Picture Diary


Active Member
those things you were circling look like aiptasia but its hard to tell.
great looking tank, have you ever counted how many zoo polyps you have? LOL


Active Member
haha, well maybe i'll try soon salt...forgot to do it last night.
they are not in any anemone right now...i saw the male swimming in my sebae, but they havent touched it since then, and he just moved down in a cave on me(the anemone)....drats!


Active Member
you missed the 5 pics before this.....more ***) the bluer tint is because i just have one light on..so the anemone isnt quite that color, its more like the last one


Active Member
thanks :happyfish the only problem is i have an unknown predetor in my tank who has taken the life of 4 of my fish...i had went down on feeding so i think he got hungry, whatever it is..so now i'm upping my food to normal again and hopefully no more deaths will occur...he took one of my firefish which makes me the most upset...they were pretty well paired up nicely..stupid thing :mad:


Active Member
sorry to hear that you have lost more fish, i know first hand that it sucks to lose fish, how is the sea horse tank going? Do you have what you need to start raising the brine shrimp when you need them? I am thinking about starting some greenwater cultures do you want to get in on that? we need to find some to seed it with, i was thinking about using DT's but maybe the stuff from florida aqua farms would be better. let me know


Active Member
no, i dont have everything yet....i figure i have plenty of time till my tank is cycled for sure, so i'm just going to take it nice and slow....i'm going to make my hatcheries out of 2liter bottles i decided, they have some DIY plans on another site...save some money that way....i already have some air pumps etc so i'm half-ways ready i guess...just need the decapped eggs etc.....i've never done greenwater so id have no idea where to start..youd have to clue me in.


Active Member
i beleive that is what you feed the brine? or maybe not, I know its what you feed the baby brine and rotifers before feeding them to your baby fish. So i guess i just assumed that you would have to feed phyto. Any clue how to raise the brine past the baby stage, i have been reading and it seems next to impossible to raise them to adult size. I think they are mostly harvested live at that size and shipped because it is that hard to grow them in a controlled environment. who knows maybe you have some info i dont.


Active Member
well i have heard you let the brine shrimp sit for 24hrs so they can grow mouths...then you enrich them with things like selcon, kent zoecon,etetc...after 2-3days ya feed em. so basically you can use any enrichment...if you feed as babies their quality of nutrients in them is not very consistent as i guess they are only really good the first 2-3 after hatching, then they go down.