Pics of my new 125! YAY!!!!


Active Member
Eaglephot, here is what I like to call "Daddy's Room." Lots to work on. I just put up the frame and sheetrock over the last couple of weekends. This is going to be a long project, especially with the holidays coming up...but at least it is a start.



Active Member
The top of the tank is covered with black trashbags so that while I am sanding, and finishing up the wall, nothing gets in the tank since I cleaned it up. And the last picture is of me standing next to it to give some sense of measurement...I am 5'11" tall ..... you can get an idea of how high the tank sits up.....still soooooooo much to do....



That is awesome, great work!!! Keep us posted and keep taking pictures, and start another thread, a diary for us. Jealus.


Active Member
Thank you I said, lots of work left...but my boss told me that I am no longer allowed to bring her pictures...LOL...she said she is jealous because she is the one who turned me on to this hobby and she can't put the time needed to get something bigger than what she currently I figured I would share them with other enthusiasts...


that is pretty awesome tank and tank room coming along there..... i have a 45g now and i have a pretty good deal at the lfs for a 125g unfortunately is not reef ready and another great deal for a 90g reef ready....i am not sure which to go with


Active Member
Thanks comes the expensive stuff....LOL....skimmer, lights, rock, sand.....LOL....that room is just going to sit there for a while...especially with the holidays....santa's gotta be good to the kids this year....have you thought of getting one of those hang on overflows if the 125 is that good of a deal. Me personally, I just wanted a clean look and really didn't want anything hanging in the tank....but I can get anal like that and the deal I got on my tank was too good to pass up so I went with one that was RR...


Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
what is this fellow sir? i MUST have one

i believe it is a kenya tree
yeah the 45 i have now is not reef ready and i am anal myself about trying to keep everything out of the can get the 125 for $499 with stand and canopy then take off more for the trade in of my tank so i may only come out like $200 but then i will have to have the HOB overflow box and filter...anyway like you said it is going to have to sit for a while till after the holidays ***)


Active Member
Right I hear you.....I brought the pictures here to work and people here are loving, i am going to have to sit around and just watch it.....with nothing in there...LOL....


Originally Posted by maelv
Eaglephot, here is what I like to call "Daddy's Room." Lots to work on. I just put up the frame and sheetrock over the last couple of weekends. This is going to be a long project, especially with the holidays coming up...but at least it is a start.
That looks just like the size of my tank! I am thinking it is between a 125 and a 150. What is your tank maker? Mine is perfecto. It looks BEAUTIFUL built into the wall like that! Open another thread that you can post updates on and we can check!
Put a link to the new thread on this one so we know its you.


Originally Posted by Eaglephot
about 5 inches. I can't wait until he is a foot long!

Your tank looks very nice.
However, that Naso Tang will need a larger tank when he is 12 inches if he makes it to that point.
A foot long Naso in a 6 foot tank would be miserable.
Just something to think about so you're not let down later.
Don't go crazy with fish in that tank. It looks too nice right now to get in trouble with overstocking.


Active Member
Thanks Eaglephot....I will have to do that probably this weekend or something....I am at work now, and I am not sure on the make of the tank. I bought it from the owner of this LFS that was a DT in another store prior to opening up his new big store in a different location. I didn't ask him the make of the tank, but he had a bunch of fish names and prices on there so I cleaned that off...and he is the one that originally told me it was a I kinda stuck to that....i'll have to see if I can find the name of the maker.......thanks again.


come to think of it i havent seen kenya trees anywhere for sale all of mine came on one of the rocks i bought but for some reason they are all dying....i think it is cuz my anemone hangs out on that side right against that rock :(


Originally Posted by Eaglephot
My anemone moved again.

Nice Tank Eaglephot. So where did your anemone move to this time, is it still near the cave it was in before.


In the second picture, the anemone first moved to where the middle pink leather coral is. I had to move that. Then it moved to where the pagota was in the pictures. So I had to move that. I think it is trying to get closer to the light.


I just bought a Canon Digital SLR Rebel XTi online so when it arrives and I figure out how it works, I will get pics up of the final tank.