Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)


AC 70 mod it put the mud in it and you should be fine as far a fuge goes. mine is BO so i am still waiting for my 70's. i got the 110 or 120 i dont remember which it was but i have seen some good stuff coming from it so far(pods, no nitrate, etc) so im happy


Active Member
Originally Posted by BeachBum1614
once again ur welcome : ) so what made you decide to start this hobby?
my friend got me into it. and i just love it i dont know i cant help it . what about you? do you have facebook? lol


New Member
ive just always wanted to have a reef tank since i was really little and decided to finally start one i just try to find fish that were tank raised i feel horrible taking the little guys out of the ocean.. thank you finding nemo... but yeah i have a face book but i never use it lol really out dated


Active Member
Originally Posted by BeachBum1614
ive just always wanted to have a reef tank since i was really little and decided to finally start one i just try to find fish that were tank raised i feel horrible taking the little guys out of the ocean.. thank you finding nemo... but yeah i have a face book but i never use it lol really out dated
haha any pics of it? well update that beast! haha


New Member
ill take some pics once ive finished all my papers and finals for school i have a ton of LR tho and i cant decide how i want to set it up youll have to help me when i have time :)


Active Member
okay so i have decided to just bring the whole 10 gallon tank home. im gunna put the water in my 2.5 gallon jugs with handles and take the rock and coral in one of them. then ill just leave a little bit of water in there for the sand. then ill just carry the tank and water jugs out... wha do you think i think as long i do it pretty quickly it will be okay


That's what I did when I had a 10 gal in college. I used some rubbermade containers for the fish - wrapped the lr in wet towels and put them into another container. then brought the rest of the water home in some jugs. Make sure you don't leave any lr in the tank tho. I left a smaller piece in there and took a turn a little too sharp. You can guess what happened. Broken glass all over my trunk. Sound like you have a good plan tho.
gah, youare taking the rock out?! i was going to drain my tank half way so all the rock was still underwater. Take out the fish and shrimp if i could and the loose corals and throw them in a bucket. Then just put the tank and filter in my bid storage bin (basically a rubbermaid) so if it spilled it would be in the tank. Then i was gunna just drive home. You think i should take all the rocks out? my rocks are pretty big compared to the tank and i figured the lose one i have id put in the sand


Active Member
Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
gah, youare taking the rock out?! i was going to drain my tank half way so all the rock was still underwater. Take out the fish and shrimp if i could and the loose corals and throw them in a bucket. Then just put the tank and filter in my bid storage bin (basically a rubbermaid) so if it spilled it would be in the tank. Then i was gunna just drive home. You think i should take all the rocks out? my rocks are pretty big compared to the tank and i figured the lose one i have id put in the sand
well im unna keep them in the water im just gunna put them in a 2.5 gallon jug. so while im driving they dont break the tank.
yeah i know, for some reason i just hella didnt wanna take out my rocks. I have 2 5gallon home depot jugs. eh maybe ill do what you do after all. My big move is coming either monday night or tuesday afternoon. Not excited. Goodluck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
yeah i know, for some reason i just hella didnt wanna take out my rocks. I have 2 5gallon home depot jugs. eh maybe ill do what you do after all. My big move is coming either monday night or tuesday afternoon. Not excited. Goodluck!
thanks! mine might be coming tomorrow! or sat. im not sure yet. it will be either this weekend or next i kinda just want to get it over with!