Ph Drop??



If I'm Dosing With Kent Super Buffer Dkh And My Ph Is Steady At 7.8. Not Increasing, Should I Also Dose A Ph Buffer Such As Coral Bulder.
My Alkaliniity Is Also Steady Around 2.2 (i Think) Will Not Go Up Either
Sg 1.026
Trates 10 Ppm - Waiting For Macro To Correct This Number


I think most people would be afraid to give advice with something like this, as am I. So I cant be held responsible for any advice given. That stuff is supposed to buffer your aquarium to between 8 and 8.3 and your alk to between 3 or 4 or something. Most of us would need more information. What is your calcium at? What is your alk at? blah blah blah. What other additives are you using? SOMETHING is keeping your PH down or the test kit may be innacurate.


Originally Posted by jonnywater
I think most people would be afraid to give advice with something like this, as am I. So I cant be held responsible for any advice given. That stuff is supposed to buffer your aquarium to between 8 and 8.3 and your alk to between 3 or 4 or something. Most of us would need more information. What is your calcium at? What is your alk at? blah blah blah. What other additives are you using? SOMETHING is keeping your PH down or the test kit may be innacurate.

I agree


R U doing regular water changes? what is the PH of your top off and change water if it is low that will keep your Dt low.


Originally Posted by trimmer156
If I'm Dosing With Kent Super Buffer Dkh And My Ph Is Steady At 7.8. Not Increasing, Should I Also Dose A Ph Buffer Such As Coral Bulder.
My Alkaliniity Is Also Steady Around 2.2 (i Think) Will Not Go Up Either
Sg 1.026
Trates 10 Ppm - Waiting For Macro To Correct This Number does not raise pH. It PROTECTS pH drop. It is what it states, a buffer.
I suggest, first, you check your calcium levels as alk and calc are related. Your alk is really low, should be up near 3.5 meq/l.
Do you dose any b-ionic or any other 2 part alk and calc additives? On its own, what you are using will not fix the problem.
You need to do proper water changes to raise your pH...that is mixing your water at least 24 hrs, doing some good changes...


Active Member
Also, what is the circulation in the tank? Do you have good surface aggitation? Do you have glass tops?
If you take about a gallon of water out, aerate it overnight, and retest the pH...that may help determine whether circulation is an issue.


Originally Posted by ophiura
Also, what is the circulation in the tank? Do you have good surface aggitation? Do you have glass tops?
If you take about a gallon of water out, aerate it overnight, and retest the pH...that may help determine whether circulation is an issue.

Good point on the circulation as well as surface agitation....


i have quite a bit of surface aggition, though i don't know if it is enough, 2 outlets from hood and powerhead all making ripples. As for water changes i do 15% every week using premixed ro water from lfs. No i haven't tested the ro water. I assumed it would be right. My alk is low, only showing in the normal range on my sorry alk test which says 1.7 - 2.7 . My calcium is 500-520. The dkh buffer is all i've been using.
i did a water change just the other day and tested ph and alk that day and then a day later, still no effect. Maybe i need to do more water changes??
ph steady 7.8


i haven't been adding calcium as i thought my cal was high and i don't have any corals yet anyways, still waiting to buy lighting and get trates to zero before adding corals -- it is a fowlr right now


any takers?
would massive overfeedin gof mysis cause ph to drop???
i think i have been overfeeding and have compensated, but maybe it was waayyyyy to much

mpls man

Active Member
Ok , i have the same question on raising the ph?
I use the same buffer for dkh, ph.
these were my readings from today...
alk 3.5 meq/l
calc 460
ph 8.0
nitrites 0
nitrates 0
not sure what mag is yet, just purchased test kit today.
i also have a 35 gal refugium that runs on a reverse lighting .
what are your sud on raising ph.?
just did a 12 gal water change on my 75
should i still keep trying to raise the dkh to buffer the ph?? or will the mag raise the ph??
thanks for all the help......


Originally Posted by ctgretzky9 does not raise pH. It PROTECTS pH drop. It is what it states, a buffer.
I suggest, first, you check your calcium levels as alk and calc are related. Your alk is really low, should be up near 3.5 meq/l.
Do you dose any b-ionic or any other 2 part alk and calc additives? On its own, what you are using will not fix the problem.
You need to do proper water changes to raise your pH...that is mixing your water at least 24 hrs, doing some good changes...
He said what he doses with. Go to the Kent website and read about it. I RAISES PH!!! OMG!!!


Originally Posted by trimmer156
i have quite a bit of surface aggition, though i don't know if it is enough, 2 outlets from hood and powerhead all making ripples. As for water changes i do 15% every week using premixed ro water from lfs. No i haven't tested the ro water. I assumed it would be right. My alk is low, only showing in the normal range on my sorry alk test which says 1.7 - 2.7 . My calcium is 500-520. The dkh buffer is all i've been using.
i did a water change just the other day and tested ph and alk that day and then a day later, still no effect. Maybe i need to do more water changes??
ph steady 7.8

LFS water isnt always great. There are many posts on these boards that people were shocked that the LFS water was so screwed up. Best to do it yourself, if you want continually consistent results. Get a 5 gal bucket (or whatever size would make it a 15-20% water change), a cheap powerhead, a cheap heater, and mix your will b better off in the long run!
One water change probably wont do much.


Originally Posted by trimmer156
i haven't been adding calcium as i thought my cal was high and i don't have any corals yet anyways, still waiting to buy lighting and get trates to zero before adding corals -- it is a fowlr right now

Your calcium is high, let it drop...thats fine not to add anything


Originally Posted by trimmer156
any takers?
would massive overfeedin gof mysis cause ph to drop???
i think i have been overfeeding and have compensated, but maybe it was waayyyyy to much

Absolutely, overfeeding will cause the pH to drop.


Originally Posted by MPLS MAN
Ok , i have the same question on raising the ph?
I use the same buffer for dkh, ph.
these were my readings from today...
alk 3.5 meq/l
calc 460
ph 8.0
nitrites 0
nitrates 0
not sure what mag is yet, just purchased test kit today.
i also have a 35 gal refugium that runs on a reverse lighting .
what are your sud on raising ph.?
just did a 12 gal water change on my 75
should i still keep trying to raise the dkh to buffer the ph?? or will the mag raise the ph??
thanks for all the help......
Your parameters look good!
Raising pH is best done, safely and without throwing things out of whack by correct water changes.(24 hr circulation at correct SG/salinity...) I have learned this over time by doing everything else-adding buffer to raise it etc...only to have problems with alkalinity, then calcium, then precipitaion events, magnesium problems etc....With proper water changes, I was able to raise pH with no ill effects, and keeping all related parameters in check.
12 gal is fine as a water change for a 75...
You can leave your alk right where it is, whatever you are doing seems to be working as your numbers are good. Everyone's tank is different, go by what is happening in your tank.
Dont do anything with mag until you test for it. Chances are it will be in line considering your other numbers.

bang guy

Originally Posted by jonnywater
He said what he doses with. Go to the Kent website and read about it. I RAISES PH!!! OMG!!!
What a product is advertised to do does not always match what it actually does, especially in this hobby.