isnt made there its made by an american company. you already took the tobacco adds out of racing dont take the fuel out of being a free country and us being able to do what ever we damn well please. if gas is that big a problem buy from some one that isnt tied into the middle east. i think sunoco is all american. i might be wrong though. im rambling/venting from work. sorry!


There is alot of oil refining done within this country's borders. And that's a big part of the oil industry. And the thing about the oil industry - it's unique because of how many other industry is directly affects - right down to individual people. I don't know of many people who don't use gas or diesel themselves, and I know of even fewer people who don't use plastic! If you tax the oil, you will tax a lot more than the people that buy gas. Even people without cars would be affected. Just think about the bigger picture here - it's so much more than the people who commute with them!
Yeah, I suppose you could exepmt everyone - but then why have a tax in the first place?
How would you enforce this tax? I can just see people pulling up with gas cans in their Metro's to take home to fill their SUV's... lol
If you can afford to drive and SUV, congrats. Keep driving it then. It's already considerably more expensive even without additional gas taxes for them.
This whole thing is kind of a joke to me anyway. I heard on the radio this morning that Gwyneth Paltrow signed onto the Detroit Project, while she herself drives a big Suburban! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
It's kind of sad that you mentioned you thought we won the war because we dropped a couple A Bombs, when thousands of people lost their lives over many years long before those two bombs fell.
I hope that you were joking when you made that comment, but it's hard to tell on here sometimes. If you weren't, you've easily offended an entire generation that fought for the freedoms we still enjoy today.


Active Member

Originally posted by DrKegel
It's kind of sad that you mentioned you thought we won the war because we dropped a couple A Bombs, when thousands of people lost their lives over many years long before those two bombs fell.
I hope that you were joking when you made that comment, but it's hard to tell on here sometimes. If you weren't, you've easily offended an entire generation that fought for the freedoms we still enjoy today.

Obviously joking - sorry if there was any offense taken - not intended. That is why I quickly followed it up with point taken. Not too long ago there was a huge uproar over some history text book which had condensed WWII down to just a couple of pages - including the summarization that WWII was won because the US dropped two Atomic Bombs on the Japanese. They also left out the concentration camps, Battle of hte Bulge and made it appear that D-Day was all that was needed to defeat the Germans ..... needless to say there was a huge uproar ... hard to convey sarcasm via message boards
Sorry if you were offended.
~ Jerome


Active Member
gwyneth drives a suburban too? The clip I saw she was driving a SUV courtesy of Mercedes. Cracks me up the "stars" joining the Detroit Project who have 3 or 4 10,000 square feet homes, fly in private jets and use more fuel to heat one of their mulitple swimming pools than I do to drive my SUV. Lots of crdibility there, yep:rolleyes:


I am with you reefaddict I will also be buying my 2nd was debateing but figured hey why not use the money I save on Insurance to pay for my extra gas.
;) :D :D Joey