people over 35 should be dead


I remember my mom pulling up to the FULL SERVICE gas station and ask for 2 dollars of ETHEL please, The service man washed the windows while he pumped. I remember having to go to church early sunday morning even if I didnt want but stopping after at the McDonalds that looked like a car hop and getting hamburgers for .23 cents. The movies were .50 and a popcorn was .10. At dinner the TV was turned off and everyone had to sit at the table NO ELBOWS allowed on the table! Prayers and manners were taught!!!!!
Boy times really have created spoiled, unrespectful, and lazy children just due to society critisisim. People afraid to raise their children for fear of child protection sociations. Glad we have the program for the children who NEED it, but its not functional because of unwarranted overload. :mad:
God Bless America Lord Knows We Need It!!!!!:yes:


Active Member
Let's not forget taking the tubes out of the TV and taking them down to the drug store and putting them in the tube tester. We had a TV that was getting old and would take 5 minutes to warm up before the color would kick in. Then it went up to 30 minutes before the color would kick in. Finally when it was only a black and white picture we got a new TV.
Disney on Sunday night was great. Of course it was also one of the first shows in color.
I remember coming home from the drive in theatre and going to sleep on the part of the car that was above the back seat. You know the part under the rear window and above the trunk. Now I would get pulled over if I let my kids lay up there.


Active Member
hey now you all give my generation a bit , we'll rise up to the occasion, or at least some of us will... but i do totally agree w/ what you guys say about my generation, w/ the cell phons and what not.. i have no cell phone, i have no xbox, play station (1 or 2), i have a computer . to be honest i really don't see why everyone my age needs a cell phone.


Active Member

Originally posted by tervman
...And then, there was our imagination. ...

That's what got me in trouble...:thinking:


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
or Army guys with our dads WWII or Korian gear. What kids do that anymore?

you do that you scare the crap outta your neighbor and they call the cops, nowadays..


but just remeber, your generation made all of these things possible for my generation. You guys are living through us.....:D ....thanks for making my life easier!!!!!


Active Member
If i grew up in todays time I wouldnt be with my husband. We met in high school, I hated him. We were on a camping trip for biology class and the guys were playing football. One of them got tackled into my tent and snapped the front pole holding it up. my husband got out his pocket knife that he always carried on him in a leather holder on his belt, and carved me a new tent pole. today if your in high school and you carry a pocket knife your expelled and they bring in the police.



Originally posted by fishtanker
its kinda of guys sound like my grandparents when i was growing up. " i remember walking to school up hill both ways" "bread was a nickle" "what happened to those days?"
i guess its true when parents say to their children "you'll sound like me some day"

"Well...listen here sonny boy"!!!! are right, we do kinda sound like that....:) . But....(always has to be a but)....even a "youngster" like yourself has to admit, since the late 60's, early 70's, technology has exploded like nothing seen in history. C'MON!!! We didn't even have remote controls!!!! One day, you may be saying, "ha-ha....remember when we used to chat on the internet????.......:D


Does anybody remember the mini Zippo lighters that were dispensed from a toy machine for a quarter?? They had no fluid in them, but that was an easy fix. Or the pink plastic monkey that blew smoke rings?? You rolled up a tiny piece of paper, shoved it into his mouth and lit it. And these were in the toy machines!! How in the ... did we survive that catastrophy??


I am reading this thread over and over, cause it brings back good feelings.
Who has a tire swing anymore??
Who still swims in lakes? Or better yet, let's their kids?
Roasting marshmellows on a fire...IN THE BACK-YARD!!
Sleeping under the stars in the backyard, or maybe even setting up a tent. Never heard of DEET back then.
Dogs used to roam the neighborhoods.
You actually KNEW your neighbors.
If a stranger drove through your neighborhood, it didn't go unnoticed.
Your kids played with the neighbor kids, not some structural, organized get-together every time.
Boy scouts was more than the Baby Sitting of America club.
If the old lady on the corner had cookies for you...GUESS WHAT???
Trick-or-Treat wasn't banned, and censored.
50 thousand kids on Halloween.
Boy... The good ol' days!!!
And yup, uphill both ways, snow up to my waste.


Definitely!!!! I remember all that!
But especially the part about dogs roaming the neighborhoods. You don't see that much anymore. My dog I had from when I was 9 to 25, would follow me everywhere, and sometimes she would take off on her own little adventure. Around bedtime, someone in my family would go to the front door and yell out her name.....she'd show up in a few minutes.
Now my dog just follows me around my house all the time, and I wouldn't dream of letting him out in the front yard. Of course, I'm not running around my neighborhood now, playing hide and go seek, football, or just riding my bike.......
Who remembers the little glass birds, that dipped it's head up and down into a bowl of water. Those things fascinated me when I was a kidster. That's one of my earliest memories.
And I did walk to school, but at my choice. I started when I was in second grade, but it was only about 2 miles. And it rarely snows in Alabama. But...I remember when I used to walk to school and back, in 3 feet of humidity.....:D


Yeah, my dog still runs the neighborhood. Nobody could catch him. He's a 10 pound Jack-Ratt. The whole neighborhood knows him, and when we go camping, I hear kids down the street yelling, "OREEEEEEEEOOOOOOOO". He's famous.
And that bird thing...that's funny, I was just tellin' my son about that 2 nights ago. We got one of those weight balancing dolphin thingies that kepps going back and forth, and when I saw it I told him about the water one. And the one that used to pick up toothpicks!!


Active Member
Kids nowadays can only guess what it was like.....
At 30 years old now, I grew up in the perfect time to see the "change".
I watched it go from tire swings, 5 channels with no remote, riding in the back of my dads pickup, fireworks in the driveway without worry, riding bikes all day with friends, and playing sword with sticks by the fort you cable, atari, PC, and safety rules up the %$# all during the time I grew up.
I am a fan of technology, but I would trade it all to go back to those times. I started school in 1979, and ended in 1992.....the changes that took place during those years were absolutely immense. It's so different now in fact, that I can't even begin to try to describe life then to a kid now. You just had to be there.


Active Member
WOW!!! How about:
Rock fights??
We used to play a game in the basement called war. My brother and some other guys would hide behind furniture and throw hard wooden kids blocks @ each other.
My folks still have an archery set I got from cousin which I used in the back yard.
What about getting hit by a teacher. I had a third grade teacher who I am still afraid of and she died 10 years ago....
I remember riding down the freeway, in a GMC Matador and sleeping on the floor.
Helmets?? We had them for football - we would use dish towels to increase the padding. I still have my original football jersey - it had 3/4 length sleeves with elbow patches and miniscule numbers.
Push-ups from the ice cream truck for $0.10 ....
Walking to school..... up hill one way
Walking myself to the barber shop@ the age of 10 ....
you know what burns me today:mad: is how over scheduled some kids are .... I have a friend who's kid travels all over the country for gymnastics ... she's 10. She is also in a chess club and a german club. I asked if he thought she was over scheduled and her teachers were worried about time management - so they bought her a franklin planner .....
:sleepy: poor kid!!
I remember the atomic bomb drills and the false sense of relief when the USSR crumbled.
I remember when my parents got cable in the Cleveland area and we had 22 channels.
I remember when MTV started - I actually sat there and watched Video Killed the Radio Star - even though I had seen it a dozen times on Friday Night Videos ......
I remember when SNL was funny .....
I am amazed our generation has put up with some of the crap that is out there now:
Jerry Springer for instance!


Active Member

Originally posted by overanalyzer
...I remember when SNL was funny .....

Wow, Your going WAYYYY Back...:D
I am amazed our generation has put up with some of the crap that is out there now:
Jerry Springer for instance!

I'm not thrilled with "Will and Grace" for that matter...:nope:


Six Feet Unde is another one...
how about this. At a recent afternoon at the Theatre, we called the cinema that cause we didn't know any different, I ran into a group of 6-10 teenagers. They all stormed the ticket lady yelling and screaming as if English wasn't thier first language. Some were smoking... Some where on Cell phones. None of them were doing business. Just causing a cluster at the counter....
I waited for around 4-5mins before I realized. If I had done that when I was thier age it would have been relayed to mom before I got home.
So I exploded... YEP not really the mature thing todo but, For the majority it got them straightened out... They obviously have parents that have scared them enought to do the right thing unless showing off for thier friends...
Except for 3 of them. Two ladies and a strapping young lad... look about 15 skinny as a rail...
He popped of and before I could realize it I had my hand around his throat... Once I got him to eye level he saw it my way and apologized most graciously...
His two little lady friends waited till I got in the theatre before popping off... But, A nice glance and the shut up quickly...
I thought that would be enough for them but after the movie the same group was outside getting pick-up by mommy and daddy in the Lexus and other assorted SUVs. The young lad was pointing in my direction and his GF (for ever like for sure) was there too... Me being observant I strolled over to Mommy and Dadddy where I started to get yelled at for my behavior. I took that for a second too because after all I'm and adult and I shouldn't have let it get that far... Then the Daddy said something about touching his child... I helped him with his perception on how to raise children and then informed him of what actually happened... He wasn't as upset with me as he was embarassed for his child acting a fool...
Next up was MOMMY of GF... that was a short and sweet conversation her mom seemed to be most interested about the cursing and smoking her little darling was doing... I'm sure the ride home was nice for that young lady too....
Children these days need a good does of NO... they don't hear that enough....
Had accomplished any of these feets of ignorance when was little I would have lost some wieght or some teeth when Dad found out. Even to this Day If someone is 30 seconds older than me its Yes Ma'am and No Ma'am...
Don't get me started about kids in the Resturants....
I should start a school for hard to manage Children... There would be waivers of course.... And Teachers should be able to paddle once again... If Mom and Dad can't handle thier kids.... Let the village... :)
O well long post but I hope some got a giggle....


Man I'm 20, but some of that stuff isn't crazy. When I was little I would ride my bike into town (2 miles) down a curvy road (40 mph speed limit/cars went about 60) and would ride until the dawn and then ride back in complete darkness, get home and get paddled and grounded for a day or two. Played little league baseball, yea everyone made a team... the disappointment was learned when some people never played. We use to ride around in the back of pickup trucks and our parents would slam the brakes on and floor it and swirve back and forth to make us roll around (probably wasn't as severe as we thought when we were that little). Rolling car windows down.... I have no idea what you are talking about... j/k Out of 3 cars I've owned.... 1980 Chevy Citation, 1995 Subaru Legacy, and 1999 Saturn SL2 I had to roll down and up the windows. Kinda a wonder I haven't and you guys haven't died going down a curvy road reaching across the vehicle and rolling a window down or up with your fingertips while trying to peer over the dash board. I do agree with the odds though. I have no grasp on what it's like for young kids in a city though or in a suburb area with picket fences... never grew up in that scenario. Grew up on 2 acres of land next to a farm and graduated with 76 kids. hahahaha guess I am living probably 10 years behind city kids with what they go through... .no idea
Congradulations to all you over 30'ers who survived
:joy: :cheer: