We try and control the world around us to our benefit and other countries hate us for it, and we can't understand why. Maybe we war because at heart its really survival of the fittest, and maybe that will never change.
The sole purpose of a country's government is to benefit and protect it's civilians. If getting involved in other peoples business is going to prevent them from messing with yours, financially or physically why not. Every country is out for itself, it's just that we have more resources and an ability to do so much more because of the great people that make up this country. Not everything is free in life, things come with consequences. If you don't appreciate this country for what it is and what it has given you I say get the hell out
The sole purpose of a country's government is to benefit and protect it's civilians. If getting involved in other peoples business is going to prevent them from messing with yours, financially or physically why not. Every country is out for itself, it's just that we have more resources and an ability to do so much more because of the great people that make up this country. Not everything is free in life, things come with consequences. If you don't appreciate this country for what it is and what it has given you I say get the hell out