Photos of Fragging the Beast!


I have to say thanks to Bang Guy for macking the Informational Thread that alowed me to find this.
I know this is an older thread but wooo! Hands down this is what all threads should be like. Cayman you have out done your self and set the bar for how information should be delivered on this board. Cayman if you need to get ride of one of thoes frags I would be willing to pay the shiping.
Thanks agen for the info.

cayman isl

Hey, thanks Little!! That's a very nice thing to say! I'm glad you enjoyed that adventure...
Unfortunately I chopped off the two frags at their base and gave them to the fish store. Didn't know what else to do with them?!?!? The two bases are regrowing polyps and will begin to branch out soon. And the original colt (now where the clownfish live) is about due for another fragging. When I do that I'll see if I can't get you a piece..
Thanks again, have a great day!


That would be great. . . And hope all goes well for you in the upcoming fraging. If you have time do you think we could see another update pitcher? I am astonished at how great your tank looks. . .


Active Member
Nice illustration of the fragging process!
Could I keep a colt coral in my 29 gallon under 120 watts of pc lighting?

cayman isl

Hi wax32,
Yes you can keep one under that light in a 29, but it will grow quite larg and dominate your tank...
Good luck!


Active Member
Cool. I don't even have the lights yet just looking at my options. If it gets big I'll frag it. :D


This is a GREAT thread and a perfect example of why I joined this board in the first place.
I too have a massive colt coral doing really well. (bought it from SWF of course:D )
I will use this as my example when I'm brave enough to give my first effort to fraggin it!


Active Member
My colt is already huge and I bought it right after Thanksgiving of last year. Maybe I'll frag it from these instructions and put the pieces up for sale or trade this coming summer. :D


to all those who responded with photos of their huge colt corals, and of course, to cayman...
what are you guys using for food in your tanks? the growth of your coral is amazing!
andy (-:

cayman isl

Hi Andy,
No special foods, I just feed flake to the fish and scrape the algae off the glass every couple of days with the magfloat. They feed off all the stuff that is floating around in the water. I also only have 5 - NO - 40 watt bulbs on that tank, must be enough light.
I did add phytoplankton at the beginning but stopped after about 4 months.


Well I'll fraggin be.
I coulda used this thread about two weeks ago when I fragged my huge colt. It was giant. I only fragged two pieces though. I tried the "sandwich between two rocks with a rubberband" method. They kept squishin out after a day or two. I got frustrated and took 'em to the LFS for some credit.
Had I know this method, I would have tried it. Dang.
The thing is still huge so I'll have another chance.


My neighbor who has a gorgeous 125 gal. tank has lost two good sized colts. Her other leathers are fine and other three colts are fine. They are all babies of the others. She just put in a new lighting system, that is the only change. Halides. Some of the leathers had to be moved down which I helped her with . Any ideas why just the colts? Her clowns love them. {Blackfeet}

cayman isl

Could have been too much light too fast! Maybe a bit of shade for awhile to allow the colt to acclimate. The colts in this thread are just under 200 watts of NO lighting and they grow out of control.
Hey, I'm an artist too! (acrylics), and like fish (8), dog(s) (1 Great Pyrenees) and cats, (5 of them)!!
Good Luck!!

dr reef

hey cayman isl I go to the caymans twice a year. I love it there.I own 2 timeshares at 7 mile beach resort. I cant go until may this year because of the damage by the hurricaine. Nice fragging by the way.

cayman isl

Hey Doc,
We stayed at the 7 mile last July!!! Right before Charlie hit and then Ivan tore up the place....
When were you there, we may have tipped a cold one together!!!
We usually put in the exchange for the 7-mile but since all you owners had to reschedule there won't be much available this year. We will be in Maui in May instead of GC.... Sure gonna miss the place this year!!

dr reef

I was going in nov. but had to cancel. then tried in march.Then the people that parents know that live down there said the island wouldnt be open untill march or april. so we made reservations for may. I saw so pics of the island after the hurrican. IT WAS A MESS!!!! :help: But they have almost all clean up now. The Ritz-Carlton had to put a hold on it grand opening. This is a pic of smiths cove. Its a public beach great for snorkeling on the off time. But before you go make sure there is a low current.