Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)


Active Member
no no no lol i meant, can u clarify your statement about
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
yeah I gotta admit, my grandma says no way less than my parents when giving me money hahahaha.
thats got me totally confused LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
no no no lol i meant, can u clarify your statement about
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
yeah I gotta admit, my grandma says no way less than my parents when giving me money hahahaha.
thats got me totally confused LOL
Oh.. my grandma doesn't pay my bills, so she doesn't have any leverage on me by saying "oh I already pay such and such and such so what the hell do you need money for now?" lol... my parents don't mind shelling cash, but they hate when I spend it on sw stuff or animals i.e. "frivolous crap" as my dad puts it, so I gotta do some fluffing of numbers of other crap lol... I will admit I do have alot of frivolous crap hahaha... and my dad convinced me to tie up all my money into longterm investments awhile back so I'm stuck with listening to him.


Active Member

Originally Posted by mboswell1982
ouch lol thats no fun man
It's hard since my dad is a big time accountant and he's pretty good at spotting bs.
All right, anyway.. my life has nothing to do with this thread so let's leave it at that.
SO patrick, did the light come in?


Active Member
lol i think it will be in indiana this week. (where my friend works) and from there he will ship it to me soooo..... still a little while before i get it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by patrick8929
lol i think it will be in indiana this week. (where my friend works) and from there he will ship it to me soooo..... still a little while before i get it!

that sucks man.. I hate waiting on stuff lol...


yea every now and again i will do the same thing in my 55g. it makes i look nicer to have a change every now and again


yep thats one of the main reasons y my tank gets a change. but i have gotten board and moved stuff around just because..


Active Member
hey patrick, without reading through everything on here, what kinda lights do you on your nano? im thinkin bout gettin some for the 20 long nano i talked the gf into lettin me have here where we're livin now :D so i dont have to wait til next summer to have fish LOL