

Active Member
Scraping....wow sounds like a horrible one I had...
I had broken a tooth on the back left....When I went to have it removed..It wouldnt pull..so........He had to break it...worst sound ever..CRACKKKKKK.....well...there was still some left in...had to drill most of it out then take that little hook-thingy and dig the rest out...
Could always be worse


Active Member
i always had a feeling of some pressure in my jaw, but the original dentist always told me i was just imagining it. then about 1.5 years later i went to a new dentist (was a while between cleanings, and that's never fun...) and they now have this new fangled technology that uploads the xrays directly to a computer. they were able to zoom in on the tooth and saw a cyst forming.
I can't remember the real name of the procedure, apageel? but i don't wish it on anyone. that was back in february i believe, and my jaw still hasn't healed completely. i still have the tooth though thank goodness


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
yea I don't know...I def have an infection though because I am on antibiotics. The place that I found is an "all-inclusive" dental center. They do it all. The Dr said the nerve in my molar was liquified and now there is just an infection. He said the tooth was dead. :(
put a piece of ice onto the tooth. if you don't feel it, it is dead and you absolutely need the root canal. luckily a molar is bigger than the front teeth.


Active Member
Could be worse .... the dentist could've told you your teeth are fine but your gums have to come out.


Originally Posted by Jovial
When I had a root canal I lost about a quart of blood during the proceedure and woke up with two black eyes. Now I hear voices in my head, shake violently when ever I hear a dremel tool and have a craving for spark plugs.
JK it's really not a big deal. You will be fine.
you know...I am sure that is funny to everyone else who has already had a root canal but me...I think I should go change my pants


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
After you are done with your procedure (which will go fine, I'm sure) remind me to tell you my story. I'll give you a hint... at one point the dentist said "oh, there's the problem..."


Originally Posted by NigerBang
Scraping....wow sounds like a horrible one I had...
I had broken a tooth on the back left....When I went to have it removed..It wouldnt pull..so........He had to break it...worst sound ever..CRACKKKKKK.....well...there was still some left in...had to drill most of it out then take that little hook-thingy and dig the rest out...
Could always be worse

You are right about that....
the sounds are so awful, even when just get a filling. I know I can't feel it but that sound drives me up a wall! Oh and the taste....ICK!


Originally Posted by renogaw
i always had a feeling of some pressure in my jaw, but the original dentist always told me i was just imagining it. then about 1.5 years later i went to a new dentist (was a while between cleanings, and that's never fun...) and they now have this new fangled technology that uploads the xrays directly to a computer. they were able to zoom in on the tooth and saw a cyst forming.
I can't remember the real name of the procedure, apageel? but i don't wish it on anyone. that was back in february i believe, and my jaw still hasn't healed completely. i still have the tooth though thank goodness
You had a cyst in your jaw??? Was it caused by a tooth or some sort of trauma?


Originally Posted by renogaw
put a piece of ice onto the tooth. if you don't feel it, it is dead and you absolutely need the root canal. luckily a molar is bigger than the front teeth.
I don't have any ice here at the sweat shop...but the water is freezing and I could feel it on my other molars...but not the suspect one. Will investigate further at lunch.


Originally Posted by bigarn
Could be worse .... the dentist could've told you your teeth are fine but your gums have to come out.


Speaking of gums...I wanted to have part of them removed. It is some sort of cosmetic surgery that makes your teeth bigger without getting veneers(sp?). I am blessed with a wonderful smile that as a child gave me the nic-name "gumby."
Anywho, I saw that it would be painful and mucho expensivo and decided against it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
You are right about that....
the sounds are so awful, even when just get a filling. I know I can't feel it but that sound drives me up a wall! Oh and the taste....ICK!
i agree the tastes at the dentist are bad...root canals hurt,had one on my front left...i was fine till the drugs wore off then the throb sets in...good luck


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Just a friendly reminder all, using abbreviations for common foul language phrases is frowned upon.
it is very unlady like and won't happen again mister!
(its funny because I say/type the abbreviation but never the actual phrase)


Originally Posted by jennythebugg
i agree the tastes at the dentist are bad...root canals hurt,had one on my front left...i was fine till the drugs wore off then the throb sets in...good luck
yea I am worried about that....the tooth that I am having it done on previously had a major cavity. The dentist tried to save the nerve, but said it would eventually probably need a root canal (and it did...boo) Well, anyway so she does this very deep filling and didn't prescribe any medication for the pain. I mean I could have taken some aleve or something if I knew how bad it would have been. I can remember sitting in my buddy's truck, him and another guy friend see me burst in to tears. They just looked at each other and had no idea what to do....Needless to say I just layed in the fetal position until the biggest dose of aleve I have ever consumed took effect.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
You had a cyst in your jaw??? Was it caused by a tooth or some sort of trauma?
it was being caused by the bacteria forming from the dead root. when they did my root canal, they found that the top of the root was cracked, and really couldn't clean it out all the way, yet hoped it was enough. so the dead root in the jaw started festering, and bacteria started attacking everything. they went in, cut off the top of the root (where it was cracked), scraped out anything else that was dead, and sewed me up :)
I still feel the pressure there, so i don't know if it's my jaw growing back bone, or what. I have an appointment in august to see how it's doing.


Originally Posted by renogaw
it was being caused by the bacteria forming from the dead root. when they did my root canal, they found that the top of the root was cracked, and really couldn't clean it out all the way, yet hoped it was enough. so the dead root in the jaw started festering, and bacteria started attacking everything. they went in, cut off the top of the root (where it was cracked), scraped out anything else that was dead, and sewed me up :)
I still feel the pressure there, so i don't know if it's my jaw growing back bone, or what. I have an appointment in august to see how it's doing.
well good luck and I hope that does not happen to me too. That would be a nightmare. I mean you're a guy and all and you can take the pain. I embrace my womanly wimpish nature and I am in no way prepared to deal with any pain greater than stubbing my toe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
bigarn...i get it...you're a guy!
is that what you have been trying to tell me?
