Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1990jpyj
pat what kind of sand do you have at the bottom of your tank? i bought a bunch of stuff today for my 10g and i got to get a new 20g for my GF, she wants a pair of clowns and a fire fish. i just cant figure out what type of sand to buy, i love how real yours looks
its live sand they sell at your local fish store


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1990jpyj
ok how much i have just a 10lbs bag of it i like the depth he has should i get 1 more bag?
i really dont know what to tell you. i think yea you should. its for your 10g right? ask him to see how many lbs he has


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Its lookin good!!
What kind of lighting do you have over the tank right now? Did you get the MH yet?
thanks CK and every one else!
i have not gotten my lights yet. and im getting T5's
1990 i have about 15 pounds of live sand in there maybe a little more. i got a 30 pound bag so i have enough to do what ever i want. its just the regular carib live sand. no crushed coral or any thing


Active Member
its actually aragonite sand from carib. sea. i dont think its live. if you get this stuff make sure you wash it off before you put it in your tank or it will never settle


ok thanks i will be going there soon. your sand looks real nice. how may inches would you say that you have. looks like about 1.5 but not real sure


k thanks. is all the rock you have live or is it tonga with a piece of seeding Live rock. im looking at getting a bout 15# for each tank.


Active Member
its all live. that is the best way to do it. i 15 will be all you need for the 10 gallon. i only have about 10 but im gunna get more later on. and you will want more then 15 for the 20 gallon but it will be a good start


did you buy it all that small or did you break it to look like that?
sorry bout so many questions but im new to the nano thing


Active Member
no problem man i love to help out when i can. i bought all the rocks small like that. its alot better if you dont have to do it yourself. and you have more options to make the rock work