Picture Diary


Active Member
Is the new fish the one in the front or the back? Also i think the tube things that are stinging your corals are hydroids. do a quick search and learn a little about them, i don't know anything about them, only heard of them and seen a few


Active Member
from what i can see they have different jaw lines, and i know that my male would have chased any other male away by now, so hopefully you do in fact have a pair. But like i said i think they are different going on the jaw line alone. the male is more blocked, while the female has more curve to it, may take awhile to actually be able to tell the difference though. they probably will not breed until they are both well at or over the 2.5 inch mark, my pair is pushing 3 inches each.


Active Member
fine with me, i'm just glad they're not tearing at each other...just about right away they got together, and now they stick together, which i assumed like most others males would fight for dominance and or kill each other.


Active Member
i think so...stupid things...i'm getting so sick of them touching my zoos...and i am reading that nothing freakin takes care of them...stupid things...guess my peppermint purchase was worthless


Active Member
yea i did a little research for ya and didnt find anything either. supposedly they can come and go whenever as well, lying dormant in your tank for up to several years? not cool. not the best hitchhiker to have


Active Member
not sure which corals you are talking about...only thing ive gotten since you've seen the tank was the two fish...i think i had all the corals


Active Member
mail, and some pictures to share..this area seems to be the clowns fav...they have been cleaning it i noticed last night.


Active Member
well not sure what happened, but the supposed female bangaii is gone...cant find her for anything....unless she is hiding in the rockwork... :notsure: :mad:


Active Member
hmm, is that the one you just got from the lfs, its to bad to hear that, I had really bad luck with the first 2 pairs that i tried, they were wild caught so they hadnt had the best of care before they got to me, finally the last 3 i bought were tank bred and did fine. I hope she is just hiding man, thats to bad. keep us posted. any chance of coming down this weekend?