Pics of my new 125! YAY!!!!


Here is my new Clown Tang. He is doing great and eating and everyone seems to be getting along. The pictures not the best (I think. We will see when it loads). I didn't take it with my camera.


Originally Posted by grubsnaek
im surprised no body said anything bout that many tangs, but i feel if it works........why not.
Yeah it works. No fighting. It helps to have tangs in different sizes and families. By the time I have two big guys, I can get a bigger tank! Whoop Whoop! That's always a good thing. :)


Originally Posted by Eaglephot
Yeah, it is. I am happy it is a little bigger than a 125. :)
OK... lets see.
Unicorn Tang
Vlamingi Tang
Naso Tang
2 Hippo Tangs
Clown Tang
Royal Gramma
Black Sebae Clown Pair
Three Striped Damsel (I don't mind them)
Sand sifting Star (still alive and doing well)
2 serpent stars
Blue and red leg hermits
Emerald crabs
Cleaner shrimp
2 bubble tip anemone (split from one)
Feather dusters
Purple Tunicates
150+ lb Live Rock
70 lbs Live Sand
Brown branch gorgonian
Another Gorgonian with bright yellow/orange polyps
Closed brain
Open Brain (2)
Spagetti leathers
Finger leathers (I love leather coral!)
Clove polyps
Yellow polyps
Green star polys
Green mushrooms
Red Mushrooms
2 Frogspawns
Yellow tree sponge
Green Figi Finger leather
This is an updated list. I had to get rid of a few things. Pic coming.


Active Member
also surprised nobody said anything bout how white the anemone is either. i really like the stand and canopy


i too have a tank that i just built into the wall a 180. its at the end of its cycling period but my question is this. i guess i want the best of both world with some soft corals but i also want aggresive fish. your tank is beautiful but what would stop you from putting an eel and lion ao a wrasse or grouper in there. would they eat the soft coral?


Active Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
im surprised no body said anything bout that many tangs, but i feel if it works........why not.

cause they didn't ask but if they do I'll be right here lol....nice looking tank regardless.


Originally Posted by grubsnaek
also surprised nobody said anything bout how white the anemone is either. i really like the stand and canopy
Yeah, they were bleached for some time. Health, but bleached. That is not the case anymore. I almost liked them white better! They are nice and brownish green algea filled now.


Originally Posted by sporty99
i too have a tank that i just built into the wall a 180. its at the end of its cycling period but my question is this. i guess i want the best of both world with some soft corals but i also want aggresive fish. your tank is beautiful but what would stop you from putting an eel and lion ao a wrasse or grouper in there. would they eat the soft coral?
The only thing stopping me from putting in an eel is I have had all of my eels jump out of my tanks. A lion, I would get a small dwarf if I wanted one. I would be too afraid a larger lion would eat some of my fish or pierce some of my corals, a wrasse, I am getting a reef safe wrasse soon and the grouper... I don't know how one would do. I don't know much about groupers. Make sure you post pics! Cheers!