Photos of Fragging the Beast!

cayman isl

Great.... I will be trying out Puerto Vallarta in July, not much reef action, but should be some good fish to see.... Will probably forgo the Grand Cayman this year since I'm trying to land St. Johns in the USVI. If I can't get that exchange then I may see you in Cayman in October!
Sure could go for one of those Stingrays right now!!! Or a little of that Tortuga spiced rum! what am I saying, A LOT of that spiced rum!!


Do you eventually cut off the fishing line or leave it? If you do cut it off, when? Thanks for the step by step pictures. Great job!!

cayman isl

I will cut it and remove the line, but not sure how long it takes for the coral to grab the rock.
The frag on the right slipped thru the fishing line and fell to the bottom of the tank. I have since used 2 plastic toothpicks and rubber-banded it to the rock. So far it is still there.
I'll post some pics later of what they look like now.
A series of pics is worth 10,000 words.
As far as thin netting...That is what I prefer to use. I recently fragged my green tree using bridal netting. I will see if I can post it in the near future.
Again nice job,

cayman isl

After 2 weeks. The original colt is looking good, the two "stumps" that were cut now have polyps trying to bust out:

cayman isl

The frag now on the right is doing real well. I still have the fishing line in but it looks like it has anchored itself to the rock. I will take out the fishing line this week.

cayman isl

The second frag (the problem child) was the one that slipped out of the fishing line and fell to the bottom of the tank. I then used the toothpick/rubber band method and moved it to a low flow area and it slipped out of that as well. I now just tied the fishing line between two of the branches and then to the rock. This time it did not penetrate the base of the coral at all. So far, so good! Hopefully it attaches and then I can move it into better flow.
Overall, the fragging has been successful

cayman isl

Oh, and hariii2, looks like I'll be getting my own hat! We will be in Cayman at the end of July!! Got the Seven Mile Beach Resort for a week! Can't wait, I'll take lots of pictures!!


Active Member
Brought home a colt yesterday, and gave it a try....same as yours in the middle, ripped through. How has the line over the stalks worked? Any recent pic of the middle one? I set mine a rock in a low flow area for now. Hope it will attach itself:rolleyes:

cayman isl

The middle one did great with just looping the line over the trunk and keeping it in low flow for awhile. Stuck to it's own rock and is now back in a high flow area.
Here it is today, a little over a month later:

cayman isl

....finally the original colt. You can see the polyps on the stumps:
I have since moved them all from their original post-frag positions. They are just getting too BIG! I will have to repeat the process again in a few months. Having an all-colt-coral tank was not really my intent with this tank!


Active Member
Thanks, great pics!!! The one I have is "loosing it's base" and sliming about 1/4" above that, I think thats where he'll be ready to attach. His polyps are open, and he seems to be doing good. Im just glad I found this post while I was still acclimating!


one thing i want to add... i did exact same thing, 3 months ago with my pink colt. after few days of being chopped up in pieces, i find it hard to attach to a piece of lr. the tissue would be torn and colt would detach itself from the lr. made many attempts to keep them in place, but failed... i had to move them to a low current area and basically have to move them to a corner of some sort, in order to keep them in the position to attach.
I was finally able to attach 4 frags to its lr with this method. honestly, i think the fishing line will just tear through the flesh of the colts. if it works for you, thats great... good job! :)

cayman isl

You probably could. One frag did good with the needle and thread, the other didn't. You might want to just loop the thread over and in between the "trunks" and then the rock. Keep it in a low flow area until it adheres.
Good Luck :)


:happyfish Is another name for colt coral, kenja tree coral. I have TONS of kenja and it looks like it, except, mine drops babies everywhere, but maybe not I dono?:notsure: Thanks, ali
Great pixs and info by the way!:jumping: