Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)


Active Member
hahaha it does kinda look like that!!! its a cool little tripod tho i can rap it around like a tree or a poll or something. i like it. what do you think about the pics?


Active Member
okay so my tank has been up for 2 weeks now. i just got back from my lfs and they did a water test for me. they said all my levels were at zero and that my cycle hasnt even started!!!!!!!! what the heck is going on?
he also said my pH was at 7.2

this is so frustrating!!!


Active Member
change LFS's... you already had ammonia and nitrites. Maybe it has already cycled.
pH can be alleviated by a two part solution. pH and KH will drop over time as they are both used up by the tank.
There are probably better products out there, but I use sea chem marine buffer as a quick fix for this situation. It'll get your pH up to 8.3 pretty easily and get the alk up.. I typically keep my tanks 12dKH and dose if it falls to 10dKH.
You could always shrimp the tank again if you're worried... I'm not going to recommend you to stock just yet, but if it were me, I personally would toss a couple cheap fish in there to test it after buffering lol... like a pair of occellaris or something. Clowns are pretty hardy. You need to pick you up a good 2part calcium/alk solution like B-ionic A&B or kent marine tech CB A&B.


Active Member
okay cool ill get some kind of cheap fish to see how its doin. and this is the only lfs i have. its the only fish store in the town im in for college!!

i will have to wait until next week to get any of that stuff.
i got the final piece of live rock today. not much but i like it and it gave me a nice shelf
its the rock that makes the arch on the left


Active Member
also my lfs guy said that it isnt possible to put clams under T5 lights? he said they will die in like 5 months? is this true?


Active Member
I like the last rock. Is it secure? On the lights, which T5 are you getting? If you said already I am sorry. Just too darn lazy to go back through.


Active Member
thank you and yes all of my rock is secure.
i am not sure yet. my friend is getting me the lights. he works at a fish stor so he can get them whole sale. they will be very nice though. 75 watts or higher.


Active Member
this is a pic of where i live so you can understand why my resources are very limited

this is from my dorm room on the 20th floor



Active Member
Originally Posted by mckevinfang
the large pice of LR on the top right looks like a Huge Dead SPS coral?
but i like the rock work keep it up man

yes it is its from my old tank. dont worry it didnt die in my old tank it was like that when i bought the tank. and THANKS!


Active Member
lol. but what type is the light again? is it t5HO? clams can do well under t5HO.
well thats what i know off and nice campus lol. your pretty high up. what happeneds when your late? do you take the stairs?