Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

how long do you have to leave him? I think it would be fine it your lights are on a timer, he should survive for at least a week, but he'd be starving when you get back!
I wouldnt worry about it, plus, your not going to get much store credit for a clown with a chewed up tail. Id keep it. jmo


Active Member
well ill be gone from wed. to sun. im not really worried about store credit. i think he will be better off at the lfs. but winter break is 3 weeks


y not just bring the little guy home put him in a new 10g tank that could be set up like a QT. no sand or nothing just the filter a light and the fish. he might not be the happest with that set up but i have had fish in just a wter set up for 6 weeks with nothing else and they do just fine.


Active Member
well im broke as hell first of all. and i dont have time between now and wednesday to set it up at home. i will do that eventually but for now i will just be keeping corals


there really isnt any set up thats needed. like a 10g fish tank a chepo filter and you should be fine. another thing is you could just get an automatic feeder and be done.


opps for geot bought the heater light isnt really needed for the QT for the 3 weeks. the autofeeder i got doenst feed much at all. i got one form walmart for 9.99 if i remember right that works feeds once a day at 7:45pm about 1 pinch of pellets. it takes like 2 months to go threw the whole thing


man thats kinda sad about having to give up the fish. but there is always next time i guess(after you come back). would your LFS hold on to your clown for that amount of time? kinda like a QT sort of deal. my LFS does that they charge a little bit for it but its not to bad. i think just a few dollors a week, or free if you buy the fish for like a week or 2. i havnt ever done it but, i saw some fish they were holding on to the other day and it looks like they took good care of them. good luck with how ever it goes down though.
Side note:
did you ever figure out what cut up the clowns tail?


Active Member
well i didnt ask but i dont want to put that much stress on the little guy
no i never found out for sure what it was


Love the Tank. I'm a college student as well trying to keep a 10g nano. that sucks you wont be keeping the clown. i have 2 False Percs (that just started fighting tonight). They are the whole reason I'm into SW. also all the inverts.


yea one is about 1/3 bigger and it was just introduced saturday.
not to advertise, but I have a thread over in clown and nems if you dont want to discus it here.


that was kind of my thought. I just hope the possible male survives. tonight is not my night now my emeraled crab is eating a hitchiking sponge. I was looking forward to haveing one but oh well. when do you graduate? is you dorm semi permenant?


Active Member
lol well thats saltwater for you!! yea im gunna be here next semester too. but i wont be keeping any fish because of winter break and spring break.


thats cool, I'm still at home and attending a local college to save for when I transfer to Georgia Tech. ( I hope) but this is my second year. but they say the first is the hardest. I'm not sure for me because I only have 2 classes this semester. so I can works more