Phosphates Problem Need Some Help!!!!!


For some odd reason i can not control my phosphates they hover between.
.25-.50 on a API test. I use r/o water from LFS. Today i just bought some phosban. Hope that works! I had been using kent sponge no luck! In the process of high phosphates iam having cyano problem. I feed frozen food rinse from a PUR fliter from the sink then i drain it and put some tank water in the cup and put it in the frig. Also i feed every other day. What can i do to fix this problem???


Active Member
hv u tested the ro water u got from the lfs for phosphate? phosphate has to come from somewhere; either water or the frozen food. i'd say its more likely the ro water, bc frozen food contain very little phosphate. u can always get cheato for ur fuge to absorb it.


Originally Posted by nycbob
hv u tested the ro water u got from the lfs for phosphate? phosphate has to come from somewhere; either water or the frozen food. i'd say its more likely the ro water, bc frozen food contain very little phosphate. u can always get cheato for ur fuge to absorb it.
I don't have a fuge
But a DSB not if that helps but i do test the water from the LFS and it is 0 on a API TEST . The store has a good rep. Do you you think it could be coming from the DSB? thats where all the cyano is. But only on one side of the tank (cyano).


Active Member
yes. any level above .25 will slow or stop the growth of corals. i dont think its the dsb. what is ur livestock list?


Active Member
DSB = Deep Sand Bed.
If you have a phosphate problem, my personal experience is that the best solution is a fuge. I built an in-tank that, with the help of the chaeto inside it, of course, cleared up my cyano/phosphate problem within a week. You could almost watch the cyano recede it happened so fast.


Originally Posted by nycbob
yes. any level above .25 will slow or stop the growth of corals. i dont think its the dsb. what is ur livestock list?
So do you think i am in a safe zone at .25? What else do you think im doing to get these phosphates?


Originally Posted by gmann1139
DSB = Deep Sand Bed.
If you have a phosphate problem, my personal experience is that the best solution is a fuge. I built an in-tank that, with the help of the chaeto inside it, of course, cleared up my cyano/phosphate problem within a week. You could almost watch the cyano recede it happened so fast.
How did you build it?


Active Member
0.25-0.50 is not terrible unless you are keeping SPS. LPS and soft corals will grow and thrive fine in that. I would like to know how you are coming up with 0.25 since the API kit is scaled at 0.0 and goes straight to 0.5ppm. You need a test kit that reads finer than the API to really make anything out of it (it basically goes from none to high all in the first reading). Phosban (ferric oxide) should work better faster than the kent sponge (alum oxide) and is safer.


Originally Posted by Stanlalee
0.25-0.50 is not terrible unless you are keeping SPS. LPS and soft corals will grow and thrive fine in that. I would like to know how you are coming up with 0.25 since the API kit is scaled at 0.0 and goes straight to 0.5ppm. You need a test kit that reads finer than the API to really make anything out of it (it basically goes from none to high all in the first reading). Phosban (ferric oxide) should work better faster than the kent sponge (alum oxide) and is safer.
mY API TEST (CHART 0 .25 .50 .1)
I do have a frogspawn the rest are zoas xenia mushrooms. Do you think my phosphates are causeing the cyano?


Well, it is likely that your phosphates are causing the cyano, but I have 0 phosphates because I run cheato and cyano is still present. This is because I have excess nutrients due to the fact that I am not currently running a skimmer. Anyway, contrary to popular belief, a fuge doesn't have to be that expensive. If you have a hob filter, you may be able to add some cheato and a clip on light.


Originally Posted by Keebler
Well, it is likely that your phosphates are causing the cyano, but I have 0 phosphates because I run cheato and cyano is still present. This is because I have excess nutrients due to the fact that I am not currently running a skimmer. Anyway, contrary to popular belief, a fuge doesn't have to be that expensive. If you have a hob filter, you may be able to add some cheato and a clip on light.
I do have a auqa clear 70 HOB do you no how to convert it to a mini fuge? What kinda of light can be used? How about a CFL light you use for your house lamps?


I you can put cheato in it without clogging it up or causing other problems, then sure it can be a fuge. The lighting for cheato doesn't have to be anything spectacular.


Originally Posted by Stanlalee
oh mine must be outdated. what color is .25? mine goes from 0.0 rust color to light green for 0.5
0.0 is a light tint yellow .25 has a slight green tint 0.5 is more of a green color and 1.0 is a blue green.


I am having the same problem. Normaly at .03ppm, but today was .1-.3ppm. I use only RO water and have a skimmer. I am glad to see a fuge helps with this. I have had my new setup up since sat. w/ a new wet/dry and am already planing on building my own sump w/ a fuge soon.


Active Member
I have been fighting both high posphates and nitrates for awhile now. I added a fuge and both have started to drop. I run the lights that came on the tank with bulbs that I bought from the wally world fish center


Active Member
you can use a basic 6500k energy saver bulb from lowes or the depot. read the bulb itself. the kelvin temp is usually on the ballast part of the bulb.