Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

get somthing non photosynthetic till then, like a gorgonian, check myn out, it rocks...
And just wait, ppl will start to comment when you have more things in the tank, there is only so much ppl can compliment you on right now... Not to be an --- or anything, thats just my opinion...


Active Member
awesome man. my new lfs has some great frags and i think when i get my lights im gunna save up and get something that will really just take off!!! oh yea and my fish is feeding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he ate his food today and is doing great!!!


Active Member
yes!!! i really hope i can keep this little guy long term!!! i didnt have very good luck in my 55g with clowns so i hope i can do good with this one!!


im not having luck with clowns in my 55g either. i had some in a 45g hex on time but they were the only things in there. they were huge. when i moved out of my parenst house i gave them to my dad. when he got a bigger tank(cuz my old bedroom is now the game room) he put them in there and bought a bunch of fish and killed the clowns cuz he bought from ***co and got ick. i think they really like it more by themselfs. thats y i would like to start one of these nanos some day. or when i get the 125 up and running turn the 55 into a clown/reef tank. get like a few clowns(5 or so) and get some anenomies in there. and see if they breed. $20 for the clown is a little high compaired to IL we can get them anywhere from $10-18. i would like to get a maited pair from but its like $100. but i think my tank would be to small.-10g that is


Active Member
thank you for sharing!! yea i dont remember how they died but i just know it didnt seem to take that long. i have a ten gallon. as long as the pair is small you should be fine. im pnly putting in one because i just am lol.


well for the fish you got it was a good price. looks like hes a nice size to. the color is just so nice. that is what counts, other then health that is.


Active Member
howcome when i post no one post! but when i dont post everyone decides to come!
lol well man im glad things are coming out great!


Originally Posted by nissan577
howcome when i post no one post! but when i dont post everyone decides to come!
lol well man im glad things are coming out great!

idk y that is but im gonna try and get on here a lot more cuz i have lots of question with my new 10g nano being started