I honestly never heard of popeye being caused by airstones. I will keep a close eye even more now to make sure this doesn't happen.
I don't like powerheads for some reason. They get clogged sometimes, can even suck a fish in if they are weak and can produce too much current for the fishes in my opinion. In coral tanks they are an invaluable addition but I am not convinced that they are as important in fish only tanks like mine. However, I will have to consider them anyway because of the advise mentioned above regarding popeye.
And as mentioned also above, Broomtails are said to max out at 20 inches. Of course, they would look even longer with the tail filaments fully developed.
Thanks to all for the nice words especially regarding the Broomtail male. It is indeed a show-quality specimen like the ones for public aquariums so I feel lucky to have gotten him from my LFS.Hopefully he will do quite well for me and I can keep posting pics of him.