Originally Posted by
WOW your tank really looks good so it is a 135 just like mine. So what is your stock list of corals?
Yeah, it is. I am happy it is a little bigger than a 125.

OK... lets see.
Unicorn Tang
Vlamingi Tang
Naso Tang
Yellow Tang
2 Hippo Tangs
Scooter Blenny
Algae Blenny (Satan in the skale)
Royal Gramma
Black Sebae Clown Pair
Three Striped Damsel (I don't mind them)
Sand sifting Star (still alive and doing well)
2 serpent stars
Blue and red leg hermits
Emerald crabs
Cleaner shrimp
2 bubble tip anemone (split from one)
Feather dusters
Purple Tunicates
150+ lb Live Rock
70 lbs Live Sand
2 Purple gorgonians
Brown branch gorgonian
Another Gorgonian with bright yellow/orange polyps
Closed brain
Open Brain
Spagetti leathers
Finger leathers (I love leather coral!)
Clove polyps
Yellow polyps
Green star polys
Green mushrooms
Red Mushrooms
2 Frogspawns
Yellow tree sponge
I think thats it. I am done with adding fish. I may add a small wrasse but not sure. I am picking up some nice zoos in the next week or so. That's my tank.