OT: We caught Saddam!!!

tru conch

Active Member
wrasscal-it sounds like an intriguing class. just wondering, does the prof teach you how to think or what to think?
imo i think all media is crap, from far right to middle of the road to far left. the media as a whole (i really dont like to sterotype) seems to me to have their own agenda, and will report/alter stories to fit that particular agenda as long as the end justifies their means.


Active Member

Originally posted by tru conch
wrasscal-it sounds like an intriguing class. just wondering, does the prof teach you how to think or what to think?
imo i think all media is crap, from far right to middle of the road to far left.

No she didn't teach how or what to think. Most of my undergrad and now grad has been the study of media/political/org/interpersonal/social communication/manipulation. I've studied everything from political cartoons to religion. Unfortunately, I have to think for myself and to that end have a 12 page research paper due on Sunday. A paper I haven't even started, I might add.:eek: I have done all my research though.



Originally posted by tru conch
imo i think all media is crap

LOL, good summar! Pretty much agree!

tru conch

Active Member
wrasscal-good luck with your paper. at least you have all the reasearch done, that was always the hard part for me


Your holocaust class sounds interesting. It seems hard to deny such an event w/ all the footage out there. Its also sad when you look at the timeline of events (type "when did America learn of the holocaust?" into ask jeeves) to know that reports and news articles making claims of these atrocities were ignored for two or three years before the US really got involved and stepped in. And when America finally did, and everyone
saw the evidence they realized that they should have listened and got involved and moved to stop Hitler sooner. This gave us and many others the attitude that we would stop at nothing to keep this kind of thing from happening again. And that is a good attitude, don't get me wrong, but mass race extinction and
innocent people killed during a war are two totally different things. Now correct me if I'm wrong but, weren't the Kurds located in Northern Iraq , south of Iran during the Iraq/Iran wars? And weren't they opposed to the Iraqi ruling parties and more aligned with Iran. Isn't it possible that they were caught in the middle of a war zone where BOTH sides had chemical weapons and not subject to a plot of mass extinction? How is gassing those opposed to you during a war any different than dropping an a-bomb on thousands of innocent people during a war any different? Yes, the Kurds were within Iraq borders, but still an enemy that wanted their independence from a nation that would not give it to them. Simply a civil war with conventional weapons.


Active Member
jferrier, the "civil war" approach is EXACTLY what I was going to bring up for debate until I got to the end and saw you already did. I was just going to bring it up for debate though........our civil war here was LONG ago, and doesn't really apply today, in my opinion, as an argument to allow a dictator to use weapons of MASS destruction on his own land to kill all who oppose him. The past means little today in certain "grey" areas, and "all men are created equal" was NOT what was going on when the phrase was coined. In this day and age, and this is when WE live and make choices, I believe that NO country should EVER be run by a dictator. If I may get a little politically angry for a second......
Every free country on this planet SHOULD have found common ground years ago and removed Saddam. It's all money and power really that decides what choices are made in my personal opinion......the suffering of our fellow humans usually is a very small factor in choices made by the powers that be. Perhaps they MUST think like that........I'm not in a position to know the inner workings really.
Just my thoughts.


Active Member

Originally posted by sammystingray
Every free country on this planet SHOULD have found common ground years ago and removed Saddam. It's all money and power really that decides what choices are made in my personal opinion......the suffering of our fellow humans usually is a very small factor in choices made by the powers that be. Perhaps they MUST think like that........I'm not in a position to know the inner workings really.
Just my thoughts.

You also left out Oil. There are many other dictators out there that employee death squads, murder people in their own country, practice genocide and other atrocities ... yet they are not oil rich countries in the middle east, but poverty ridden african countries or central and south american coutnries .....
it really is pretty sad.
If every free country should've banded to gether to remove Saddam, they should be doing that in other areas of the world as well!!



Originally posted by PeejFish
wow reefdude do you live in iraq...your ridiculous....you say we shouldnt've helped the people yet you udnerstand he killed millions of them...thats like saying if one of your family members is killing the rest that the police shouldn't help because its a family problem and none of their bussiness...its all for the greater good man..or should i say dude

I would much rather see an Iraqi child dead than an american child. There are far more pressing domestic issues to handle to go off and finish daddy's vendetta and blow 82 BILLION dollars of our money. I am going to say this and then stop posting on this forum. The biggest reasons I oppose the war is that it was started under a false precidence and that in terms of things on the US's "stuff to get done list" I would have put invading and occupying a middle eastern country down at the bottem. Thats all I have to say and thank you to everyone for participating in this little debate. (Sorry the spelling sucks, I am on a new computer without MS word.)


Active Member

Originally posted by Reeferdude
I would much rather see an Iraqi child dead than an american child.

To me, this is a completely ridiculous statement. Do Iraqi parents and families not grieve as we would at the loss of a child? Are you suggesting that their lives are less valuable or important than our own?
Is it the right attitude to stand back and watch just because it isn't happening to you?
I think not.


Active Member

Originally posted by Reeferdude
I am going to say this and then stop posting on this forum.

Oh, really?


I knew someone was going to spot that, I keep getting the e-mails that tell me to go back and check it out! This is the last one, Promise!


Active Member
Here's another email for you.:D :D
To say you are going to stop posting on our forum, is the EXACT reason we have to close/delete threads like this. Someone always gets upset.
Anyway stick around. :) No thread alone should cost us a single member IMO.