Picasso Clowns??


Active Member
ANybody know a place where you can get them online? how much do they usually run? i saw them on another board and i'm very interested in them. Anone know?
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Picasso Clowns are what I like to call a "man made" fish. They are very cool, but they're bound to look different depending on where you get them.


Active Member
The one you pictured is the male (wild caught) that was bred with a wild caught female by ORA to produce the picasso line. None of the offspring have as extreme of pattern as the father. The picture in autofreak's post is pretty much what they mostly look like. They're essentially just misbarred true perculas. Pairs usually run $300-400, when available.


Active Member
Aquarium Concepts used to carry them regularly back when ORA was distributing a lot. They used to run $40. The one I got from them jumped. =[


Active Member
Ahh man, sorry to hear that. Do you have any pics of him?
DiMartini, i am in the bay area, where did you see them? if you don't mind me asking? Also, what are some nice LFS in San Fran?


Active Member
Any shop that orders from ORA can try to order a pair for you, but ORA has picassos waitlisted so it might be a while. In the Bay Area I know A Concepts and Atlantis deals with ORA.
Here's a pic of mine. I was actually never at all interested in picassos, but I had to have this one because it had an unusually big white patch, even for a picasso. Only one side looked this way though. The left side looked exactly like a regular percula.


Active Member
wow, thats awesome. What'd you pay for him? (if you don't mind me asking) Just trying to get a good idea for what the going price is on them.
I really need to take a trip over the hill and check out some of the stores over there (i've heard good things)
But i actually live in Santa Cruz so its a bit of a drive.


Active Member
I got it for $40 a while ago, but since then ORA hasn't been distributing them as much and they've raised the prices. I haven't seen a pair less than $300 recently.


Active Member
Hmm...Well i work at a fish shop so i will talk to my boss and see if he can get something going with them...I showed them to him and he seemed very interested. I've looked all over the internet for places to buy them too and I haven't come up with much of anything. Guess i'll just be patient ;D


Active Member
Have you seen snowflake clowns? They've got a heck of a lot more white than picassos. Tell your boss to give Quality Marine a call.
They're about $200/pair wholesale.


Active Member
Picassos are captive bred by ORA Farms, and snowflakes are captive bred by Tropic Marin Centre (TMC) in England.
TMC is actually a branch of Tropic Marin, the maker of the salt we love!


Active Member
But like you said ORA doesnt do much distrubting these days right? We need to get these things out to multiple breeders so we can get them more available.