Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)


Active Member
thanks guys!!! and yea i know i need another fish but im gunna wait for a while to get another fish. i want to make sure i dont kill the first one before i get a second one. i am also gunna get the rest of my CUC. the next thing im gunna get is a pep. shrimp. and then a skunk cleaner. i am also gunna get like 2-3 more snails. hopefully by then i will have my lights and i can start stocking corals. man i have so much planned for this little tank and no money!!!!!! i need to sell my sound system in my car!!!!!


pat what kind of sand do you have at the bottom of your tank? i bought a bunch of stuff today for my 10g and i got to get a new 20g for my GF, she wants a pair of clowns and a fire fish. i just cant figure out what type of sand to buy, i love how real yours looks