Originally posted by phenom5
my bar is filled with regulars, and being a bartender people get a drink and pay, then the tip...or don't tip. if you stiff me or leave me a quater on your first round, i'll look right past you to my regular who leaves $20 everytime she comes in, or the guy that's giving me a buck on each round. believe me, i won't lose any sleep b/c some cheap ass who doesn't tip sits with an empty drink.
Bad choice and very bad attitude! This one will get you a long way in this world and even farther as a server.I know guys that I go out with, who would burn you for that one. Big time too. First off, if they suspect anything like this, they will file a formal complaint with the owners and management. 2d they tip one time and one time only upon leaving a place. Except in the cas of a club, where they may move around and could wind up getting served by different individuals. One of these guys if he thinks that he is getting treated unfairly bc you think he owes you something will not stop until you have a major problem(like no job) but on the other hand, if he likes your service he will leave larger tips than you see on a regular basis. To us a tip is like anything else, we do not owe it to you and if you are going to stand there with your hand out, then be prepared to be surprised. A tip as a gratuity, a thank you and a courtesy.... A REWARD FOR GOOD SERVICE. As long as you think it is owed to you, you will not go far. As long as you think anyone owes you anything, You will NOT go anywhaere. Youu have to realize you MUST EARN things, including my tip, MY THANK YOU. and mostly my respect. B/C I give credit where credit is due and that means that, good service=good or even great tip. poor service=poor tip, And insubordination and rudeness or what not, will get you a likewise credit in return. DONT COME CRYING TO ME, when not only is there not a tip there, but the guy you mistreated has your job. If you do not want to serve, then dont. GET another job. If you want to serve and EARN what is given to you and be appreciative about it, then do it.
As for work, I have worked all kinds of jobs, pounded steel in a forge, poured iron in a foundary, waited tables and bused them, sold cars and the list goes on. I can say that waiting is not easy or hard. BUT like any other career if you find it hard and grueling, maybe it is not yours. You must however be able to do this with a smile and treat all your customers as customers, EVEN THE BAD. In any form of customer service this is a must, IRREGARDLESS of how you think they should treat you. Yes they should be equally respectful but there are those who are rude and dealing with them is part of the job you have chosen. And if you cannot take the good with the bad then look for something else. It is just like a marriage, you get good and bad with it.
go ahead and try to guess what I make, it will make you sick. and I guarentee you dont make that as a server. I set my own hours and normally make more in a 3 hr set than you make in a week and maybe even a month. If you feel up to it, I will bet you what I made yesterday(or if you can afford, it this whole week) on this fact.