Outraged about Early Show "Finding Nemo"


I'm glad other people saw this. I was afraid I was still asleep and having a nightmare when I woke up to this on Saturday morning!
In addition to all those animals in a 5 gallon bowfront, I particularly liked :)mad: ) when she cautioned everyone about putting too many fish in their tanks. She carefully explained that since the "rule of thumb" for saltwater was no more than one inch of fish per gallon, you should never exceed that. (Even IF that was true, which it certainly is not, she already had exceeded even that limit with what she had in that tank!!)
Her other caution was to make sure you added a good chemical treatment to the water before adding fish. How'd you like the way she had the tang and clown in an open container and just dumped them and the water they were in right into the tank!!:mad:
If you think about it, I don't remember hearing even one thing that was correct about setting up a SW tank. Maybe the lesson here is: If you watch that progam......just do the opposite and you'll be okay????
Can anyone tell me excatly what day this aired on and approximately what time. I work in an advertising department, and we tape EVERYTHING! If I can find the tape on this I'll try getting the buyers to yank all our advertisements on CBS for a week or so. That could get there attention a little.:D


It was on Saturday, 6/14. I believe the show started at 9 AM but this piece was on around 9:15 or 9:20.


If you get PETA involved their not going to stop with just Tetra and CBS. In five years none of us will be able to have a salt water tank. PETA is not the way to go. They are completely biased and only see thing from one angle, theirs!


Hey Folks,
This made me mad as hell as well. Here is what i wrote to ABC:
I'm writing because I'm outraged at a segment that was aired on your show. You are advertising that the hobby of a marine aquarium is easy along with showing a tank that's entirely to small for the species of fish shown. A blue tang for example can grow from 7-10 inches big and likes an ample amount of swimming room; in a matter of time this fish would parish in any tank below 40-50 gallons. Some of these fish cannot be aquacultured and only pulled from the ocean meaning we are taking from a live population. If the research is not done to know what is needed to keep one of these beautiful specimens then we are just purely killing endangered reefs and the fish that come with it. I have a degree in Biology w/ a Marine emphasis and I'm asking that before you air anymore of this type of footage please take the time to research what you are doing. I think it's great for our children to find interest in the ocean world but the parents needs to know exactly what they are getting involved in and prepare to know exactly what they need to put into the hobby to make it a success. If a network such as yourself makes it look easy, we could have millions of dead reef fish in about a years time that could have been prevented. I hope you look into this matter and I thank you for your time.
Ben Holder


the only bad thing about the link is that is doesnt really say anything but directs you to tetra.......
I was looking alot of there stories and exposes are on realplayer that you can watch but this one isnt....


Active Member
The video was posted on their website, but they removed it and hacked in a bending Beckham story...not all that smooth of editing either. Funny thing is they have the same Beckham story on the very next link below. I guess the message is getting through.;)


Staff member
Yes, it is hearsay, but the cbs link was enough to get me to respond. "Tetra Fish Products visited The Saturday Early Show to show the ease of owning and maintaining an aquarium." Quoted from the cbs webpage.
That says it all about what the show was about.


Staff member
You think O'Riley cares about fish rights issue??? Don't think that would spark his interest at all, except to poke fun at.


yeah.. agreed Beth,
honestly, I think Fox news is one of the worst for not being a free press and it seems controlled media. They have their own views and if you differ they think you're a moron and practically say it. At least most of us stand up and try to make a point. Time for a beer; anyone wanna join?


Staff member
Not to get off subject, but FOX is conservative and republican owned and they do jab you if you have any views other than their own right wing POV. Now, mind you, I am conservative myself. :D
Where's HairTrigger...perhaps he can get a feature on CNN! ;)


Staff member
Agree with keeping this on topic, but I did want to say that I did think that presenting the problem to O'Reily would be counterproductive to what we want to achieve. That is just not where O'Reily's "causes" are at.
I also watch and like O'Reily! :D, even though he doesn't let anyone who doesn't agree with him get a word in edgewise! ;)
I just thought it would be nice to get him on our side and present it, but now i understand what youre saying.
P.S I like O'Reilly but I LMAO when they make fun of it in MAD T.V.:D